Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 273 Self-Destruct Puppet! (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu demolished all the buildings in the sky fortress, leaving only a bare base camp.

After dismantling the base camp, you can get the heart of the broken city.

At that time, the sky fortress will be completely abandoned.

Before dismantling the base camp.

Ye Xiu is going to smack a wave of demon lords.

He had spent huge sums of money before to create a large number of self-explosive puppets on the Destruction War platform!

This kind of puppet is a ninth-order hero puppet.

Possess a strong combat power.

The most important thing is that the self-explosive puppets have the ability to self-explode upon death.

The high-level golem blew itself up.

That lethality is incomparably astonishing.

Even the twelfth-tier units will be severely damaged.

Get too close and you'll get blown up.

This wave of Ye Xiu brought in a large number of self-explosive puppets.

And he let the earth titan hide these self-explosive golems.

Bury them underground with earth armor. "Three seven three" is waiting for the demon lord to take the bait!

"Master, our Great Wall Guardian has been killed many times, and the demon army has also been cleaned up.

"The enemy is attacking the walls..."

Gloria gave real-time feedback on the situation on the battlefield through the eagle eye technique.

Ye Xiu nodded: "Then give up the city wall and let the opponent attack in, we will give them a surprise!

Ye Xiu had long been prepared to abandon Sky Fortress.

It will no longer continue to defend.

It's just that the long-range arms use the city wall to harvest the enemy.

The city wall supported by the Great Wall stood firm for half an hour before it was broken by the enemy's army.

And Ye Xiu has returned to the base camp with the army.

"Reincarnated Shura, you also have today! Your sky fortress is now recaptured by us!"

"Then there will be other demon fortresses to follow!"

A demon lord sees Ye Xiu huddled in his base camp.

He thought Ye Xiu was going to put up a fight.

This demon lord, who calls himself the Lord of Destruction, owns 5 demon fortresses.

He is one of the strongest demon lords outside the gates of hell.

This time the attack on the sky fortress was led by him.

The Lord of Destruction has accepted the generous terms offered by the void demons.

Take down Sky Fortress and even Ye Xiu's other demon strongholds.

You can get the gift of the void demon.

Not only can it be transformed into a void demon.

After the void channel is opened, he can continue to occupy more demon fortresses.

The Doomlord was overwhelmed by the new arrival of the High Demon Heroes of the Void Demons.

Compared with the powerful void demons.

The Lord of Destruction naturally wanted to pick a soft persimmon.

Ye Xiu versus the Void Demon army.

No matter what, Ye Xiu was easy to deal with.

"Destroy the lord? I remember you, this bare sky fortress, I will give it to you..."

Ye Xiu waved his hand, and he directly demolished the base camp!

Not only did I get the ordinary building crystals, but I also got the city heart fragments in the base camp!

Fragment of City Heart (4/5): Fragment of City Heart, collect all 5 fragments to synthesize Level 1 City Heart. The heart of the city can build a new city in any location.

Level 3 Sky Fortress.

What came out were 4 pieces of City Heart.

1 block for tier 1 cities.

Level 2 city 2 blocks.

4 blocks for tier 3 cities.

and so on.

For level 4 cities, the complete heart of the city can be directly disassembled.

But under normal circumstances, no one will go crazy to demolish level 4 cities.

Even Tier 2 cities are rarely demolished.

After all, upgrading from a Tier 1 city to a Tier 2 city requires massive resources and a lot of time.

Take a few Tier 3 cities and exchange them for a Tier 1 city.

That was indeed a loss-making business.

However, Ye Xiu's current situation is different.

He does not dismantle the sky fortress.

The stronghold will fall into the hands of the void demons.

Besides, the Sky Fortress was not built by Ye Xiu.

It didn't bother him at all.

"What are you doing! You actually destroyed a level 3 demon fortress!"

Ye Xiu demolished the base camp of the Sky Fortress in front of the Lord of Destruction.

Now the sky fortress was completely abandoned.

A level 3 fortress is gone!

The Lord of Destruction was furious to death.

He only needs to occupy the sky fortress, and then occupy a demon fortress.

You can meet the requirements of the middle-level lord.

Have more powerful strength.

The sky fortress was originally a spoil given to him by the void demons.

But now Ye Xiu actually demolished the Sky Fortress in front of him.

This is to cut off one's wealth is like killing one's parents.

The Lord of Destruction would like to cut Ye Xiu into pieces!

"What? Want to kill me? Then just come, I'm waiting for you at the Fortress of Destruction!"

Get what you want, Ye Xiu waved his hand

Before he left, he wanted to disgust and destroy the lord.

The Boiling Blood Spear sacrificed the last batch of demon units.

A bloody rainbow pierced through the Lord of Destruction.

The Lord of Destruction did not expect that he would be attacked by Ye Xiu.

The power of the Boiling Blood Spear is indeed terrifying.

The demon guards of the Lord of Destruction forcibly blocked it, but were turned into a puddle of blood by the Spear of Boiling Blood.

On the contrary, it increased the power of this blow.

The Lord of Destruction was instantly defeated!

However, for high-level heroes, one kill cannot cause a devastating blow to it.

It has a long lifespan, at least it needs to be killed more than 15 times.

However, the Lord of Destruction was instantly killed in front of so many people.

It was a huge blow to his prestige.

There was some commotion in the entire demon coalition.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Xiu activated Rashomon.

The enemy has no means of reincarnation shackles to lock him.

Ye Xiu also successfully retreated to the Fortress of Destruction.

The demon alliance is furious!

"Let the reincarnated Shura run away, then occupy the Sky Fortress and see if it can be repaired!"

The demon lords still had a glimmer of hope.

Let's hope Sky Fortress isn't completely destroyed.

But they soon discovered that Ye Xiu was more of a bandit than a bandit.

All the buildings in the Sky Fortress have been demolished to build crystals.

It's all empty shells!

Now the base camp has also been demolished.

Sky Fortress is completely useless.

This is a bunch of useless 3.1 crap!

"The reincarnated Shura is too abominable! He actually demolished the entire sky fortress, it's really hurting others and not benefiting oneself!"

Just when the demon lords were extremely angry.

Thousands of self-explosive puppets rose from the ground.

They had been hiding underground in earth armor until now.

Now Ye Xiu's men retreated.

The armies of the demon lords have entered the sky fortress.

The self-explosive puppets can show their power.

The self-explosive puppets are very scattered.

As soon as it rose from the ground, it encountered all kinds of concentrated fire from the demon coalition forces.

They are killed very quickly.

But at the moment when the self-explosive puppets died.

An earth-shattering explosion resounded through the audience.

The demon coalition was instantly blasted into the sky!

The entire sky fortress was completely reduced to ruins.

Buried with the Sky Fortress, there are also a large number of demon troops. .

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