Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 159 Mobile War Fortress! (Eighth Update, 4.5W Flowers Plus Update!)

Ye Xiu chose the Devil's Fortress, so he was naturally particular about it.

The blood lord is almost the weakest among the demon lords.

Otherwise, its devil fortress would not be at the outermost edge.

Such goals are best dealt with.

Easiest to take down.

Because of its profession, it is also best targeted.

"Master, the blood lord is dead, we can capture the blood fortress now!"

Lina couldn't wait.

She also has the same level as Ye Xiu, reaching level 33.

Ye Xiu felt that his leading force was not enough.

"Okay, let's take up the blood! The benefits are great!"

In front of Ye Xiu, there were no enemies to stop him.

He led the army straight to the base camp of the Blood Fortress.

After seizing the base camp, the blood lord and his men were wiped out.

Ye Xiu has completely occupied this fortress!

[Capture the level 3 fortress of the neutral force and get 80,000 points of military merit. 】

[Obtain 3 private cities (fortresses), meet the conditions of the lord's sub-job, and get the sub-job - lord (low-level title). 】

[The player becomes the first lord player on the Galaxy server, and will be rewarded with 30 lord power points, a top-level building, and a fortress enhancement once. 】

[The reward for the first show has been increased by 100 times, 27 to get 3000 points of leadership, an epic building, and the fortress has evolved once in a row!】

Ye Xiu captured the fortress and activated a lot of benefits at once.

Deputy Lord.

It's a hidden sub.

Any player can get it.

But there are very few players who can really get this sub-job.

3 private cities (fortresses), making it impossible for most players to do this.

Anyway, Ye Xiu didn't even have a private city in his previous life.

Not to mention the three private cities.

Ye Xiu had forgotten this.

The other players opened their mouths in shock.

[Player Reincarnation Luo Cheng becomes the first lord player on the Galaxy server, rewarding 30 lord power points, a top-level building, and a fortress enhancement once. 】

[Player Reincarnation Luo Cheng becomes the first lord player on the Galaxy server, rewarding 30 lord power points, a top-level building, and a fortress enhancement once. 】

Familiarize yourself with the ringing of the server announcement.

"After two days, the server announcement arrived as scheduled. If I don't hear a server announcement from Shura God of War boss every day, I feel uncomfortable all over!"

"Master Shura is amazing!! I grew up listening to your server announcements!"

"The inner taste is coming! The Great God Shura is still the most fierce, and the server announcement is only right with him!"

The first reaction of the players is the feeling of familiarity.

There is a boss Shura in the server announcement, isn't this a routine operation!

Then savor the content carefully.

Many players were stunned.

The content of the announcement is shocking.

"Lord deputy? In other words, we can all become lords? This deputy is good!"

"Upstairs, you are probably thinking about farts! Do you think private cities are easy to get?"

"It seems that as far as I know, the only players who own a private city are a few top masters from the Great Thousand World, except for the master Shura!"

At this stage, there are only a few factions that can conquer private cities.

Ye Xiu conquered three private cities almost by himself.

On the other side of the Great Thousand World, several cities were also laid down.

But because they are all cities that gather a large number of players and conquer them.

Even laying down two or three do cities.

Their owners also belong to different players.

Few players can own two or three private cities like Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu naturally took the first place.

This first is not easy to come by.

At the same time, the rewards are also very rich!

Ye Xiu first looked at the attributes of the lord's deputy.

In the previous life, this was completely a noble deputy!

Players who can really have the lord's sub-job are big bosses!

Lord (low-level professional title): For each level up, all attributes +1, leader strength +10, skill points +1, and the experience value required for upgrading +100%. If you meet the conditions, you can be promoted to a mid-level professional title. Promotion conditions: you have 7 private cities, and one of them has a city level of not lower than 3.

The lord's deputy position will also increase the difficulty of Ye Xiu's upgrade.

Now he has a dual master career.

Plus demon hunter and lord subclasses.

The upgrade experience is 4 times that of ordinary players.

Ye Xiu didn't care either.

He was already suppressing his level.

Only in that way can we brush up a little more power of God of War.

As the player's level increases, he will also increase his level.

The lord's deputy will increase the experience points required for upgrading [naturally, it has its own unique features.

Lord's deputy, attribute growth is very high.

It can also increase the leader's force at each level!

That's great.

This is a rare way to gain leadership.

The more leaders there are, the more sub-heroes the player can bring.

It is equivalent to the increase of the combat power of its own main battle army.

In player legions, only the number of players is counted.

Players have many leaders, and all their sub-heroes can enjoy the legion bonus.

Like Ye Xiu's more than 20 sub-heroes, they can all enjoy the bonus of two legions.

This is also the reason why Ye Xiu can bring so many troops.

Now Ye Xiu has the 3,000-point leader rewarded by the system.

In the future, each level can also gain leadership growth.

He can recruit more secondary heroes.

The level of some secondary heroes can also be improved.

When the time comes to go out, there will be an overwhelming army of heroes.

Thinking about it is also exciting!

"Maybe I can also recruit some combat heroes, whether they are my guards or as top-level fighters..."

Ye Xiu began to plan his own sub-hero composition.

Previously, there were insufficient troops, so they all recruited leading heroes.

In fact, there is another type of fighting hero among heroes.

Their leadership is low.

You can only bring some guards.

But their own 637 combat effectiveness is very strong.

It can protect the master, and can also participate in the battle as a top-level combat force like a top-level unit.

This kind of hero is usually brought by high-level heroes.

That requires enough leadership.

Advanced heroes like the blood lord who have just broken through level 90 not long ago.

There are not so many main forces to bring battle heroes.

Ye Xiu's leading force has reached 4010 points.

His lordship is quite abundant.

You are qualified to do so!

"I remember that the deputy of the lord can also get the exclusive title, like this blood lord, but outsiders call it loudly.

"Actually, I don't have my own exclusive lord title yet. I will find a way to get an exclusive lord title in the future."

Gain the lieutenant rank.

Ye Xiu had a lot of ideas.

The upgrade of the lieutenant of the lord.

Obtaining the title of exclusive lord...

Ye Xiu has quite a few good options.

Just thinking about it, the follow-up rewards have also arrived.

[Fortresses get epic building rewards and get destruction platform]

[Fortresses get continuous evolution opportunities, evolve into war fortresses, obtain corresponding promotions and characteristics, evolve into mobile fortresses, obtain corresponding promotions and characteristics. 】

【The fortress has evolved into a mobile warfare fortress!】

With these two rewards cashed in.

This unremarkable fortress.

a huge change occured.

The entire fortress began to metamorphose. .

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