Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 289 The Expansion Pack Is Open! (The Tenth Change, 15.1W Flowers Plus More!)

Ye Xiu did not give up easily.

He let the Beidou system start to scan everywhere within the range.

Want to see the location of other void channels.

After the initial frustration.

Ye Xiu quickly regained his composure.

So what if the demon lord opened up many void passages!

He just needs to destroy all these void passages.

The demon lord will also be very headache!

"Master Shura, we have locked the other two void passages, namely the Doomsday Volcano and the Evil Abyss!"

Hou Yi's shot at the moon is also very powerful.

Within the detection range of 40,000 kilometers of the Beidou system.

He found two other void passages.

Doomsday Volcano and Evil Abyss are also areas where demonic heroes gather.

Those two places are also regarded as forbidden places by players.

There are also a large number of demon cities.

Volcano Doom, Pit of Evil, and Hell's Gate schedules.

It is a very suitable place to build a void channel!

It's just that the gate of hell is more suitable for arranging magic circles because of the unstable space.

Only the void demons in the previous life would choose the gate of hell to build a void channel.

The demon king of this world uses the dark magic sword.

There is no need to consider these factors.

Directly open up void passages in areas suitable for void demon activities!

"No 27 can guarantee that only these three places have opened void passages, damn the demon lord!"

Ye Xiu cursed.

How many void passages has the demon lord opened up?

This is really only the Demon King himself knows.

Ye Xiu just finished cursing here.

The demon lord finally exhausted all his strength.

His triumphant laughter resounded between heaven and earth!

"The tide of eternal night erupts, and all enemies will be submerged! When I descend in person, this world will fall into destruction!"

"I am looking forward to this day! My enemies, tremble and wait for that day!"

The demon lord said and looked at the Chaos Meteor Cannon again.

The enemy he mentioned naturally refers to Ye Xiu.

This is to put Ye Xiu into fear in advance.

But Ye Xiu won't be intimidated by this situation.

In the previous life, the demon lord and the Scourge really came, and Ye Xiu didn't act like a soft egg or a loose egg.

Still just reached the end.

In this life, he will not be frightened anymore.

What about the Demon Lord?

Just keep improving your strength.

At that time, I will still beat the demon lord to the ground!

"I am also waiting for you to come to die, now, I will send you a ride first!"

Ye Xiu decisively launched the chaos bombardment.

Another shot to the demon lord!

The phantom of the demon lord was severely defeated!

Completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

But at the same time, a large number of void demons emerged from the void channel.

Countless demon troops burst out from the void passage.

Under the reflection of the bloody full moon.

All kinds of demons and wild monsters are also crazily appearing in various parts of the Milky Way Continent.

The entire galaxy continent was plunged into chaos.

At the critical moment, the server announcement sounded.

[Eternal Night Demon Tide broke out, meet the conditions, the Galaxy server expansion pack is opened, the new expansion pack - Eternal Night Demon Tide, the Galaxy server rules have changed, please explore by yourself. 】

[Eternal Night Demon Tide broke out, meet the conditions, the Galaxy server expansion pack is opened, the new expansion pack - Eternal Night Demon Tide, the Galaxy server rules have changed, please explore by yourself. 】

Three consecutive server announcements resounded over the Milky Way Continent.

All players can hear clearly.

Players who no longer care about worldly affairs.

At this moment, I have to care about the new expansion piece.

"Is this because of the previous Eternal Night Demon Tide? The new expansion pack is exactly the same as the game!"

The players couldn't help but complain.

The tide of eternal night magic, that is an event that affects all players.

"Master Asura made two server announcements before, both of which delayed the outbreak of the Eternal Night Demon Tide. Master Asura is such a dick! It can actually affect the update of the expansion pack!"

"Master Shura 666! If he hadn't delayed the Eternal Night Demon Tide, the Eternal Night Demon Tide would have erupted just after the closed beta started! It's terrifying to think about!"

"That's right, if the closed beta begins and we have to face the Eternal Night Demon Tide, then we will definitely be pushed to the ground and rubbed against!"

"Long live Master Shura! He has given us a long time to grow safely, and now we are much safer in the face of the Eternal Night Demon tide!"

The players heard the name of the Nightmare.

Can't help but think of Ye Xiu's previous server announcement.

Destroyed the Void Devil's conspiracy twice, and delayed the outbreak of the Eternal Night Demon Tide.

This is the savior!

If it weren't for the reincarnated Shura.

The Eternal Night Demon tide had already erupted.

Most of the internal beta players will be blocked in the city and cannot develop normally.

It was indeed because of the Eternal Night Demon Tide in the previous life.

Closed beta players generally do not have a stable source of troops.

Facing the Eternal Night Demon Tide, they could only hide in the city.

Growth rate is greatly affected.

In this life, the Eternal Night Demon tide broke out two weeks later.

The players are developing very well.

Beta test players are generally promoted to intermediate professional titles.

The average level of the internal test players also exceeded level 30.

This is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to the players.

At least they have the confidence to resist the tide of Eternal Night Demon!

Ye Xiu's reputation skyrocketed again!

Even many other small thousand world players.

They all admire Ye Xiu.

He saves most of the players.

"The new expansion pack is open, is there a rule change in "Age of Lords"?"

"Didn't you read the announcement? That's a change in the rules of the Galaxy server! But I haven't noticed any specific changes!"

"It feels like nothing has changed! My attributes haven't been increased by 10 times. Except for this change, I am not interested in other changes.

"Upstairs, you are really a member of Taobao Network! I have been thinking about farts! You have increased your attributes by 10 times! How dare you think!"

In addition to the Eternal Night Demon, what players care most about is the rule changes brought by the new expansion pack.

The server announcement clearly states that there are rule changes.

But the players didn't feel it at all.

That sentence of self-exploration is really cold.

But there is one man who knows what the rules of change are.

"Is this the beginning of world influence joining the Galaxy server, then we can get more player quotas!"

Ye Xiu experienced the expansion pack of Eternal Night Demon Tide in his previous life.

He naturally knows what the rules of change are.

The biggest change brought about by this expansion is the addition of the data of world influence.

World influence refers to the influence of each Great Thousand World and Small Thousand World on the Milky Way Continent.

The number of cities you own is the world influence of each world foundation.

In the Eternal Night Demon Expansion Pack.

Occupy the demon city, defeat the demon army, destroy the void passage, and you can gain world influence!

Every additional 1 point of world influence can get 10,000 players in the world!

This is the same as when Ye Xiu captured a private city during the beta test period, the earth got the player quota.

The new world influence added during the expansion period can obtain more player quotas.

Beyond that, world influence doesn't end with these benefits!.

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