Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 168 Training Methods For Future Soldiers! (Ninth Change, 4.9W Flowers Plus More!)

Soon thousands of purple-winged demons were slaughtered.

The rest of the Purple Winged Demons will suffer the same fate!

This shocked the Purple Wing Demon!

"The Devil's Tome! It's actually the Devil's Tome!"

"How could you have this treasure!"

The Purple Wing Demon Hero still has a little discernment.

He immediately recognized this treasure that restrained all his purple-winged demons.

Together with the Purple Wing Demon Hero himself, he was also banned from flying.

Dropped inside Doom's Keep.

"You have a bit of vision, since you have seen the Devil's Tome, then you don't have to go back alive!"

"Shackles of Reincarnation!"

Shackles of Reincarnation can only deal with one hero at a time.

Ye Xiu immediately locked onto the purple-winged demon hero.

It was unable to fly, and was transferred to the Fortress of Destruction, so its fate was already doomed.

[Kill 1 demon hero, the enemy "Two Forty Zero" is higher in level than himself, get 1 layer of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +1. 】

[Killing 1 demonic hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of Shura Legion + 164 points, the experience value of God of War Legion + 164 points. 】

The unlucky guy was quickly killed once.

And what awaits him will be repeated ravages.

Until the last complete fall!

At the same time, the players also saw the Purple Winged Demon falling to the ground.

They found these demons flapping their wings.

Totally a living target.

Without flying, the huge wings of the Purple Wing Demon became a drag.

Even the moving speed is frighteningly slow.

When he moved around, he rolled and fell to the ground.

This is a completely irresistible target!

"Brothers, what are you waiting for! Kill all these arrogant flying demons!"

"Haha, I was still arrogant just now, but now I have become a target, we don't have to be afraid!"

The Earth players immediately began shooting the Purple Winged Demon.

Harvesting the lives of these demons frantically.

And Ye Xiu's large army is attacking the flying calculation demon.

This kind of demon is a fifth-tier flying unit.

A weaker version of the Purple Wing Demon.

They are also the main force, Ye Xiu is collecting the demonic blood of the Winged Demon.

Before that, Ye Xiu also collected about 60 drops of the demonic blood of the Winged Demon.

The number of winged demons brought by this wave of enemies is large.

Ye Xiu's priority to kill is the Winged Demon!

His phantom shooters output explosions.

The fifth-order flying wing demon can't stop such an output at all.

Ye Xiu quickly collected so much demon blood.

Used to strengthen the Devil's Tome!

In the Devil's Book, the ability to restrain the flying winged devil also appeared.

Still no fly ability!

"Forbidden field!"

Ye Xiu also used no-fly on the more numerous Winged Demons.

Countless flying wing demons also fell headlong into the destruction fortress.

The Fortress of Destruction is like a birdcage, full of big black birds lying on the ground!

The Dreadlord who was watching the battle in the Fortress of Fear only saw the Purple Winged Demon and the Flying Winged Demon fall into the Fortress of Destruction as if they had taken medicine.

After they fell down, they never flew out again.

And there were bursts of screams in the ruined fortress.

Those were the screams of the Purple Wing Demon and the Flying Wing Demon.

What a miserable cry!

Those who hear it are sad, those who hear it weep!

The dreadlord shivered a little.

"What's the situation? Why did my flying army all fall down as soon as they flew to the Fortress of Destruction!"

"My flying army, is that all?"

The dreadlord had no idea what was going on.

He felt a deep malice.

The enemy deliberately showed that the magic cannon could not target the air.

Lured his flying troops into the Fortress of Doom.

Then use unknown means to wipe them all out!

This is a major blow to Dreadfortress!

The flying troops of the Lord of Dread were wiped out in one fell swoop!

In the ruined fortress, the players had a great time.

But in reality, they didn't kill as many demons as Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu's bounty rewards frequently swiped the screen.

Just by annihilating this group of flying troops, Ye Xiu had 20 extra Thunder Griffins.

There are also massive bounties rewarded by Winged Demons!

[Kill 1,000 winged demons (tier 5 arms), and get rewards based on the level and quality of the demons: 1W gold coins, 2 musketeers. 】

[Reward rewards get a 100-fold increase, get 100W gold coins, and 2 future fighters. 】

The future fighters in Ye Xiu's hand have increased by a full 40!

Now he has a full 104 future fighters, the number has exceeded 100!

Ye Xiu's archery talent effect is triggered!

[The number of future fighters (king arms) exceeds 100, activate the effect of archery talent, and obtain the training method of future fighters...  

Training future warriors: Spend 5W gold coins, 30 units of Vajra Wood, and 1 unit of King Crystal to train musketeers into future warriors.

The price of training the king's arms is naturally very high.

But no matter how high the price is, Ye Xiu is willing to accept it.

It's really cool to train the king's arms!

Ye Xiu was collecting musketeers before, and the Millennium Ancient Capital feature of Destiny City will produce king crystals again.

3 king crystals per day.

It is equivalent to getting 3 future fighters every day!

It's so comfortable.

3 Tier 5 king units every day.

Ye Xiu can slowly accumulate the number of future fighters.

In the future, another main force will be formed!

"Very good, let's talk about training 9 future fighters! You are responsible for killing the evil heroes!"

Ye Xiu had accumulated 9 king crystals before.

Cash in and use it now.

The number of his future fighters reached 113.

With so many future fighters, you can frantically kill enemy heroes.

The demon army that was attacking the city was immediately targeted.

Demon heroes are constantly being sniped.

It was useless for them to hide a full 1,500 meters away.

They will also be killed by bullets shot from nowhere.

10 future fighters teamed up to kill one person.

3.5 No mid-level hero is immune.

"Give me 10 more giant magic cannons, one cannon cannon, and give me a hard bang!"

"Second Battalion Commander, pull out my Italian cannon!"

Ye Xiu also harvested a lot of money crazily by offering rewards.

He immediately loaded another 10 giant magic cannons.

Now the number of giant magic cannons reached 45.

The sound of cannons rumbled, and the firepower of the destruction fortress became stronger again.

Countless demon arms were torn apart by the ferocious artillery fire.

They died very badly.

That is to use flesh and blood to resist artillery fire.

Weapons of war are originally intended for war.

"My lord, we can't hold on any longer, let's withdraw quickly!"

"The enemy's firepower is too fierce, we can't attack!"

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