Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 150 Attacking The Demon Fortress! (Sixth Update, 4W Flowers Plus Update!)

Ye Xiu holds the legendary Demon Tome.

The confidence in attacking the demon fortress is even greater.

He took Molu to continue to sweep away the cursed demons, and by the way, another kind of demon was included in the key sweeping targets.

Seventh-tier elite arms: Fear the devil!

This demon has two abilities.

One is to summon a fear baby with the ability to self-destruct.

The Dread Devil Infant is an upgraded version of the Devil Infant.

It belongs to the fourth-order demon.

The Dread Devil Infant has no other abilities, except that it can rush to the enemy and explode itself.

This ability is destined to fail to scale.

But under the call of the fear demon, the fear baby is very disgusting.

Summon a bunch of Dreadbabies to bomb people.

That's a way to make people's scalp tingle.

In addition, the fear demon can also plant self-explosive fire in the body of other low-level demon arms.

Once the host dies, it will self-destruct.

This is the ancestor of the human bomb.

It is also the demon that players least want to deal with.

During the Eternal Night Demon Tide, the fear of demons has indeed become the most feared existence for many players.

More disgusting than cursed demons.

Hiding when you see them has become common sense on the battlefield.

The Demon Supreme in the previous life later created an army of fearful demons.

This made him 27 invincible on the battlefield.

Ye Xiu now also has his eye on the fear demon.

He first used the ability to drive demons to drive about 120 fear demons.

Let them temporarily join Molu's men.

Before the Devil's Tome is upgraded, it can only use demons below the G rank.

Ye Xiu doesn't have this ability yet.

Now the Devil's Tome has been upgraded.

Even fear demons can drive.

Ye Xiu can also play this trick!

"This fear demon is actually a summoner-type unit, so it's really suitable for me!"

Molu was extremely surprised.

Cursed demons, just disgusting due to their properties.

Mo Lu was willing to take it with him.

Seeing the fear of demons now, Mo Lu immediately liked the new and hated the old.

The summoning ability of fearing demons can be blessed by the circle.

Summoner with a low-level title today.

It is to increase the number of summons of the subordinate units by +1.

Dread Demons, originally 4 Dread Demon Babies could be summoned each time.

It becomes possible to summon 5 at once.

Plus Molu's knowledge attribute bonus.

The number of summons reaches 6.

This increases the efficiency by half!

In the later stage, the title of the summoner rises, and the attributes also rise.

It is easy for the summoning units under him to move in a large wave.

It is a routine operation for summoners to use summoned objects to disgust enemies.

Originally, at this stage, summoner players seldom get suitable summoning stream units.

This is Molu's luck.

At this stage, you can command the Summoning Class troops of the seventh-tier elite troops!

This wave, this wave is the Summoner's ecstasy!

"Ah Xiu, how should I repay you!"

Mo Lu looked at Ye Xiu with very hot eyes.

Ye Xiu pretended to be disgusted and took a few steps away from him: "As long as you don't promise yourself, it's fine!"

"I've seen you in women's clothing, I really can't do it!"

Ye Xiu's joke dispelled the strange feeling in Mo Lu's heart.

Mo Lu inherited Ye Xiu's love.

Start to cooperate with him to harvest cursed demons and feared demons.

Curse the devil, almost every one is accurate.

The fear of demons is more rebellious.

The first time to conquer, ended in failure.

The dread demons went into battle.

They summon dread babies and always like to play human bombs and terror attacks with their enemies.

But the cursed demons on Ye Xiu's side are also the troops of disgusting people.

The fear babies exploded on their own.

Blow up a few cursed demons.

The Backlash Curse erupted immediately.

The fear demon was killed on the spot.

Paid the price of hundreds of cursed demons.

Ye Xiu dealt with a wave of fear demons.

There is no need to worry about this efficiency.

Just see the fear demon rushing up!

It depends on whose type of arms is more disgusting.

After three consecutive attempts, Molu finally showed his power.

Diplomacy successfully subdued a group of 135 fear demons!

Mo Lu was about to overflow.

"Lu Zai, if you don't succeed, I will doubt your luck!"

Ye Xiu made a joke.

This is on the right track.

The number of fear demons on Molu's side increased.

The chances of subduing wild monsters are much greater.

The number of fear demons on Ye Xiu's hands increased.

He found that the dragon's blood vase also had a good effect on fearing demons.

The fear baby it summons can also get the bonus of the dragon's blood bottle.

The blood volume of the fear baby is higher.

The more powerful it is when it explodes.

The dragon's blood bottle at least increased its blood volume by 30%.

The power will naturally increase accordingly.

The level of disgusting people has increased!

Ye Xiu's confidence in attacking the demon fortress is even greater!

About 12 hours later, Ye Xiu approached the demon fortress with an army of demons.

The closer you get to the gate of hell.

The greater the number of demons encountered.

Ye Xiu had ample 'source of soldiers'.

"Look! That's the Devil's Fortress, the place we're going to take down!"

Ye Xiu pointed to the black fortress in the distance.

It is like a ferocious giant beast, lying at the end of the horizon.

Makes you feel huge pressure!

"This is actually a level 3 fortress! Ah Xiu, are we really going to find it uncomfortable to attack such a fortress?"

Molu looked at the fortress in the distance, and he shivered.

Level 3 fortress, 720, is as difficult to attack as a level 4 or 5 city.

Such a heavily fortified fortress.

Ye Xiu actually has an idea about it!

Mo Lu was really shocked by Ye Xiu's boldness!

This will cause a group of players from the small thousand world to attack, and it will be extremely troublesome!

"What are you afraid of? We don't want to take down this fort at once."

"Let's grind slowly, you and I cooperate, it will make them want to die!"

Ye Xiu smiled.

His tactics had been planned long ago.

Make the enemies of the Devil's Fortress disgusting!

"Are we going to play dirty?"

Mo Lu was stunned.

Ye Xiu nodded: "That's right, it's the same as playing ranked before."

"How dirty it is! It's best to make the enemy uncomfortable!"

Molu immediately became excited.

"It seems that you already have an idea, then I will learn from it.

"You guys who play tactics! Your hearts are dirty!"

Ye Xiu smiled.

Dirty be dirty.

As long as it can solve the enemy.

Whether he is dirty or not!

Tactics that can solve the enemy are tactics!

So outside the devil's fortress, an army of demons came aggressively.

Demonic heroes on the Demon Fortress, warn immediately!

"My lord, there are other heroes coming to attack our stronghold! Brothers, please fight!"

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