Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 201 Chaos Meteor Cannon! (Second Update, Please Subscribe!)

A big shot is responsible for the destruction of the fortress against other demon fortresses.

His cannon talent allows him to greatly increase the power of various magic cannons.

This is the best gunnery hero candidate.

Ye Xiu has high hopes for him.

In fact, one day before, the Fortress of Destruction had already reached the front of the third Demon Fortress.

One Cannon Thousand Gold controls many magic energy cannons for shelling.

Multiple rounds of strikes were carried out against the Demon Fortress named Evil Fortress.

The lord of the evil stronghold is very powerful.

And some friends.

When the evil stronghold is attacked, there are other demon lords who come to help.

This was a bit beyond Ye Xiu's expectation.

Fortress of Destruction was temporarily unable to take down Fortress of Evil.

Even recruited the siege of the demon army.

Things took a turn for the worse.

Otherwise, if you want a lot of money, you won't be in a hurry to contact Ye Xiu.

"Don't worry, I'll be right there!"

Ye Xiu just finished harvesting a large amount of resources.

Loaded weapons can now be built.

The goal this time is to upgrade the weapon loading system!

Ye Xiu used Rashomon and soon came to the Fortress of Destruction.

As soon as he settled down, he saw the overwhelming purple evil and flying demon flying into the destruction fortress.

They are attacking the player 517 in the Fortress of Destruction.

Due to the high level and large number of these air arms.

Players are struggling to deal with dangers.

It seems that the evil lord has discovered the defect that the magic cannon cannot target the air.

"It's a good thing I'm here, flying demon, isn't this here to die!"

Ye Xiu chuckled.

He snapped his fingers, and the power of the Devil's Tome was activated.

Countless purple-winged demons and flying-winged demons fell from the sky.

They fell to the ground and lost their fighting power.

Players who were already in crisis.

Safe now.

After seeing this scene, Yi Pao Qian Jin turned his head and saw Ye Xiu who was like a god descending.

"Master Shura, you are here!"

Seeing Ye Xiu, Yi Pai Qian Jin calmed down.

With Ye Xiu around, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

The same is true.

As soon as Ye Xiu appeared, he solved the threat of flying units.

In the ruined fortress, an overwhelming massacre immediately took place.

The Purple Wing Demon and the Flying Wing Demon were massacred crazily.

The loss of personnel was severe.

On Ye Xiu's side, he has received several bounties.

[Kill 1,000 purple-winged demons (chbj) (eighth-level units), and get rewards based on the level and quality of the demons: 1.6W gold coins, 2 griffins. 1

[The reward rewards have been increased by a hundred times, 160W gold coins, and 2 Thunder Griffins. 】

[Kill 1,000 winged demons (tier 5 arms), and get rewards based on the level and quality of the demons: 1W gold coins, 2 musketeers. 】

[Reward rewards get a 100-fold increase to get 100W gold coins and 2 future fighters. 】

After the flying units were slaughtered, Ye Xiu had 18 Thunder Griffins and a full 40 future fighters.

This is almost all the flying arms of the enemy.

After being wiped out by a wave, the enemy can no longer launch such a large-scale air attack.

The evil lord who was madly attacking outside the ruined city saw the fall of the flying troops.

He was so shocked!

"What's the situation? Why did my flying units suddenly disappear!"

"They are also Tier 6 and Tier 8 arms after all, how could they be so fragile!"

After mastering the flaw of the magic cannon is that it cannot target the air.

The evil lord originally thought that his side had won the battle.

Unexpectedly, there were twists and turns again.

Another evil page owner who supported the page owner said: "Maris, all my flying units are also wiped out!"

This demon lord is called the Dark Lord.

Be allies with the evil lord.

They are to unite against a more powerful demon lord.

So as not to be occupied by those powerful demon lords.

After the Dark Lord saw that the Fortress of Destruction had laid down the Fortress of Blood and Fortress of Fear.

I felt my lips were dead and my teeth were cold.

If you let it go.

These demon lords with only one demon fortress will be defeated one by one.

So when the allies were attacked, the dark lord decisively helped.

Together, they can resist the destruction fortress.

Due to the large number of flying armies.

They even wanted to counterattack the Fortress of Doom.

Now the flying army is completely wiped out.

The dark lord was extremely angry.

This loss is too great!

His flying troops had accumulated for a long time.

After all, battles often broke out near the Devil's Fortress.

The dark lord's troops are all accumulated little by little.

There are very few cases where the entire army is wiped out like now.

You can still run if you can't win before.

This time it was directly annihilated!

"The opponent has means to target flying units. Without this means, we will not be able to take down the Fortress of Destruction!"

The evil lord is also a headache.

The Fortress of Destruction is a Mobile War Fortress.

It is much stronger than the fighting power of the same level fortress.

It is very difficult for ground troops to break through its walls.

The two demon lords feel a bit in a dilemma.

At this time, Ye Xiu had also arrived in front of the destruction war platform.

The current destruction war platform is operating at full capacity.

Players keep investing money and loading new weapons.

Start bombarding the enemies outside the city.

The power of the weapon loading platform is related to the quantity and quality of the loaded weapons.

Players can only rely on this platform to deal with much higher level demonic heroes.

But the resources and money that players currently have are still too few.

It seems a bit of a drop in the bucket.

"Zhang Dapao, you kid used two legendary magic cannons, but you didn't kill the enemy. Is the enemy so strong?"

Ye Xiu happened to see Yi Cannon Qianjin manipulating the magic energy cannon to bombard it.

Yi Pao Qian Jin's real name is Zhang, and Ye Xiu called him Zhang Da Pao with a smile.

"Master Shura, stop laughing at me!"

"The opponent's formation is very scattered, and they also use a mixed formation of high-level and low-level units. The low-level units are designed to attract firepower for the high-level units, and they can't kill them with a single shot."

"Using the legendary magic cannon, one shot can only kill a small number of low-level and high-level units. The opponent is fighting with us..."

It's also very distressing to have a big shot.

The tactics of Evil Lords and Dark Lords are very specific.

As expected of a battle-tested demon lord.

"I understand that with the magic cannon alone, the opponent can indeed find a way to target it. The main force of the players is still too weak!"

"But with me here, the situation is different..."

Ye Xiu smiled.

His group of archers is here, and the formation of two demon lords will be defeated by the archers one by one.

will be ravaged unilaterally.

Ye Xiu was not afraid at all.

Besides, he has a trick!

"I'm here today to load the Chaos Meteorite Cannon! The enemy's tactics, in fact, don't care about them, just blow the opponent's fortress away with one shot!".

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