Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 124 The Bund Port (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

The voidfiends are playing a game of chess at the gates of hell.

The scale of the magic circle drawn by it is very large.

The void channel formed at that time will continuously transmit void demons.

The larger the channel, the higher the delivery efficiency naturally.

The shock wave of destruction did not cover the entire magic circle.

It's just that the void demons within the scope of the destructive shock wave were completely vaporized.

Its number accounts for about one-third.

After the 'nuclear bomb', other void demons did not stop their actions.

"Someone has a weapon in the outer sky and discovered our movements! We need to speed up!"

"The cooling time of the outer sky weapon is very long, we just need to arrange the magic circle before it cools down."

"Attention everyone, speed up the progress, draw the magic circle before the unknown enemy!"

There are quite a few strong ones among the Void Demons.

They quickly settled down the emotions of many void demons.

At the same time, the Void Demon looked up.

"We have no ability to deal with outer space weapons, but we can deal with the enemies who use them!"

"Master Xavier, please do the divination, and point out the enemy to us!"

The void demons in Hellgate are demonic heroes.

Those in charge of arranging the magic circle are demonic heroes from legal professions.

In addition, there are some demon heroes responsible for protecting them, such as knights, fighters, archers and other professions.

They were supposed to be soy sauce.

After all, they don't know how to draw magic circles.

But I didn't expect things to be unexpected.

There are enemies that make outer sky weapons attack.

It is the safest way to deal with the enemy!

These other demons who should have been soy sauce now have a place to use!

A hero with a diviner subclass in Voidfiend.

This occupation involves the law of cause and effect.

Very rare.

Possibility is also very powerful.

Conventional means cannot discover who is attacking them.

But unconventional means can be useful.

A fortuneteller named Xavier began to perform divination.

They act quickly.

Just wait for the result of divination to come out, then kill the enemy!

At the same time, the Void Demons of legal professions are also rushing to repair the magic circle.

"Although one-third of the void demons have been killed, they can only delay their speed of drawing the magic circle. With this progress, the magic circle will take shape in another 4 hours!"

"The cooling time of space-based weapons is 12 hours, I must rely on destructive focus, and I must succeed in one shot!"

Ye Xiu is also calculating quickly.

Originally, in just two more hours, the magic circle would be formed.

After Ye Xiu sent two 'nuclear bombs', it only slowed down its formation time.

From 2 hours to 4 hours.

This is equivalent to increased preparation time for Ye Xiu!

"That's fine, then I'll use this time to enhance my own strength!"

Ye Xiu felt that time was running out.

He quickly checked the effect of another legendary building in Miracle City!

Bund Port: Legendary building, this port is the port with the largest cargo throughput. All docks can be built together in the port, and 8 docks can be built (related to the city level), and the upper limit of the dock level is +2.

Side effects: deep-sea ports, endless streams, and never-ending legends.

Deep-water port: This port is a deep-sea port, and the dock can build larger ships. The upper limit of the ship built in the dock is +1, and the body size is increased by 20%.

Continuous flow: The movement speed of ships produced in this port is +50%, the damage from wind and waves is reduced by 50%, and the speed is increased by an additional 50% when the wind is down.

Legend never dies: The quality of ships produced in the port is increased by 1, and there is a small chance to produce legendary ships. Legendary ships are recorded in the Outer Banks ports and can be reforged after destruction.

The Bund Port is an extremely powerful dock complex.

It can greatly improve the level and quality of ships built.

With the Bund port, an invincible fleet can be formed.

Fleets at sea do not rely solely on the combat effectiveness of the arms themselves.

The quality and quantity of warships are also critical.

For many landlubber units, if the ship sinks, it will lose its combat effectiveness instantly.

Naval battles are easy to create miracles.

With the port on the Bund, Miracle City is destined to become a top seaside city.

At this moment, Ye Xiu is also concerned about the powerful firepower of the ship!

A high-level ship can be equipped with a lot of artillery.

Its damage and damage effects are also impressive.

The Bund Port combines 2 ordinary 3rd-level docks and 1 3rd-level underwater dock.

The yield is also very good.

Ye Xiu immediately let him start production at full capacity.

Producing a few more ships can also increase the firepower.

"And my military merits, it's time to exchange them for real!"

Ye Xiu crazily improved his strength.

At this stage, there are only a few ways for him to quickly improve his strength.

Now the millions of military achievements that Ye Xiu holds in his hands can be exchanged for many things!

"Go to Blue Star City first!"

Ye Xiu rushed to Blue Star City.

Today's Blue Star City is already a level 2 imperial city.

In the current entire Galaxy server.

That is to say, only the four Great Thousand Worlds and the 423 imperial cities of the earth are the second-level imperial cities.

This shows how good the development of the earth is.

It can be said that this is all thanks to Ye Xiu!

And if the Blue Star City is upgraded to a level 2 imperial city, it can be exchanged for more advanced items!

Ye Xiu can now exchange top-level legendary treasures and some epic treasures!

This is another benefit that Ye Xiu has won for himself.

"I don't know if my 205W military merit can be exchanged for epic treasures..."

Ye Xiu had never had so many military exploits in his previous life.

He didn't expect to exchange for epic treasures either.

Even legendary treasures.

He never got it.

In this life, Ye Xiu can look forward to epic treasures!

Special Legendary Treasure Price: 50W Military Merit!

Ye Xiu first saw the price of the top legendary treasure.

50W military merit.

The price is amazing!

Except for Ye Xiu, almost no players can afford it.

However, Ye Xiu can be exchanged for 3 pieces.

But he didn't redeem it directly.

Instead, look at the epic treasure.

The price is a bit beyond Ye Xiu's expectation!

Epic treasure price: 150W military merit!

"I can only exchange for 1 epic treasure!".

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