Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 169 Creating The Ultimate Weapon (Tenth Update, 5W Flowers Added!)

It was originally under the cover of flying arms.

The demonic heroes of the Fortress of Fear launched another attack on the Fortress of Destruction.

But now the flying arms are all extinct.

It did not pose any threat to the enemy's city defense.

The siege troops were unable to cry in the face of the full-blown artillery fire.

They were massacred.

The demon hero felt distressed.

At the same time, many demon heroes were sniped.

The morale of the siege troops could no longer bear such huge casualties.

"Withdraw first, we will think of other ways!"

Dreadlords can only recall troops.

At least in the Fortress of Fear, with the protection of the city walls, they would not be bombarded so badly.

But withdrawing the fear fortress almost declared his own defeat.

Hiding in the Fear Fortress is just a little more time delay.

They can't do anything about the Fortress of Destruction.

Destroying the fortress can blast the enemy with magic energy cannons.

"Don't chase them down, block them in the fortress and kill them!"

"Don't stop the artillery fire, first completely destroy the enemy's city defense force!"

Ye Xiu was not in a hurry.

Even if the strong attack can take down the fear fortress.

But Ye Xiu still wanted to reduce the loss of troops.

It is best to take down the fear fortress without losing the main force. 27 Ye Xiu patiently let the magic cannon take off.

At the same time, he also slaughtered all the flying troops in the city.

Together with the Purple Wing Demon Hero, they were also firmly locked up by the shackles of reincarnation, and could only be completely killed in the end!

[Kill 1 demon hero, the enemy level is higher than yourself, get 1 layer of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +1. Permanently kill 1 demon hero, gain 10 layers of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +10. 】

[Killing 1 demonic hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of the Asura Legion +164 points, and the experience value of the God of War Legion +164 points. 】

The level 82 purple wing demon hero is permanently killed.

The Dreadlord is missing a right-hand man.

Ye Xiu also found that it takes about half an hour to an hour to kill a demon hero.

In a fierce battle, it is also difficult to use all the firepower to deal with a hero.

In a single battle, one or two heroes will use the shackles of reincarnation.

This requires locking down the main target.

In the following siege battle, the Lord of Dread is definitely the unlucky one who enjoys this treatment.

He's already on Ye Xiu's list.

"Lord Shura, the Second Battalion Commander, I have blasted away the enemy's city wall, but there are still many enemy defenders.

"I will continue to kill it!"

A thousand pieces of gold claims to be the second battalion commander.

Sao is also very Sao.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have such a coquettish ID.

Ye Xiu nodded: "Then continue to bombard the enemy's main forces, and then we will enter the city again!"

Ye Xiu estimated that after another four or five hours of bombardment, they would be able to enter the city.

The strength of the Lord of Fear is still stronger than that of the Lord of Blood.

This high-level hero has more main combat troops.

That should be taken more seriously.

Reduce its strength as much as possible.

The power of the magic cannon is indeed strong, and the power of the legendary weapon and even the ultimate weapon should be even stronger...."

Ye Xiu rubbed his chin.

He looked towards the Destruction War platform.

Today's weapon loading platform has not loaded any legendary weapons.

Ye Xiu is trying to find a way to collect materials.

At the same time, Ye Xiu also looked at the conditions for creating the ultimate weapon.

The ultimate weapon platform, is actually related to other platforms.

The ultimate weapons that can be crafted at present correspond to three platforms.

The Giant God Soldier corresponds to the puppet production platform.

The Giant God Soldier is the ultimate weapon among golems.

5 Italians!

Ye Xiu watched the introduction of the ultimate weapon platform.

Giant God Soldier, a mythical golem that can grow and evolve.

The combat power is shocking, almost indestructible!

The God Mecha corresponds to the installation review production platform.

This is the real top-level arms equipment.

It is called the God Mecha, which means that after the arms are worn, they can have the power of God.

This kind of mecha can only be equipped by mythical units!

This shows its power.

If the Founding Titan is equipped with the God Mech.

I don't know how strong it is!

"Well, the Chaos Meteor Cannon is not bad either! With this weapon, half a city should be destroyed by one shot..."

Ye Xiu is also very envious of the Chaos Meteor Cannon.

It can be said that he is greedy for the three ultimate weapons!

Whichever one you get, it's all so cool to fly!

Ye Xiu really wanted to try the feeling of smashing a city with a cannon.

It's a pity that the resources required for the ultimate weapon are too scary!

Chaos Meteor Cannon: The ultimate weapon, 150 million gold coins, 1000 units of Chaos Iron Ore (top resource), 100 units of Chaos Gem (advanced gem), 100 units of Chaos Crystal (advanced crystal) can be crafted.

The resources of the Chaos Meteorite Cannon alone require at least 200 million or more.

This is a terrible expense.

Moreover, resources such as Chaos Iron Ore, Chaos Gems, and Chaos Crystals are difficult to collect.

Top-level resources, only some top-level ore veins are produced.

Today's dragon veins are unable to produce top-level resources.

The Chaos Gem is easy to say, Ye Xiu can use the Gem Ring to upgrade the Chaos Gem.

100 units of Chaos Gems are equivalent to 22500 points of gem power.

This also requires Ye Xiu to accumulate for a period of time.

As for the Chaos Crystal, it is also a high-level crystal, and it is as difficult to collect as the Chaos Iron Ore.

Ye Xiu estimated that it would be difficult for him to collect all these resources 010 in a short time.

Giant God Soldier, God Mecha.

The resources required are similar to those of the Chaos Meteorite Cannon.

The ultimate weapon is currently unobtainable.

Ye Xiu had no choice but to give up.

But to make legendary weapons, Ye Xiu can still think of a way.

If you get a legendary weapon, it will be easier to take down the Dread Fortress!

"Master, the mid-level crystal you want has been found in the mysterious market of Destiny City, but the price is relatively expensive, so I will buy it for you.

Just as he was thinking, good news came from Wang Wang Wushuang.

During this period of time, he sent people to guard the mysterious market.

The resource merchants in the mysterious market will ship back new goods every day.

Gems and the like are given priority by Ye Xiu.

During this time, Ye Xiu incidentally also made Wang Wang Wushuang pay attention to buying crystals.

Especially mid-level crystal resources like magic crystals.

When the resource merchant ships, the types of mid-level rare resources such as mid-level gems and mid-level crystals are random.

It happens to be a magic energy crystal randomly, that is very lucky!

"Very good, quickly buy it and send it to the Fortress of Destruction!"

"How many units of magic crystals are there?"

ps: Today, for the tenth update, I was coding all the time, and I didn’t even watch Taobo’s game. I didn’t expect to see the score and let the second chase the third?!! I went to watch the replay, and the brothers also enjoyed reading the book !.

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