Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 120 Two God-Level Legions! (The First Update, Please Subscribe!)

The shadow of a famous tree.

Ye Xiu's fame, on the contrary, led to the fame of Destiny City and Miracle City.

A large number of internal beta players came here especially.

This wave attracted a wave of popularity from the two private cities.

It is extremely beneficial to urban development.

Ye Xiu can only say that this service announcement came at a very timely time!

It was the closed beta players who were ignorant.

The easiest time to establish awareness.

At the same time, the title of Asura God of War is also very powerful.

It made Ye Xiu speechless!

Asura God of War: God-level title, all attribute growth +1, leadership growth +200 (depending on the level), can have two exclusive god-level legions: Shura Legion, God of War Legion, and become its legion leader.

Shura God of War is a god-level title.

The effect is naturally extremely powerful.

In terms of attribute growth, all attribute growth and leadership growth are related to levels.

Ye Xiu is currently level 32, and his leadership growth is +200.

Ye Xiu earns 450 leadership points per level.

And when his level reaches level 40 or above, the command power will grow to 500, and the attribute growth will also reach all attributes +2.

That is already comparable to the top hidden profession.

In addition, the most powerful title of god level is to have two exclusive legions!

Shura Legion!

Ares Legion!

Legion, that is the best way for expert players to form their own forces.

Just like guilds in other online games.

It's just that in "Age of Lords", the best way to unite players is to form a legion.

Shura Legion (God-level Legion): Level 1 legion, all members attack +1 level) points, command power +(50*level) points, commander's basic damage +50%, has exclusive god-level characteristics: Shura descends into the world. Possess legion skills: Shura Transformation.

Number of Legion Members: 0/100.

Legion experience required for legion upgrade: 0/10000 points.

Shura's Birth: All legion members and commanders of the units will gain the status of Shura, have the blood of Shura passively, kill the enemy, the base damage can be increased, lasts for 60 seconds, and can be stacked infinitely. Every 100 stacks can increase the attack.

Shura's Transformation: Shura's Blood superimposes more than 200 layers, which can activate Shura's Transformation, and the bonus of Shura's Blood is doubled, ignoring 50% of the enemy's defense.

The Shura Legion is a god-level legion.

Legion member bonuses are impressive.

It also has two super characteristics and skills, Shura's Birth and Shura's Transformation.

Any member of the Shura Legion.

It is tantamount to becoming the legendary Shura.

Offensiveness is unparalleled.

This is also in line with Shura's image of a murderous god.

The characteristics are very distinct.

"The Asura Legion is the main attacking force, and this God of War Legion is the king's division!" "!"

Ye Xiu took another look at the bonuses of the God of War Legion!

God of War Legion (God-level legion): Level 1 legion, all members' defense + (1*level) points, command power + (50*level) points, commander's unit HP +50%

Possesses an exclusive god-level feature: the unparalleled God of War. Possess the legion skill: the body of the god of war.

Number of Legion Members: 0/100.

Legion experience required for legion upgrade: 0/10000 points.

Unparalleled God of War: When legion members defeat a heroic enemy whose level is not lower than their own, they can get a layer of God of War bonus (increase the attributes of all units under their command by 1%, and lose half of the power of God of War if they lose the battle). When the legion battle is won, all legion members get a layer of God of War bonus.

Body of the God of War: When the power of the God of War exceeds 100 layers, it will not be able to accumulate the power of the God of War. The excess power of the God of War will be used to forge the body of the God of War. A total of 100 layers of the power of the God of War will be consumed, and one layer can be cast for heroes or arms The body of the God of War, the hero casts the body of the God of War to permanently increase the attributes of his own level. Forging the body of the god of war by the arms will greatly improve their rank and quality.

The God of War Legion pays more attention to overall improvement.

The power of the god of war provided by its unparalleled god of war characteristic can provide a maximum of 100% attribute bonus.

It's like everyone is an immortal fighting spirit!

This is a bit exaggerated.

As long as it is General Chang Sheng, it will become stronger and stronger!

Especially after consuming 100 layers of God of War power, one can forge the body of God of War.

Heroes get permanent attribute boosts.

The types of troops can be greatly transformed!

This is quite powerful.

However, it is still difficult to stack up 100 layers of God of War power.

It is difficult for ordinary players to remain undefeated.

Only the truly strong can use the power of God of War to stack Kuxing.

"The legion leader can enjoy twice the bonus of legion members. I am the leader of both legions. This is the core benefit!"

Ye Xiu looked at the identity of his army commander.

Double bonus.

Just ask if you are happy!

"God of War Legion, it is necessary to lower the level as much as possible, and only by dealing with the enemy can we ensure that we can obtain the God of War's calendar...

Ye Xiu aroused enlightenment.

Fortunately, he has two experience black holes.

Both Lena and Joan of Arc are epic heroes.

The required experience value is 10 times that of other heroes.

It is twice as difficult for Ye Xiu to upgrade himself as for ordinary players.

The experience is preferentially distributed to the two experience black holes.

Ye Xiu can keep his level from being too high.

Some players have a higher level than him, so he can use the power of God of War.

"King Wushuang, I now have two legions, and you are the deputy head of the God of War Legion, responsible for recruiting real masters!"

"As the deputy head of the Shura Legion, Hou Yi will be in charge of shooting the sun! He must like this position of pure output!"

Ye Xiu sent a message to Wang Wang Wushuang.

The opponent also received an introduction to the attributes of the two legions announced by Ye Xiu.

The introduction of the God of War Legion made Wang Wang Wushuang amazed.

The attribute of this army is too fierce!

There are other ways to grow!

Absolutely high attraction to players!

"Lord Shura, I suggest that our legion members be selected from the citizens of Destiny City and Miracle City."

"At least become a first-class civilian or above, and have made contributions to us before you can be elected as a member of the legion."

"They still need to pass the assessment to prove their (Zhao Zhao) strength!"

King Wushuang has a lot of ideas.

His comments are also very good.

Ye Xiu accepted it decisively.

At the same time, King Wushuang announced the news of the recruitment of the two major legions on the Earth section of the player forum.

He also did not announce the specific attributes of the Shura Legion and the God of War Legion.

He only announced two pieces of information.

Both the Shura Legion and the God of War Legion are god-level legions.

The army commanders are all reincarnated Shuras!

That is Shura God of War!

This announcement, coupled with the fact that Ye Xiu had just received a server announcement earlier.

The players in the entire earth board are boiling!

"Master Shura God of War is recruiting subordinates, I must fight for it! I want to become a member of the God of War Legion! Be the future God of War Khan!"

"Xiao Mengxin, the dream is quite big, but I think so too! Let me do it!"

"I'm a tortoise! ​​It's actually a god-level legion, the Shura legion, and the God of War legion. They all sound domineering! I'm committed!".

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