Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 224 Blood Of The Advanced Dragon Clan! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu calculated that he currently has little problem in clearing the third level of Tongtian Tower.

But he has a feeling.

On the side of the titan players, troubles may arise at any time.

If he went in and broke into the Tongtian Tower in the near future.

If the titan players mess up, Ye Xiu won't be able to come out immediately.

After all, Ye Xiu used to work for many hours to pass the second level before.

The third level is more difficult and has more customs clearance procedures.

Ye Xiu in order to take into account the future war.

I chose to take a break for a while.

Ye Xiu put all his heart on brushing the kobolds.

A large amount of kobold blood was drawn out again.

Together with the fusion dragon's blood, there are also a lot of brushes.

After Ye Xiu killed many flying dragons and rank nine dragons last time.

The probability of collecting fusion dragon blood in the dragon's blood bottle has increased a lot.

Dragon Blood Vase: Legendary treasure, after the hero wears it, all attributes +25 points, the blood volume of all arms +400 points, with effects of dragon blood, collection of dragon blood, and dragon blood. One drop of pure dragon blood can be born in Tianke, which can transform a fighter hero into a dragon blood fighter (hidden profession).

Dragon Blood: The HP of all arms is increased by an additional 5270%, and the effect of arms with dragon blood is doubled.

Collect Dragon Blood: Killing a unit with dragon blood will definitely collect the blood essence in its body, and there is a chance to obtain fusion dragon blood (the higher the level of the unit, the higher the probability), fusion dragon blood can transform the unit into a dragon blood fighter (hidden Profession).

Dragon Bloodline: Every time you collect a high-level dragon bloodline, you can increase the health bonus effect. Collected so far: Flying Dragon, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Brontosaurus. Health bonus: The blood volume of all arms increases by 300 points. Collecting the blood of nine high-level dragon arms can truly activate the dragon blood vase.

Remarks: This treasure is one of the components of the divine power of the dragon king, the supreme treasure of the dragon family, and can be integrated into dragon blood to upgrade.

The wave of dead titan players.

Ye Xiu deliberately asked the dragon hunters to shoot and kill many high-level dragons.

The blood of three high-level dragons has greatly enhanced the attributes of the dragon blood vase.

Now its blood volume bonus has reached 700 points, plus an additional 50% bonus.

All arms have really become blood cows.

Ye Xiu is one-third of the way from the actual activation of the dragon's blood vase.

Wait until the dragon's blood bottle is fully activated to become an epic treasure.

It can start the task of collecting the divine power of the Dragon King.

Ye Xiu knew the whereabouts of the Dragon Eye Holy Ring and the other two components of the Dragon King's divine power.

has considerable advantages.

At the same time, the current dragon blood bottle has a higher chance of collecting and merging dragon blood.

During the time Ye Xiu brushed the dragon blood kobolds, he upgraded a full 500 storm spearmen to dragon spearmen.

He has permanently killed 50 kobold heroes, and collected mid-level fusion dragon blood.

It has reached more than 500.

These Dragon Spearmen have all been upgraded to the fifth rank.

Then train it to be a raptor knight!

In just over a day, Ye Xiu had 500 more raptor knights.

It's no wonder Shi Fang Ju Mi is so anxious.

It feels like Reincarnated Shura is getting stronger anytime and anywhere.

Not to target sooner.

After that, I can't stop it!

By the way, Ye Xiu's newly recruited secondary heroes have also been upgraded to level 28.

This shows how much experience points Ye Xiu has collected during this period.

"It's only 2 levels away, and you can reach level 30, which will usher in another transformation.

"Not to mention anything else, the skill points alone have 40 points, which is really cool!"

Ye Xiu is somewhat looking forward to the scene where the secondary heroes collectively break through level 30.

At that time, Ye Xiu will not need to suppress the level, and can directly upgrade to level 40.

After all, the current players are also hitting level 40.

Most of the players' levels are higher than Ye Xiu's.

Ye Xiu's card level is already very good.

"The number of kobolds killed is almost the same, maybe you can go deeper into the Dragon Kingdom..."

"By the way, let Molu play a role..."

Ye Xiu killed a very long distance in the Dragon Kingdom.

He has crossed the area where the dragon blood kobolds are active.

Formally enter the area where the authentic dragon arms are active.

Ye Xiu saw many Velociraptors.

Think of the effect of the dragon's blood bottle.

Ye Xiu simply planned to collect all the blood of high-level dragon blood!

Ye Xiu immediately contacted Mo Lu.

"Lu Zai, have you cleared Tongtian Tower? The progress is very fast!"

Molu, a tool man, has the talents of a diplomatic ambassador and a lucky son.

He replaced Ye Xiu in charge of the Fortress of Destruction.

It can be said that he is a senior member of Ye Xiu's direct lineage.

The combat power is naturally very strong.

Take a pile of troops and clear the first floor of Tongtian Tower.

"Hey, that's a must. After I cleared the level, I got a top-level talent in the art of leadership, and my leadership ability has improved again!"

"You can bring more arms!"

Molu's route of leading troops is very simple and unpretentious.

It is to try every means to improve leadership and offensive and defensive attributes.

Rely on the advantage of numbers and basic offensive and defensive attributes to crush the enemy.

Has diplomatic ambassador talent.

Of course he's level A in the past and it's over!

"You come to Galaxy City immediately."

"In this wave, I will take you to swipe higher-level enemies. You don't need to lead troops, just follow me!"

Ye Xiu used Rashomon to return to Galaxy City, and asked Molu to teleport over to join him.

Ye Xiu also went to hand over the task by the way.

He received the kobold teeth accumulated by Mr. Lemon.

Mainly to obtain the rewards of Storm Lancer, Hurricane Shooter and Dragon Hunter.

A wave of 12W ring tasks completed.

Ye Xiu had 36 more dragon-hunting crossbowmen under his command.

And 24 Ghost Riders

Then there is the kobold blood collected by Ye Xiu himself.

The number reached 32W drops, more than last time!

[Complete the first ring to hunt the dragon blood kobolds, reward 2000 gold coins, 10 units of black iron ore, and 100 points of Galaxy City reputation. 】

[Task rewards have been increased by a hundred times, 20W gold coins 023, 10 units of chaotic iron ore, and 1W points of Galaxy City prestige. 】

[Complete the 10-ring hunting of dragon blood kobolds, and an additional fifth-tier elite unit - Dire Wolf Knight will be rewarded. 】

[Task rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and 5 fifth-tier golden king units-Wolf King Qitian have been obtained. 】

For every 10 rings of basic rewards, Ye Xiu got 1600 wolf king knights!

As a fifth-tier golden king's unit.

The wolf king knight has become the basic unit in Ye Xiu's knight army!

The king's arms are the basic arms.

So Ye Xiu has confidence!

[Complete the 100 rings of hunting dragon blood kobolds, and additionally reward 3 seventh-tier hero arms-heavy knights. 】

[Task rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and three seventh-tier legendary arms-holy knights have been obtained. 】

3200 ring missions, a total of 96 holy knights have been rewarded!

This is a legendary weapon!

[Complete the 1000-ring hunting dragon blood kobold task to reward an additional snow wolf knight (the fifth-level king's unit). 】

[Additional rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and 12 ghost knights (the fifth-level golden legendary arms) have been obtained]

Ghost Knight also rewarded 36 people.

Ye Xiu's knight army can completely form its own army!

When Mo Lu came over, he happened to see a large number of knights under Ye Xiu.

Each one is majestic and majestic, and it looks like the elite among the elite!

"Fuck me? Ah Xiu, what are you taking me to do? This lineup is too scary!".

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