Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 200 The Whereabouts Of The Holy Ring Of Longan! (The First Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu knows very well that NPCs can also communicate.

Task conditions and task rewards can even undergo slight changes through communication.

However, the core requirements of NPC will not change.

Now, through communication, Ye Xiu asked Charlotte to pay some compensation in advance.

Recall the Treasure Chest Task: Task Requirements: Enter the Shenlong Graveyard, find and bring back Charlotte's Treasure Chest.

Task reward: Get Charlotte's Goblin Treasure Hunter deputy, and get Charlotte's three treasure hunting skills randomly.

Ye Xiu received a mission from Charlotte Kerner.

At the same time, Ye Xiu also harvested ahead of schedule!

[Get the guidance of the Goblin Treasure Hunter, activate the sub-profession-Treasure Hunter, get the blessing of the Treasure Hunter profession, and increase the experience value required for upgrading by 100%. 】

Ye Xiu has a new sub-class activated by Charlotte!

Treasure Hunter (sub-profession): low-level title, when leveling up, free attribute points +2, skill points +1, after finding the treasure chest, open the treasure chest to get an additional 10% harvest. This deputy can be upgraded by opening treasure chests and searching for treasures.

Occupational Skills: Treasure Hunting: The closer to the treasure chest or treasure, the stronger the induction, the induction range: 1 km.

The treasure hunter profession is an interesting sub-job.

Can improve the sensitivity to treasure chests and treasures.

Some hidden treasures can be found by treasure hunters.

The strength of this profession is not in fighting, but in Zhou Ying.

With this sub-job in hand, you can always get a lot of treasures.

Ye Xiu felt that having this profession would be very comfortable with the title of Treasure Chest Hunter.

The harvest of treasure chests has been greatly improved!

Those gamblers who gamble on the box must really want to get this deputy.

However, the sub-job of Treasure Hunter is difficult to obtain.

You must find a 'master'.

But ordinary treasure hunters are all surreptitious and rarely appear in public.

Only Charlotte can overcome this unlucky guy because he is stuck in the Galaxy City.

To find him easily.

"You have become a treasure hunter, you can find the treasure yourself...

"I'll teach you another skill so that you can find treasures in a targeted manner!"

Charlotte waved again.

The benefits can't stop!

[Get mission rewards in advance and reward treasure divination skills (legendary skills)!】

[Task rewards get a 100-fold increase, and get treasure guidance skills (god-level skills!]

The skill that Charlotte was rewarded with was originally a treasure divination skill.

This skill can be used to obtain a vague information through divination to find the whereabouts of treasures.

With a hundredfold increase, it has become a god-level skill like a treasure guide!

The effect has changed dramatically!

Treasure Guidance (God-level skill): After obtaining some information about the treasure, you can use this skill to directly obtain the specific location of the treasure. The more comprehensive the information, the more specific the location you can get! This skill is 100% successful. There is one chance to use it every day. When you find more treasures through the treasure guide, you have the opportunity to upgrade your skills and get more group treasure opportunities.

The ability of this treasure to guide is simply against the sky!

Divination of treasures is tantamount to hitting luck and guessing riddles.

If it succeeds, you still have to guess the divination information.

Most divinations come out, that is, there is a direction.

For example in the northeast.

Such a large area is too difficult to rule out.

And Treasure Guidance is equivalent to a search engine.

After entering the information, directly search for the information you want, and you will find the location of the treasure!

This is simply against the sky!

"Your Excellency Charlotte, I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable in the treasure hunter profession? You have mastered such a skill!"

Ye Xiu's surprise was not feigned.

This unattractive goblin has the ability to divination treasures, which is already quite powerful.

No wonder it can get so many treasures.

You can even steal the Dragon Eye Holy Ring from the Dragon Graveyard!

After Ye Xiu praised Charlotte, he secretly began to use the treasure to guide the force.

What he wants to guide is the holy ring of longan.

Ye Xiu wants to see if the Holy Ring of Longan is really in Charlotte's hands!

"Please guide me, what I'm looking for is the Holy Ring of Longan!"

"This treasure is an integral part of the Dragon King's divine power. I have a dragon's blood bottle, so it's not a combined treasure!"

When Ye Xiu uses this skill, the more detailed information the better.

Players in the previous life did not find the treasure of Qi Dragon King's divine power.

Especially the Holy Ring of Longan, there is no clue at all.

Ye Xiu also doesn't know the whereabouts of Longan Holy Ring.

However, he knew that the Holy Ring of Longan must be part of the Dragon King's divine power.

He also has the key treasure of the dragon's blood bottle.

The information provided is very valid.

Ye Xiu immediately enlightened!

"The Holy Ring of Dragon Eye is in the hands of the goblin treasure hunter Charlotte, who is currently trapped in Galactic City."

"In order to keep the dragons away from Galaxy City, the Holy Ring of Dragon Eye was collected by Charlotte in a treasure chest and buried in the goblin treasure house of Galaxy City."

The skill of treasure guide is really magical.

The feedback to Ye Xiu is very informative.

There are even detailed records of how the holder of the holy ring of longan preserved this treasure.

The Holy Ring of Longan is really held by Charlotte.

This guy was frantically hunted down by the Dragon Clan because of this treasure.

At the same time, if he continues to hold the Holy Ring of Longan, even the Galaxy City will not be able to keep Charlotte.

He simply sealed the holy ring of longan into the goblin treasure.

The goblin treasury is a chain of 'banks' opened by the goblins in the Eternal Continent.

It can not only save money, borrow money, but also keep items on behalf of you.

Charlotte Ke deposited it in the treasure curry, and another treasure chest sealed it.

Even the Dragon Clan couldn't find out the whereabouts of the Dragon Eye Holy Ring.

Even if a top fortune teller is invited to do the divination, there is no way to find out this information.

The staff of the goblin treasury will not know what Charlotte has stored in it.

This should have been information only Charlotte knew!

Now Ye Xiu knows.

But Ye Xiu has no idea of ​​playing the Dragon Eye Holy Ring for the time being.

The goblin treasury is an official power.

A special method is required to obtain the Holy Ring of Longan.

As for doing quests with Charlotte?

The odds are not high.

For the Holy Ring of Longan, Luke gave everything.

He can't give it out.

But if Ye Xiu gets the treasure chest, Ye Xiu suspects that Charlotte will do something.

Maybe transfer the Dragon Eye Holy Ring to the Treasure Chest?

When the time comes, Ye Xiu will have a chance!

Treasure chest and holy ring of longan (promise), Ye Xiu wants them all!

"I am the top treasure hunter on the Eternal Continent!"

"When you recall the treasure chest, I will pass on my goblin treasure hunter profession to you! Let you become a top treasure hunter......"

Charlotte writes a check to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu complained secretly.

Who the hell wants to be a goblin treasure hunter.

He doesn't want to be green!

However, Goblin Treasure Hunter is a special sub-class.

Distributed as task rewards.

Then Ye Xiu will have the chance to multiply by a hundred times.

He might have gotten another special job!

Definitely better than Goblin Treasure Hunter.

This is not bad!

Ye Xiu was thinking about the next few days, so he used the treasure guide to find the location of other components of the Dragon King's divine power.

He immediately contacted Ye Xiu urgently.

"Master Shura, we are attacking the third demon fortress, but the opponent's resistance is very tenacious!"

"There are other demon lords coming for reinforcements, we are fighting very hard!".

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