Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 267 Fusion Of The Magic City

Ten Directions Annihilation sent elite players from the Giant Spirit World.

There are still many titan players following.

This was beyond the expectations of the Emperor.

It also made the emperor ecstatic.

With the support of the titan players, the Demon City should be able to last for a while longer.

Maybe it can also repel the attack of the reincarnated Shura.

The God Emperor immediately began to organize new human players to defend the city.

"Brothers, Demon City is our important city and cannot be captured by the reincarnated Shura."

"Otherwise, the reincarnated Shura will be even stronger if he merges with the Demon City."

This level 2 city is full of players inside and outside.

The Emperor raised his arms and called out.

The new human players responded immediately.

Ye Xiu happened to arrive outside the city of Modu.

When he heard the Emperor's words, he sneered and said, "You want to take over the Demon City? You guys are thinking of farting!"

"In the face of absolute strength, what's the use of having a large number of people? They are all here to give me their heads!"

Ye Xiu successively attacked several public cities.

There are also a lot of Earth players following him.

They are able to hold down the enemy's large number of players.

It's just that the appearance of titan players still gives new human players an advantage in numbers.

"The ten directions are all destroyed, and they started to make troubles again. It seems that the next target of revenge should be you!"

Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes.

He will take revenge on all the forces that participated in the attack on Destiny City and Miracle City.

The destruction of all directions was originally the target of revenge.

Now he still dares to come to support the Emperor.

This is to help new human players consume Ye Xiu's power.

How could Ye Xiu bear it.

When the Demon City is taken down, it's time to pay the price for the destruction of all directions!

At this moment, the focus of both sides is on the offense and defense of the Modu.

It's just that Ye Xiu is not prepared to give the enemy a chance to resist.

The earth titan quietly approached Modu.

This time the new human players seem to have discovered something.

"The scan came out! There are a lot of enemies underground! Those are the super elites of the reincarnated Shura!"

The Oriental Pearl Tower is still very powerful.

It scanned the earth titan lurking underground.

It's just that although they know that the earth titan is underground.

But they can't deal with the earth titan at all.

After all, the players currently don't know how to attack the underground.

I can only watch the titans wreak havoc on the earth!

They worked together to cast spells, and directly knocked down the entire city wall of the magic capital.

The Wrath of the Earth is used to demolish the city walls, that's one demolition one at a time!

"It would be great if the devil had the Great Wall of the imperial capital, at least it wouldn't be so easily shaken.

The new human players thought about it.

In the urban projections corresponding to many public cities.

There is also a gap.

In reality, the more developed the city, the stronger the projected power.

Like the imperial capital and the magical capital, they are all super first-class cities.

So the projected legendary buildings are also very powerful.

In the entire earth and the dark earth, there are only about ten cities at the same level as the imperial capital and the demon capital.

Magic is an absolute must.

At the same time, the effect of Oriental Pearl Tower is stronger than that of legendary buildings in other cities.

For example, the legendary buildings projected from the giant spirit world.

The most powerful is the Pillar of Titans in the Holy City of Titans.

There is also a huge gap between legendary buildings.

"Besides, those are meaningless. Without the city walls, we can only fight with the players on Earth!"

"Hurry up and use the destructive shock wave of Oriental Pearl! Two destructive shock waves can cause some casualties to the enemy!"

"It's a pity that the reincarnated Asura's troops are not afraid of spells of this level at all, otherwise it would be great if they could use the destructive shock wave to destroy part of the reincarnated Asura's main force!"

New human players apply to use the space-based weapons of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

2 waves of destructive shock waves fell from the sky.

It fell fiercely among the players on Earth.

Immediately caused the general effect of clearing the field.

Ye Xiu also fought back, causing the Chaos Meteor Cannon to fire twice.

Chaos bombardment caused huge damage in the city of Modu.

The earth titan also started the boundless killing.

They hide under the ground and can use spells at will.

This kind of mage unit is a great weapon to harvest the enemy!

Just the earth titan" has caused huge damage to new human players.

The battle lasted 6 hours.

New human players generally suffered heavy losses.

Earth players also paid some casualties.

The earth titans rely on the huge amount of damage, and all of them have superimposed a lot of power of the earth.

Their magic power is more fierce.

The new human players can't hold it anymore!

"Let's withdraw! We have nothing to do with the underground troops of the reincarnated Shura, they are not opponents at all!"

"If you don't withdraw, you will lose a lot of beta testers!"

……… Ask for flowers…

Seeing that there is nothing the Emperor can do, he can only let the new players retreat.

Ye Xiu has been targeting mid-level players among new human players.

Use their frenzy to brush up the legend of the God of War.

The Emperor of God calculated the loss.

In one battle, more than 60 mid-level players were completely killed or injured.

The Emperor of God was a little afraid to fight Ye Xiu anymore.

If the fight continues, the blood of the new human players will be drained!

The giant spirit world also lost twenty or thirty players.

The destruction of all directions is also a headache.

The shackles of reincarnation of the reincarnated Shura made the players very afraid.

Let titan players fight the reincarnated Shura for this.

There are too many casualties, titan players will definitely be afraid of fighting!


Ten directions can't mobilize more titan players.

When I heard that it was a battle with the reincarnated Shura.

Many titan players will refuse.

Unless it is the reincarnated Shura attacking the public cities of the titan world.

Only then will there be titan players willing to fight to the death.

[The Immortal Battle Soul participates in a heroic epic with a scale of more than 10,000 heroes and wins. The Battle of the Demon City is recorded on the Heroic Soul Monument and becomes a heroic epic, and its number is +1. 】

[The number of heroic epics +1, the effect of recruiting holy souls is activated, and according to the scale of the battle in the magic city, 24 miraculous holy souls will be obtained. 】

The Battle of the Demon City is over.

It took Ye Xiu a total of 8 hours to take down Modu.

This took more time than attacking other cities.

But it can always be regarded as devastating.

However, the casualties of the players on Earth are relatively large.

They need time to replenish their forces.

Ye Xiu also prepared to take a break.

[Lead the player to occupy the level 2 public city of the hostile camp - Magic City, and obtain 6W points of military merit. 】

[It is detected that Magic City and Miracle City are cities with a similarity of 99% of the projection target, and the two cities can be merged. You need to pay 500,000 military merits. Do you want to merge them?】

As Ye Xiu guessed.

Miracle City and Magic City are projected Magic City.

The similarity between the earth and the dark earth is extremely high.

The two can be directly fused.

It's just 50W military exploits.

The benefits of combining the two are enormous.

Ye Xiu decisively chose fusion!

50W military exploits were invested in, and the two cities underwent shocking changes!

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