Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 202 Level 2 Platform (Third Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu is full of confidence.

Doom Fortress still lacks one-stop weapons.

That is the ultimate weapon.

This wave of Ye Xiu will inevitably load out the Chaos Meteorite Cannon.

Give the enemy a shocking blow!

Ye Xiu immediately entered the weapon loading platform.

Put relevant gold coins and resources into the weapon loading platform!

Ye Xiu didn't load out the Chaos Meteor Cannon first.

Instead, first load the number of legendary weapons and magic crystal cannons to 12.

This move can upgrade the weapon loading platform to level 2.

Ye Xiu harvested a large amount of adamantine in Charlotte.

Enough to load 12 mana crystal cannons!

This wave made the firepower of Destruction Fortress extremely strong.

At the same time, the weapon loading platform also began to change.

The weapon loading platform has been upgraded, reducing the resources required to load weapons by 10%.

Among them is the Chaos Meteorite Cannon corresponding to this platform among the ultimate weapons.

This reduces the amount of resources by 10%.

That's a lot of money too!

Chaos Meteor Cannon: The ultimate weapon, 135 million gold coins, 900 units of Chaos Iron Ore (top resource), 90 units of Chaos Gem (advanced gem), 90 units of Chaos Crystal (advanced crystal) can be crafted.

The resources required for the Chaos Meteorite Cannon have been greatly reduced.

It is equivalent to reducing the consumption of 1500 gold coins, 100 units of Chaos Iron Ore, 10 units of Chaos Gem, and 10 units of Chaos Crystal.

All you save is money!

"Very good, then I can save a lot of high-level resources..."

Ye Xiu nodded, he immediately chose to make the ultimate weapon.

Gold coins, Chaos Iron Ore, Chaos Gems, and Chaos Crystals were all put in in sufficient quantities.

The Chaos Meteorite Cannon, whose attributes have not been reduced at all, appeared in the Fortress of Destruction.

This is a space weapon like a space-based weapon!

It is located in the outer space zone, and has the ability to strike devastatingly to the enemies within 5,000 kilometers of the destruction fortress.

Chaos Meteor Cannon (Ultimate Weapon): The initial form is level I. It can consume 500 units of Chaos rare resources to upgrade. After the upgrade, the bombardment power will be enhanced, and new attack methods may appear. Two types of attacks can be carried out, namely Chaos Cannonball and Meteor gun.

Chaos bombardment: Consume 10 units of chaotic rare resources (advanced rare resources) to launch a bombardment comparable to a legendary ban on the enemy.

Meteor Cannon: Consume 100 units of chaotic rare resources (advanced rare resources) to launch a doomsday bombardment on the enemy. This bombardment needs to be charged for more than half an hour and may cause permanent geographical damage.

The Chaos Meteorite Cannon is extremely powerful.

Its ordinary bombardment is chaos bombardment.

It will consume 10 units of Chaos rare resources at a time.

Chaos Gems and Chaos Crystals are fine.

One shot is equivalent to a devastating shock wave from a space-based weapon.

The chaotic resources saved before.

can be used to activate Chaos Cannonball.

As for the meteor cannon, it is even more exaggerated.

Consuming 100 units of Chaos rare resources can launch an attack comparable to Doomsday Judgment.

This level of Doomsday Judgment was not created by the Doomsday Blade that Ye Xiu is currently holding.

It's 10% of the power of the full version of Doomsday.

Can cause permanent damage to continents!

Meteor Cannon, Meteor Cannon, one shot down, every star will fall!

It's an exaggeration to think about it!

"The Chaos Meteor Cannon is indeed the ultimate weapon. It consumes resources and can be upgraded."

Ye Xiu noticed the upgrade conditions for the Chaos Meteor Cannon.

500 units of Chaos Crystal or Chaos Gem.

It's too much to say, but as long as Ye Xiu diligently farms kobold heroes.

The problem is still not big.

As for other players, "If you get the Chaos Meteor Cannon.

It is also difficult to exert its power.

As for upgrading the Chaos Meteor Cannon.

That's more difficult.

Chaos Gems, Chaos Crystals and other resources.

are very difficult to collect.

Ye Xiu tried.

In the resource market of Galaxy City, high-level nobles are required to buy Chaos Gems and Chaos Crystals.

The number per day is relatively small.

In other words, Ye Xiu has the talent of a hundred times increase.

When doing tasks that reward resources, it is easy to obtain chaotic resources.

"It seems that after a while, I still have to harvest dragon blood kobold heroes, they are naturally at odds with me!"

Kill the dragon blood kobold hero.

Resources such as gems and crystals will be rewarded.

Killing 1 kobold hero represents 1 unit of Chaos Gem or Chaos Crystal.

500 kobold heroes can upgrade the Chaos Meteor Cannon!

Ye Xiu has the urge to kill the kobold heroes!

………seeking flowers… 0

"The Destruction War platform can be upgraded soon, and a new platform will appear at that time..."

Ye Xiu also paid attention to the matter of destroying the war platform.

This top comprehensive platform has two platforms that have reached the first level.

Destroy War Platform: An epic building, a level 1 comprehensive platform, which can increase the output of all resources and arms within the fortress by 150%, and can increase the output of each platform by 100% and the power bonus by 50%. Currently loaded platforms: puppet production platform, weapon loading platform, armor production platform, ultimate weapon platform. After all platforms are upgraded to level 2, the integrated platform will be upgraded.

Puppet production platform: level 1 platform, puppet attributes increased by 10%, can consume resources to produce puppet-type arms, currently available types of puppet production: from level 1 to level 7, quality from normal to hero quality. The damage of the puppet does not exceed 50%, and it can be recycled and repaired. After building more than 10,000 elite quality puppets of various types, the puppets production platform can be upgraded. currently in progress



Weapon loading platform: Level 2 platform, weapon power and damage increased by 30%, resource consumption reduced by 10%, resources can be consumed to load all kinds of magic weapons on various buildings and walls within the fort's influence area, magic weapon quality: low-level to legendary Weapons (Legendary weapon types updated). The upper limit of weapon loading is related to the fortress level (current upper limit: 0/7200), after making 30 legendary weapons, the weapon loading platform can be upgraded to level 3. Current progress: 12/30.

Armor production platform: Level 1 platform, armor attribute increased by 10%, can consume resources to produce individual armor, armor level: 1st to 6th level. Armor Quality: Normal to King Quality. The armor production platform can be upgraded after making 1000 king armors. Current progress: 890/1000.

Ultimate weapon platform: level 2 platform, the power of ultimate weapon is increased by 30%, can consume a lot of precious resources, load ultimate weapon, optional weapon type and loading quantity: related to the number and level of other platforms. Currently it can be equipped with the ultimate weapons: Colossus, Chaos Meteor Cannon, God Mecha. Loadable quantity: 4 (the same weapon can be loaded repeatedly). After loading 4 ultimate weapons, the ultimate weapon platform can be upgraded to level 3.

"The armor production platform can also be upgraded to level 2!"

ps: Brothers, I am still preparing for 10 more liver breaks today! What about your support?

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