Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 223 The Era Of Intermediate Professional Titles! (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ten directions are gone, frightened by the vague information from divination, his hands and feet are cold.

All he wanted was to kill Ye Xiu in the cradle as soon as possible.

Don't let it continue to grow.

"My lord, all directions are destroyed, don't we want to wait for the brothers to reach the intermediate professional title, and then take advantage of the opportunity to launch an offensive and defeat the reincarnated Shura in one fell swoop?"

"If we suddenly plan ahead, only a small number of us will reach the intermediate professional title..."

The subordinates heard the words that all directions are destroyed.

They were all very surprised.

Destruction of all directions had previously arranged the plan in great detail.

Only wait for the divination to get detailed information about the reincarnated Shura before launching a fierce offensive.

The time is set in three days!

When all the masters among titan players are promoted to intermediate professional titles!

But all directions were suddenly planned ahead of schedule.

The preparations of the titan players were all disrupted!

"You have to plan ahead, and "853" Shixiu Luo grew up too fast! Give him more time, and he will only become more and more difficult to deal with!"

"However, it is not appropriate to start the plan immediately. You should inform the Son of Titans and ask him to exchange that item immediately. That is our trump card against the reincarnated Shura!"

All Ten Directions is very determined to plan ahead.

But this time he also has a goal.

Let the Titan's son exchange for a big killer that is available in all the imperial cities of the Little Thousand World.

Use it as a trump card against Ye Xiu!

All directions are destroyed in such a hurry.

Other players don't quite understand.

But there is no way to destroy all directions.

He didn't dare to tell other titan players the information he had divined.

Otherwise, other players will learn the divination information.

I heard that Ye Xiu is so hot.

The morale of the titan players may be affected.

Some players will be intimidated by Ye Xiu's combat prowess.

Maybe he wouldn't dare to join the battle.

It can be said that all directions are destroyed.

"Understood, we will immediately notify that kid, Son of Titan! His military achievements are still a little short, we will send someone to help him get his military achievements, so that he can redeem that item as soon as possible..."

A henchman was ordered to leave.

It's time to contact Son of Titan, the top player in the titan world.

The son of titan is invincible in the world of titan.

The prestige of Mother Earth is even worse than him.

But in the eyes of players in the giant spirit world.

The Son of Titan is a tool man.

He is bossy.

"I want to collect 50W military merits immediately? But I'm still a few W behind!"

"What? Mother Realm sent someone to help me earn my military exploits, that would be really great!"

The Sons of Titans get orders.

He was overjoyed.

Join the battle with players in the world of Djinn immediately.

Start hunting players on the earth and gain more military exploits.

All of a sudden, the battlefield in the Jiang Cheng area became more lively.

A stormy attitude.

"Lord Shura, several people in our God of War Legion have already been promoted to heroes with intermediate professional titles.

"However, there are more mid-level professional titles on the side of the titan players, and their upgrade speed is faster than ours!"

King Wushuang is also one of the players with intermediate professional titles.

His level has always been among the top players.

But what worries him is that many of the titan players are even higher than him.

This is a hidden worry.

"It doesn't matter, we still have the Tongtian Tower! Now open the Tongtian Tower to the players of the God of War Legion. Their combat power can already break through the first floor of the Tongtian Tower!"

Ye Xiu is not worried.

The Tongtian Tower is a god-level building.

After clearing the level, players can get a lot of rewards.

Can help players gain huge benefits and experience points.

Ye Xiu had estimated it before.

Players who are quickly promoted to intermediate professional titles are most suitable for clearing Tongtian Tower.

They have enough troops.

Has the ability to pass customs.

At the same time, you can quickly upgrade after clearing the customs, and you can get elite troops and top talents.

When the time comes to upgrade the title, there is a chance that the talent will be upgraded.

The benefits obtained are large, and you can take off in one wave.

King Wushuang, Houyi Shooting the Moon, and Cavalry Youyard have all passed the first level of Tongtian Tower.

All have received arms and talent rewards.

They have also passed level 40 and been promoted to intermediate professional titles.

Today's Wang Wang Wushuang and others are more powerful than before.

Ye Xiu fully opened the Tongtian Tower, and also encouraged players to clear the Tongtian Tower.

Especially the players of the God of War Legion.

They have a subsidy for training the envoys of the God of War.

In order to clear Tongtian Tower.

They trained the envoys of the God of War crazily.

During this time, Ye Xiu has harvested more than 120 war guards.

It can be seen that the players are crazy.

And after opening the Tongtian Tower.

The players of God of War Legion came up with the Sao operation.

Concentrate all God of War envoys in the hands of one player..

Let it pass the Tongtian Tower.

Change after you clear the customs.

The God of War Envoy is a unit of heroic quality.

A full lineup of God of War envoys.

Clearing the first level of Tongtian Tower is very easy!

The number of passers-by for Tongtian Tower began to increase.

Players of the God of War Legion continue to use this to rise to level 40 and gain talents.

Then complete the task and become an intermediate professional title.

As the number of players with intermediate professional titles increases, it also means that the era of intermediate professional titles has arrived!

At present, there is only half a month before the internal test starts.

Count the beta.

It's only been 21 days since the Galaxy server started.

Players have entered the era of intermediate professional titles.

This is much earlier than the previous life.

The previous life was one month after the Galaxy server was opened.

Players generally break through the intermediate professional title.

Ye Xiu seems to have a more far-reaching influence.

This is also because the Eternal Night Demon tide has not erupted yet.

Players have more time to develop!

Ye Xiu paid attention to the customs clearance efficiency of the players of the God of War Legion.

Ye Xiu was also amused by their coquettish operation.

But this can improve their combat power, and it is also a method within the rules.

Ye Xiu naturally wouldn't say much.

[The number of players who have cleared the first floor of the Tongtian Tower exceeds 100, and the challenge reward bonus is activated. The current bonus bonus is 10%. 】

When the number of players who have cleared the first floor of Tongtian Tower reaches 100.

Ye Xiu received a system prompt. 1.9

After the bonus bonus is turned on.

After that, players who clear the first floor of Tongtian Tower can get an additional 10% reward.

If there are 200 players who pass the level, this bonus will reach 20%.

This will slowly increase.

The more players pass the level, the higher the bonus will be!

Tongtian Tower is encouraging other players to clear the level!

Ye Xiu simply opened the authority to challenge the Tongtian Tower to the reserve personnel of the God of War Legion and the Shura Legion.

Encourage more direct line players to clear Tongtian Tower.

Let the direct line players gain the advantage first.

In the future, Ye Xiu even plans to partially open the Babel Tower.

As long as you have contributed a lot of resources in Destiny City and your authority is high enough, you can break into the Tongtian Tower.

"When this matter is over, I will go to pass the third level of Tongtian Tower. This god-level building can only show the real god-level building ability if the number of floors unlocked is high!".

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