Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 151 The Most Disgusting Style Of Play! (Seventh Update, 4.1W Flowers Plus Update!)

The Gate of Hell is a forbidden place occupied by demons.

There is no power to unify here yet.

Even the Void Demon, because it is only an advance army, can only make some small moves inside the gate of hell.

They have not been able to control the many forces in the demon fortress.

Outside the gates of hell.

Every demon fortress represents the power of a demon lord.

The demon lord is a hero with a high-level professional title.

They are very powerful, and they can also occupy the mountains as kings.

However, due to the large number of demon fortresses, the forces are intricate.

No one can unify this area.

The most powerful demon lord only occupied seven demon fortresses.

The demon fortress that Ye Xiu is attacking now comes from the territory of the blood lord.

That is the weakest demon lord in this area.

Owns only one Demon Fortress.

"Which wandering demon lord wants to attack Lao Tzu's territory? Do you really think Lao Tzu is a persimmon that can be pinched casually?"

The tall blood lord came out with a big knife.

His upper body is naked, and his muscles are extremely strong.

The big knife he was carrying was bigger than the door panel.

It's not easy to mess with at first glance.

The blood lord saw a dense army of demons outside on the city wall.

Ye Xiu's military strength is indeed strong.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a hero who is only level 32 can lead troops.

After the blood lord saw it, he also thought that he had encountered a strong enemy.

"A troop that mainly curses demons and fears demons? Is this the specialty of the other side's troops?"

The Blood Lord frowned.

Cursed demons and feared demons are not the regular main force of demons.

These two arms, in addition to being disgusting.

Not really a standout feature.

The Blood Lord didn't care much either.

He made his men ready to make the enemy suffer heavy casualties!

Just thinking about it, Ye Xiu commanded the Cursed Evil and Fear Demons to launch an all-out attack immediately!

A large number of demons rushed over the mountains and plains.

This scene was like a tsunami.

This is the most unruly way of playing.

The formation is dense, and it is easy to be swept away by spells.

"Using such a crowd tactics? This is to die? Then I will satisfy you"!"

The Blood Lord waved the order to attack.

I saw countless attacks flying out of the demon fortress.

There are shooters and mages.

Among them, the number of flame demons is extremely large.

A large piece of fireball was thrown out, smashing hard into the cursed demon.

The phalanx was immediately dealt a major blow.

Many cursed demons were immediately killed.

But Ye Xiu didn't feel sad at all.

Cursing the devil is just cannon fodder!

They played their part at the moment!

As Ye Xiu expected.

After shooting the cursed demon, the attacking unit suffered a huge backlash immediately.

The backlash curse that curses the devil can be added by the devil's tome.

It is also a type of skill damage.

After the bonus, the damage of the Backlash Curse reaches 800 points.

Among the middle and low-level arms, the life limit of many arms is less than 800 points!

Sometimes a cursed demon.

Its backlash curse can kill a fifth-tier or even sixth-tier long-range unit in seconds.

Like Flame Demon, hit by a Backlash Curse will be severely damaged.

If you are hit by two backlash curses, you will die!

In one wave, Ye Xiu lost nearly a thousand cursed demons.

The enemy also lost 800 flame demons.

There are also unlucky legal heroes, because of the use of group attack spells.

Accidentally hit several backlash curses, hiccupped on the spot!

[Kill 1 demon hero, the enemy's level is higher than your own, gain 1 layer of God of War bonus, demon hunter progress ±1. 】

[Killing 1 demonic hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of the Shura Legion +130 points, and the experience value of the God of War Legion +130 points. 】

One of Ye Xiu's main targets is the demon hero.

Immediately, the demon hero was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe: "I am stupid! This is too disgusting! I kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred!"

"What the hell, how can a third-order cursed demon be so disgusting? I'm disgusted!"

"What's the situation? Why is the damage of his Backlash Curse so high? My flame demons are all instant!"

The backlash curse of the cursed demon is not so strong.

But Ye Xiu has the Devil's Tome.

This is definitely an enhancement.

In addition, Ye Xiu deliberately let the cursed demon die, so that the demon heroes can enjoy the bitter fruit.

With the blessing of the hero, the flame demon was still killed in seconds.

This is something the demonic heroes didn't expect.

This is also the effect Ye Xiu wanted.

"Continue to charge! These cursed demons, you just kill them!"

"Other long-range arms, take this opportunity to focus on fire and cause maximum damage to the enemy!"

Curse the devil, the biggest role is to be cannon fodder.

It is still cannon fodder that can cause huge damage to the enemy.

Cursing the demons to rush up, the enemy is not killed, nor is it not killed.

At the same time, they also attract firepower, giving the phantom shooters an excellent output opportunity.

Phantom shooters can output crazy.

It is also impossible for the demonic heroes to rush out to fight now.

So the demon heroes encountered an extremely disgusting battle situation.

The enemy's long-range units shoot wildly.

The cursed demon was right in front of them.

Almost just waiting for them to kill.

This is not killing, it is simply slapping the face.

But if you kill the cursed demon, you are making yourself unhappy!

Curse the demons, they are really disgusting!

"I never realized that cursed demons are so disgusting!"

"Of course I can't find it. The lives (Li Hao) of these cursed demons are also very thick, and it is very difficult to kill. They are almost all single-click kills, just one for one.

"I used to let the flame demon take action. One flame demon can kill a group of cursed demons in seconds. It's a one-for-two king."

"But the enemy on the opposite side, the cursed demon is very hard to fight. My flame demon accidentally killed a cursed demon and was killed by the backlash. All of them are exchanged for one!"

Demonic heroes have never encountered such a formidable cursed demon before.

With the addition of the Devil's Book, the cursed devil is equivalent to the fifth-tier soldier Mai.

With the addition of Ye Xiu's blessing, it is naturally difficult to deal with.

This is also a trick that is difficult for other players to play.

In the previous life, only the Demon Duke used this trick well.

That's why he's called the Demon Supreme!

"Don't worry about your own casualties! Kill me hard! Kill all these cursed demons, and then rush out to deal with the incoming enemies!".

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