Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 158 The Legend Of Demon Slayer (7Th Update, 4.4W Flowers Plus More!)

The Demon Slayer Hunter raised the Demon Slayer Holy Crossbow and entered the hunter state.

Even if the attack is a high-level hero with luxurious treasures.

The damage dealt by the Demon Hunter is extremely impressive.

The blood lord was mainly facing 60 demon hunters.

His scalp was literally numb.

The blood lord didn't last long before he was shot and killed by the demon hunters.

Under the shackles of reincarnation, the blood lord will soon be resurrected!

His army is being slaughtered.

I am also in a desperate situation!

"I didn't expect my blood lord to be killed by a low-level hero one day!"

"The alien hero, is it really that scary?"

The Blood Lord couldn't figure it out.

Why did he lose!

Ye Xiuming has only been in the Milky Way Continent for ten days.

It was able to beat him to no avail!

"Other alien heroes, of course, are not as strong as me.

"You are worthy of your status if you died at the hands of me during the "963"..."

Ye Xiu stood proudly.

The previous demon lords were all big bosses.

When fighting against the Eternal Night Demon Tide, in order to lay down various demon fortresses.

The players don't know how many casualties they paid.

Like this blood lord, countless players died in order to attack him in the previous life.

In the end, it still depends on the number of people to die.

Of course, the blood lord in the previous life had the bonus of the Eternal Night Demon Tide.

Much stronger than now.

Ye Xiu took advantage of the fact that the demon fortresses had not yet obtained the benefits of the Eternal Night Demon Tide.

First try to knock down as many demon fortresses as possible.

This is also to prepare for the possible coming war.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, just kill him..."

Ye Xiu had a conversation with the Blood Lord.

He ended the topic.

The big boss from the previous life, he wants to play alone!

"Obey! Master! Let us finish him!"

The demon hunters shot out one after another.

Shoot the Blood Lord again.

Killing a high-level demon hero will give the demon hunter great benefits.

Killing once, almost 10 layers of demon-slaying power can be superimposed.

The improvement effect is very obvious.

The blood lord has become a favorite.

As soon as it appeared, it was overwhelmed by countless arrows.

The blood lord's troops were also slaughtered.

It's a pity that the drop rate of demon blood for advanced demon units is even lower.

About 400 high-level demons will drop 1 drop of demon blood.

That is to say, kill 40,000 high-level demons of the same kind in order to collect the blood of the demons.

With the output of high-level demons.

This level of demon blood is extremely difficult to collect.

Ye Xiu can collect all the demon blood of the demon guards.

Strengthened the Devil's Tome again.

After several hours, the blood lord's lifespan was finally exhausted.

He let out a long sigh and was shot into a hedgehog by arrows!

Immediately, a demon-slaying archer who killed the blood lord changed drastically!

[Kill 1 demon hero, the enemy level is higher than yourself, get 1 layer of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +1. Permanently kill 1 demon hero, gain 10 layers of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +10. 】

[Killing 1 demonic hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of the Shura Legion +400 points, and the experience value of the God of War Legion +400 points. 】

[A Demon Slayer Hunter completely kills a demon hero with a high-level professional title, completes a legend of Demon Slayer, gains 1 point of legend, and the Demon Slayer Hunter is promoted to the eighth rank. 】

When killing the blood lord, the demon hunter with the most output won this honor.

As an intermediate unit.

Completely killed a high-level hero.

Isn't this a legend?

The demon hunter uses this to complete a legend of demon slaying.

Completed the metamorphosis through fame!

In one fell swoop, it became an eighth-rank legendary unit.

Its name has not changed.

The attributes have been greatly improved!

Demon Slayer: The Eighth-Level Legendary Arms

Attack: 85


Damage: 540-810 (200 yards)

HP: 4200 points

Demon-slaying crossbow: The demon-slayer hunter will shoot six consecutive shots for each attack. When six arrows hit the same enemy, the arrow damage will be superimposed by 25%. The arrows fired have powerful holy power, which can attack evil creatures Causes 200% extra damage and suppression effect, and the damage to evil creatures is converted into holy damage.

Hunter form: After the demon hunter enters the hunter form, killing the enemy can increase the movement speed, basic damage and range for a short time, and this state can be superimposed. In the hunter form, the demon hunter's damage to demon creatures is increased by 120%.

Hunter's Instinct: Gain pleasure through hunting and increase your own damage and shooting range.

Prey Mark: You can release the prey mark on the enemy, reducing the target's defense attribute by 18 points. After killing the prey, you can increase the number of layers of hunting instinct..

Legend of Demon Slayer: Demon Slayer Hunter was once the mortal enemy of demons. It evolved from Demon Hunter. Hunting demons will greatly enhance the hunter's instinct effect. If you gain fame by hunting demon heroes, you will be promoted to rank. , Current popularity: 1 point, each point of popularity can increase all attributes by 10%.

The Demon Slayer Hunter became the eighth-tier legendary unit.

Attributes are strengthened in all aspects.

There are also some special effects.

Among them, the legendary degree is a special attribute of the legendary arms.

Now the Demon Slayer has 1 reputation.

Its attributes have been increased by 10%.

In this way, he is much stronger than other demon hunters.

The increase in combat power is simply exaggerated.

The normal eighth-tier legendary units may not be as strong as him.

But if you want to grow from the eighth level to the ninth level, you need 2 points of fame.

This difficulty is still quite large.

Want to kill two high-level demon heroes to sacrifice to heaven?

That is a high-level demon hero, and it still needs to be completely killed.

The difficulty is really great!

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to try it. This is one of the few ways to upgrade your arms..."

Ye Xiu has firm belief in his heart.

The king's arms are characterized by the king's halo.

The characteristic of the legendary unit is that it acquires the legendary degree.

In general.

Or the legendary arms have more growth potential.

If it can continue to gain popularity.

Then it can be promoted from the seventh level to the 4.7th level to the fourteenth level.

Even breaking through the fourteenth step!

But in that case, the required popularity would be an exaggerated figure.

There are countless heroes who sacrifice to heaven!

"Axiu, you are really fierce! Even high-level heroes have been killed by you, or they will perish forever!"

"It's as easy as killing a chicken!"

Molu also harvested a lot of experience points along the way.

Just by forming a team, he received a huge amount of experience points from the blood lord.

Molu has reached level 35.

Ye Xiu also reached level 33.

It can be said that Molu thus entered the first echelon of players.

The Blood Lord is worthy of being a hero with a high-ranking title.

"It's not a big deal. This devil hero is only level 100. Among high-level heroes, he is relatively weak."

"If you are really strong, you won't be targeted by me."

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