Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 119: Asura God Of War Title! (Ninth Change, 3.1W Flowers!)

"Copy other people's advantages like copying ninja Kakashi, I like this!"

Ye Xiu smiled.

But he's mine now!

Your building is strong, but it's mine now!

Yuanmingyuan is extremely malleable!

Ye Xiu thought about it, but was not in a hurry to use this authority.

There will be opportunities in the future!

"There are three more legendary buildings in Destiny City, and Tongtian Tower is not so 'lonely' after all..."

Ye Xiu looked at the towering Tongtian Tower.

This mythical building has always been the "business card" of Destiny City.

When anyone enters the Destiny City, the first thing they see is the Tongtian Tower.

Before that, with only a Tongtian Tower, the City of Destiny seemed a little thin.

But now there are three more legendary buildings, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and the Old Summer Palace.

Destiny City has undergone a complete transformation.

It has the temperament and atmosphere that a super city should have.

Players who enter Destiny City can feel the extraordinaryness of this city.

"Wow! Is this the Destiny City in Legend 27? It's really gorgeous and high-end! There are so many magnificent super buildings that can't be seen in reality!"

"This Tongtian Tower can pass through the level to receive rewards. This reward is really good. I will work hard to pass the level!"

"Looking at the Old Summer Palace, there are colorful fountains inside, and one baptism can add 5 points of luck, which is too cool, the lucky fountain outside, one baptism only adds 1 point of luck.

"I heard that in order to enjoy these benefits, you must first become a citizen of Destiny City! Let's work hard to improve our strength!"

At this point the beta has started.

There are a large number of closed beta players coming.

Some of them can't wait to enter the Milky Way Continent, wanting to see what another world looks like.

Their first choice is to enter the Destiny City to have a look!

Destiny City is open to the outside world.

Just to recruit troops or enjoy the benefits of legendary buildings, you need permission.

Ye Xiu also set up a contribution system like the public city.

By contributing some resources or treasures, you can gain the prestige of Destiny City, and thus obtain the corresponding identity authority.

Just like Ye Xiu's reputation in Galaxy City.

Due to the limited time and resources of players.

They generally choose one or two major cities of activity.

Pour your own blood on it to obtain a higher identity authority.

Generally speaking, players will give priority to public cities.

However, Ye Xiu's Destiny City and Miracle City are now Level 2 or even Level 3 cities.

The city level is higher.

The buildings in the city are also more superb.

The production of resources and arms alone is enough to blow up the general public city.

Earth players give priority to Destiny City and Miracle City.

These two cities will become the base camps of a large number of players.

They will contribute a lot of resources or treasures, and can make the city develop faster.

This contribution system allows urban development to enter a virtuous circle.

The higher the popularity, the faster the city will develop.

This is similar to the development of cities in reality.

Attraction to talent is extremely important.

[In the calculation of military merits in each world, according to the military merits, you can get the corresponding title (more than 10,000 military merits). 】

[Player reincarnated Shura received a total of 256W of military merit during the test and opening up wasteland! The cumulative military merit exceeds 100W of military merit! Reward the legendary title. 】

[The title reward has been increased by a hundred times, and the god-level title: Shura God of War!]

After the public city settlement stage, the individual settlement stage begins.

Ye Xiu is definitely the player with the most military exploits on the planet.

Even in the Galaxy server, he is still the leader in the first echelon!

It was originally a legendary title.

With a hundredfold increase, it directly became a god-level title.

A god-level title is worthy of a server announcement!

Then a server announcement sounded over the Milky Way Continent.

[The player reincarnated Shura received a total of 256W of military merit during the test and pioneering wasteland! The cumulative military merit exceeded 100W, and he was awarded the god-level title: Shura God of War!】

[The player reincarnated Shura received a total of 256W of military merit during the test and pioneering wasteland! The accumulated military merit exceeded 100W and won the title of God: Shura God of War!】

Three server announcements in a row, let Ye Xiu stole the limelight again!

This time due to the large number of internal beta players.

More players know Ye Xiu's name.

Big Thousand World and Small Thousand World have more than 50000000 closed beta players.

They all heard the server announcement.

"The reincarnated Shura? Who is this? He actually won the title of god!"

"A newcomer? You haven't even heard of the reincarnated Shura? He has made server announcements twice, and this is only the third time!"

"The reincarnated Shura actually obtained 256W military merit, and I only have more than 2,000 military merit? Is this still a person?"

"It's actually a god-level title, which is too fierce! But the title of Shura God of War is worthy of him! Without him, the earth would not have the current structure at all!

On the player forum, as long as Ye Xiu has won the title of god, there are a lot of players discussing it.

Due to the influx of a large number of internal beta players.

Many people have never heard of the name of the reincarnated Shura before.

So some beta testers gave them a detailed introduction of Ye Xiu's "Great Achievements!"

"Newbies, listen carefully! 783 reincarnated Shura is the most powerful player among Earth players!"

"With his own power, he brought the weak earth to become a small thousand world with the most public cities!"

"He once conquered twenty-four cities in a row! He also singled out countless masters against the Three Emperors and Seven Kings of the Dark Earth!"

"The reincarnated Shura once won the title of "Thousand People Slaying", and also launched two epic battles with more than a thousand people participating in the battle!"

"Without exception, he won all! He currently owns two private cities, one level 3 and one level 2!"

"I'm just telling you one thing, don't provoke him!"

Under the introduction of the closed beta players.

There is only one idea in the hearts of the newbies in the closed beta.

This is a super boss!

Belonging to God-like characters!

The first time in everyone's life is always unforgettable.

The first server announcement heard by closed beta players.

It's from Ye Xiu.

What was announced was the domineering title of Asura God of War.

They subconsciously recognized Ye Xiu's name as Shura God of War.

Speaking of Shura God of War, all beta players can face the upper level!

Ye Xiu is so popular, there are more players in Destiny City and Miracle City!

"Is this the city under the leadership of Shura God of War? I want to follow in his footsteps and become a strong man!"

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