Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 123 Strategic Buildings (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu's scalp tingles when he thought of the Eternal Night Demon Tide in his previous life.

Due to the existence of void channels.

The void demons are simply inexhaustible.

They lead the army of demons in various raids.

Ye Xiu felt that even he would not be able to bear it if he was taken care of by the Eternal Night Demon Tide.

In the previous life, all the Great Thousand Worlds and the Small Thousand Worlds joined forces.

Completely shattered the gates of hell.

Only then did the Eternal Night Demon Tide come to an end.

However, during the Eternal Night Demon Tide, more than half of the public cities were permanently destroyed.

There are also some high-level demons who descended on the Milky Way Continent.

The higher demons later found a way to summon the Abyss Demon Lord.

That was the cataclysm during the public beta.

Not long after the arrival of the Abyss Demon Lord, the power of the earth was completely wiped out.

Ye Xiu also died in that battle and was reincarnated.

It can be said that the devastating "May 40" disaster all started from the gate of hell.

Ye Xiu didn't even think about destroying the formation of the void channel!

"Looking at this situation, it is the same as in the previous life. Within three days, the void channel will be formed."

"Then the server announcement will announce the arrival of the demons!"

Ye Xiu thought of the situation in his previous life.

In this way, the server announcement of the Galaxy Continent is only an announcement of the large-scale arrival of demons.

In fact, the Void Demons had sneaked into the Galactic Continent when the closed beta was just started.

It may even be that when the earth has the internal test quota in advance, there will be void demons sneaking into the Milky Way Continent!

"No, the completion of this magic circle is very high, and it is not far from being fully formed! It may be formed today!"

"If you calculate the time like this, it's really 3 days after the first batch of closed beta players on Earth arrived after I took down Destiny City!"

Ye Xiu's heart was shocked!

He thought of the rumors from his previous life.

When the Milky Way Continent was formed at the core of the Milky Way, there were multiple layers of protection around the continent.

These shields will block enemies from the outer space.

But it will also block the arrival of players.

When the closed beta players arrive, the first layer of protection disappears.

Enemies from beyond the sky can also sneak in.

During the public beta period, the protection of the Galaxy Continent continued to wear down.

Enemies from beyond the sky keep coming.

Can't stop these enemies.

The galaxy continent will be destroyed!

From this point of view, the closed beta players arrived ahead of schedule.

The first layer of protection disappears ahead of schedule.

It's just that the earth beta player is the young emperor.

There are only some gaps in the first layer of protection.

The void demons descended through these gaps!

"I have invisibly brought forward the arrival time of the void demons?"

Ye Xiu didn't expect that all this was caused by him.

The hurricane caused by the flapping of the butterfly's wings engulfed Ye Xiu himself!

"No, the Void Demons must not be allowed to succeed so quickly!"

"The sooner the Eternal Night Demon Tide breaks out, the weaker the players will be! The Eternal Night Demon Tide breaks out three days earlier, and I can't stand it!"

The closed beta is the time when the player competes with the enemies of the sky and the sky.

The players are strong enough.

In order to block the demons from the outer sky.

Ye Xiu also needs development time.

He doesn't want to be growing.

The countless void demons of the Eternal Night Demon Tide are riding on the face!

Then no one can stand it!

"Then destroy this teleportation array! Fortunately, there is still the Oriental Pearl!"

Ye Xiu couldn't care about anything else.

He thought of the ability of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Space-based weapons and destructive focus fire are just the means available right now!

Hell's Gate is 3,000 kilometers away from Miracle City.

There are no cities in that area.

The closer you are to the gate of hell, the more wild monsters will become stronger!

If Ye Xiu had killed him forcefully, by the time he reached the Gate of Hell, the day lily would have been cold.

The void channel has been formed long ago.

Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the void demon's actions in the shortest possible time.

Ye Xiu can only count on the Pearl of the Orient!

"Immediately mobilize all long-range arms and players, and gather in Miracle City!"

Ye Xiu began to operate against the clock.

He called Wang Wang Wushuang and asked him to gather his men.

At the same time, Ye Xiu was also quickly calculating in his mind how to increase the destructive power at that time!

"Only long-range attacks can be refracted by destructive focus fire."

"Archer and Mage units are the main force!"

Ye Xiu is a little thankful that he is a professional shooter.

He will start from two aspects.

Weaken the enemy and strengthen yourself by the way!

Weaken the enemy first!

"Space-based weapons are ready, give me a hard blast to kill those void demons!"

Ye Xiu is very decisive......

He has absolute control over the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Other public cities, although there are also special buildings projected from the city.

But because the public city belongs to all players.

Ordinary players have no right to use and enjoy the effects of special buildings.

Only when the player becomes a citizen of the public city and has the status of a third-class civilian or above can he enjoy the bonus.

Only when a player becomes the city lord can he completely control the special building.

Even if a certain public city on the dark earth enjoys the magic capital bonus.

There is even an Oriental Pearl Tower.

But if no player becomes the city lord of that city.

Then no player can use their space-based weapons or even destructive focus fire.

It's like a country without a president.

No one pushes the nuclear button without a president!

Even if there is a nuclear bomb, it cannot be launched.

Ye Xiu felt as if he had mastered the nuclear bomb code.

Can destroy the enemy at any time.

He had the two space-based weapons aimed together.

This space weapon locked onto the Void Demon who was arranging a magic circle.

They don't know.

It is unimaginable that there are two extremely powerful weapons aimed at them in the outer sky.

After ten minutes of recharging, Ye Xiu decisively let the space-based weapon launch an attack!

I saw two extremely thick light beams descending from the sky!

It hit the void demon in the center of the magic circle fiercely.

An extremely powerful shock wave exploded in that area.

0.2 There is even a mushroom cloud rising!

"Wow! This is a little boy and a fat man! It really looks like a nuclear bomb!"

The space-based weapon unleashes the legendary spell Destruction Blaster.

This form of attack is really similar to a nuclear bomb.

The world will be leveled at once!

Voidfiends in the blast wave are vaporized.

Complete spike!

The demons that can descend are all demon heroes with a senior professional title below level 90.

Naturally, they couldn't survive the 'nuclear explosion' center.

Even the magic circle was wiped out without killing it!

Using the Oriental Pearl, Ye Xiu directly attacked a target 3000 kilometers away!

This is really a legendary building with great strategic significance!

But Ye Xiu hadn't had time to be happy yet.

He discovered that the void demons are not dead!.

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