Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 268 Transformation Of The Oriental Pearl! (Ninth Change, 12.9W Flowers!)

The magic city began to become unreal.

It turned into a force and projected onto Miracle City.

Ye Xiu made a choice.

When merging, Miracle City is the main one.

The integration is to preserve the miracle city and make the magic city disappear completely.

Miracle City naturally gained huge benefits.

[Miracle City successfully merged with the Magic City (level 2 city), the title of the city was upgraded, and Miracle City won the title of Gemini! 】

Economic Center: The city has a strong economic foundation and capabilities. Every day, urban resources and economic income increase by 300%. All transactions will generate an additional 7% of income and deposit it in the city.

City of Miracles: The city has an unparalleled development speed, the construction and upgrade time is increased by 150%, the upper limit of the urban building level is +1, and the urban building has a 75% effect bonus.

Super city: The scale of the city is increased, resource output and arms output +20"003"0%, and the number of all repeatable urban buildings is doubled.

Gemini: The maximum number of repeatable city buildings is doubled. When you have two identical buildings, you can upgrade them.

Miracle City itself obtained the greatest benefits first.

The three top city titles have all been enhanced.

The development speed of Miracle City will undoubtedly increase again.

In addition, Modu also won the title of Gemini.

This is the title that all merged cities will receive.

Doubled the maximum number of repeatable buildings.

If 2 taverns could have been built, then 4 taverns could be built directly.

The same goes for buildings like markets and mercenary camps!

At the same time, two identical buildings can be upgraded and merged.

2 Level 3 Lancer Camps, which can be merged and upgraded to Level 4 Lancer Camps.

and so on.

The merged buildings can also be rebuilt.

This can greatly speed up the upgrade speed of city buildings.

Like the administrative hall, you can build two level 3 administrative halls, and then merge them to upgrade to level 4!

This is much faster than building a level 4 executive hall alone.

Ye Xiu felt that Miracle City might be able to catch up.

Upgrade to a Tier 4 city earlier than Destiny City!

As long as there are enough resources.

The speed at which Miracle City upgrades is absolutely astonishing!

In addition, the legendary buildings in Miracle City also get great benefits!

[The legendary building Oriental Pearl is fused with a replica, and the building has transformed into an epic building!]

[The fusion replica of the legendary building Bund Port, the building has transformed into an epic building! 】

Because the magic capital is only level 2.

Currently only 2 legendary buildings are projected.

When merging, only these two buildings have undergone metamorphosis.

The Peace Hotel, which was only projected at level 3, did not enjoy this benefit.

Ye Xiu also understood it in his heart: "From this point of view, it is still necessary to let the imperial capital develop for a longer period of time, at least to develop to a third-level city, so that the Forbidden City, the Old Summer Palace and the Great Wall can all be integrated and transformed!"

Ye Xiu dismissed the idea of ​​attacking the imperial capital now.

This is an opportunity to transform Destiny City in the future.

That's naturally fattening before slaughtering!

With this experience.

Ye Xiu already knew the benefits of fusing legendary buildings.

The Peace Hotel is considered a legendary hero tavern.

Among them, legendary heroes can be refreshed.

If you know how to fuse the replica, you can be promoted to an epic building.

No matter what, Ye Xiu had to wait until Modu was promoted to level 3 before defeating him.

At this time, the magic capital has become a disposable item and is consumed.

Ye Xiu could only shake his head regretfully, and could only use the legendary Peace Hotel.

"Master Shura, we have already withdrawn from the Demon City. Such a public city just disappeared?"

King Wushuang was somewhat shocked by the disappearance of the magic capital.

He also discovered the great transformation of Miracle City.

King Wushuang was a little ready to move.

There is almost a one-to-one relationship between the public cities of the dark earth and the public cities of the earth.

Because the earth has more cities.

The cities of the dark earth have their counterparts in the earth's territory.

Magic City can merge with Miracle City and transform.

Then other public cities should be able to do the same!

If you do some fusion...

"Don't worry, the higher the level of the replica city, the greater the benefits you will get!"

"We can raise the level of these public cities first..."

Ye Xiu took the magic city and tested it first.

He naturally knows how to get the most benefit.

It would be better to raise the level of these public cities first.

"Master Shura, what should we do next? Wait for the players to recover their strength?"

King Wushuang couldn't help asking......

Ye Xiu smiled: "In the battle of the devil's capital, all directions will be destroyed, dare to help."

"He seemed to think that I was most likely to vent my anger on the public cities of the titan world.

Ye Xiu hit the point of view that all directions will be destroyed.

The ten directions are destroyed because the giant spirit world is far enough away from Ye Xiu's territory.

He unscrupulously helped the Emperor.

Even if he failed, Ye Xiu couldn't help him.

For this reason, Shi Fang Ju Mi did not appear in the magic city at all when he was helping.

It is also to prevent Ye Xiu from taking the opportunity to use the shackles of reincarnation.

The destruction of all directions can be said to be done impeccably.

But he has nothing to fear when all directions are destroyed, and Ye Xiu has a way to make him pay a heavy price!

"After the Oriental Pearl is fused, I will be able to deal a major blow to the destruction of all directions!"

Ye Xiu couldn't help looking at the even taller Oriental Pearl Tower.

This is already an epic building!

Oriental Pearl Tower: an epic building, a level 3 building, a landmark building standing in the magic city, has a powerful radiation effect, can include a radius of 80,000 miles into the detection range, can detect and collect information, can dispel the fog of war, and can detect invisibility Enemies can obtain information through divination.

Side Effects: Guardian of the East, Space-Based Weapons, Beidou System, Destructive Focus Fire, Legendary Mage Tower.

Guardian of the East: The Pearl of the Orient guards the development of civilization, which can increase the defense of all friendly forces within the detection range, increase health and defense by 30%, and reduce all damage by 25%

Space-based weapon: Oriental Pearl can launch a space-based weapon 4.4. After the weapon is lifted into the air, it will attack any target within its detection range, and its power is equivalent to the legendary forbidden spell destruction shock wave. Currently, the Oriental Pearl Tower can launch 8 space-based weapons (related to the city level).

Beidou system: related space weapons can be connected into a set of detection and attack systems. The more space weapons, the stronger the power of Beidou system, which can jointly launch attacks (Beidou beam). Currently included in the Beidou system system weapons: space-based weapons, chaos meteorite cannon. Beidou system power increase: 120%.

Destructive fire focus: The Oriental Pearl Tower can use one attack of all friendly forces in all cities owned by the lord to cause a devastating attack on the enemies in a certain area through distorted space.

Legendary Mage Tower: After the Mage unit enters the Oriental Pearl Tower, it can gain super-long-range spellcasting ability, the casting distance*10 times, and the spell damage is increased by 200%. The spell level is improved.

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