Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 274 Golem Production Platform Upgrade! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

[Kill 1,000 blood demons (tier 9 arms), and get rewards according to the level and quality of the demons: 2.7W gold coins, 4 demon hunters. 】

[The reward reward has been increased by a hundred times, and 270W gold coins and 4 demon hunters have been obtained. 】

[Kill 1,000 destroying demons (ninth-tier units), and get rewards based on the level and quality of the demons: 2.7W gold coins, 4 demon hunters. 】

[The reward reward has been increased by a hundred times, and 270W gold coins and 4 demon hunters have been obtained. 】

[Kill 1,000 sickle demons (6th-tier units), according to the level and quality of the demons, you will get rewards: 1.2W gold coins, 3 musketeers. 】

[Reward rewards get a 100-fold increase to get 120W gold coins and become a future soldier. 】

At the moment when the self-explosive puppets exploded.

Ye Xiu swiped a lot of rewards just like swiping the screen.

Under a hundredfold increase.

Ye Xiu harvested more than 5000W gold coins in one go.

There are also many future fighters and demon hunters.

The number of demon hunters broke through 100 in one fell swoop.

Ye Xiu has mastered the training method of demon hunters!

Training Demon Hunters: You can consume 20W gold coins, 10 units of Poinciana (advanced resources), and 1 unit of legendary crystals to train 27 demon hunters into demon hunters (legendary arms).

To train a demon hunter, you need to consume legendary crystals.

This is a consumable item that is even rarer than king crystals.

Ye Xiu has not been able to get the legendary crystal yet, so he can only look at it.

But this is also the first way Ye Xiu obtained to train legendary units.

The significance is very significant.

"The demon lords must be delighted by this wave of surprises..."

Ye Xiu smiled.

The same is true.

The demon lords flew up 'coolly'.

A large number of elite troops were killed by the self-explosive puppets.

There are some demonic heroes among them.

Only Ye Xiu can get so many rewards.

Now the demon lords can't wait to skin and tear Ye Xiu apart.

The hatred for Ye Xiu is extremely high.

Ye Xiu's hand is too dark.

Not only let them fail.

He was also ambushed and suffered heavy casualties.

No matter how you look at it, these demon lords have been played like fools.

"Brothers, you are on standby at the Fortress of Destruction. The Fortress of Destruction is about to face a stormy attack. I will go to other fortresses to pick up other brothers!"

Ye Xiu asked Houyi Sheyue and others to continue stationing at the Fortress of Destruction.

He teleported to the Dark Fortress.

Except for the destruction of the fortress.

Ye Xiu also holds Sky Fortress, Dark Fortress, Blood Fortress and Fear Fortress.

Now Sky Fortress is completely destroyed.

But the Dark Fortress, Blood Fortress, and Fear Fortress are still under the attack of the demon lords.

Ye Xiu is also preparing to concoct according to law!

He used building crystals in the Fortress of Destruction to speed up the upgrade progress of many buildings in the Fortress of Destruction.

At the same time, the puppet production platform is also making every effort to produce self-explosive puppet.

The puppets who blew themselves up in the sky fortress earned Ye Xiu a lot of money.

This much money is enough to build a large number of self-explosive puppets.

Even Ye Xiu still earns money!

The level 2 platform is fully started, and the production capacity is amazing.

When Ye Xiu came to the Dark Fortress, he brought a large number of self-explosive puppets.

He still operates like a sky fortress.

Transform the buildings of the two highest-level units first, and let the Pillar of Titans fuse them.

Then demolish all the buildings and harvest a lot of building crystals.

In the end, he gave up the dark fortress and let the demon lords break in.

"The alien heroes can't hold it anymore! We have made great achievements this time, and there is still a devil's fortress to share! This is a big profit!"

The demon lords have not yet realized that the situation is special.

The lords rarely communicated with each other.

After the Lord of Destruction was pitted.

No relevant information was passed on to the demon lord here.

Ye they crazily attacked the dark fortress like Tie Hanhan.

At this time, Ye Xiu had just demolished the base camp!

Obtained building crystals and city heart shards.

Ye Xiu can synthesize the heart of a level 1 city!

He snapped his fingers: "You are finally here!"

"I have prepared a big gift for you, enjoy it slowly!"

Ye Xiu left through Rashomon.

The demon lords had no time to stop it.

Then they realized something was wrong.

Countless self-explosive puppets emerged from the ground.

Their eyes glowed a terrifying red.

Launched a suicide attack on the enemy!

The demon lords thought Ye Xiu had set up an ambush.

Immediately be sniped.

The number of demon army occupies the absolute top.

The self-explosive puppet was quickly resolved.

But when the self-explosive puppet is killed, what it brings is a series of terrifying self-explosions!

Terrible explosions filled the entire dark fortress.

This fortress is about to be blown up!

[Kill 1,000 dark demons (ninth-tier units), and get rewards according to the level and quality of the demons: 270,000 gold coins, 4 demon hunters. 】

[The reward reward has been increased by a hundred times, and 270W gold coins and 4 demon hunters have been obtained. 】

[Kill 1,000 crazy demons (9th-tier units), according to the level and quality of the demons, get rewards: 2.7W gold coins, 4 demon hunters. 】

[The reward reward has been increased by a hundred times, and 270W gold coins and 4 demon hunters have been obtained. 】

[Kill 1,000 demon messengers (seventh-tier units), and get rewards based on the level and quality of the demons: 1.4W gold coins, 3 musketeers. 】

[Reward rewards get a 100-fold increase and get 140W gold coins, a future soldier. 】

Ye Xiu prepared more self-destruct puppets this time.

It also caused a larger scale of damage to the demon army.

Ye Xiu swiped the screen again for rewards!

This wave of Ye Xiu harvested a full 6000W gold coins!

Gain more than in Sky Fortress!

"Continue to make me a self-destruct puppet, we are not short of money!"

The demon army provided Ye Xiu with 430 large sums of money.

Let Ye Xiu open to create a self-explosive golem.

This is Ye Xiu's unique ability to support war with battle.

Other players are absolutely incomparable.

Ye Xiu is going to use several demon fortresses as 'weapons' to severely damage the demon army

The Void Demon wants to turn the Demon Fortress into a meat grinder to wipe out Ye Xiu's vital forces.

Now it is being used by Ye Xiu in reverse.

Allowing him to crazily weaken the power of the demon lords.

If the void demon knows, he can fix his qi and blood.

It's a pity that the void demons are sending troops to surround the destruction fortress.

Lest the Doom Fortress evacuate through the maneuver ability.

The task of attacking other demon fortresses was given to the demon lords.

Wait until they take all the demon strongholds.

Let's besiege the Fortress of Destruction together.

In this way, the demon lords do not communicate with each other.

They all fell for the same trick from Ye Xiu.

Three hours later, the Blood Fortress was completely destroyed by a huge explosion.

The demon army suffered another heavy blow.

He suffered heavy losses in the self-destruction of the self-explosive puppet.

Ye Xiu harvested 7500W gold coins in this wave.

In addition, he spent a huge amount of money to continuously build golems. After the number of elite golems reached 50,000, he finally saw the golem production platform begin to upgrade!

"Very good, the upgraded puppet production platform has greatly enhanced its manufacturing capabilities, and it can also make tenth-order puppet!".

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