Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 290 World Influence! (The First Update, Please Subscribe!)

"I remember that players who increase world influence for their own world can get rich rewards.

"At the same time, the world influence of each stage can provide rewards for all players in the world..."

Ye Xiu recalled all kinds of information from his previous life.

World influence, also known as world power.

Every point of world power represents huge benefits.

After some players have obtained the power of the world, there will be a ranking list of power of the world!

At that time, the world power ranking list represented the strength of the major worlds!

Top ranked world.

The overall strength is indeed stronger.

In the previous life, the earth ranked last in the world power ranking list.

Has been bullied by other small thousand worlds.

Ye Xiu is looking forward to the current earth ranking!

In the small thousand world, there should not be many forces that can compare with the current earth.

However, due to the new piece of information has just opened.

No player has regained the power of the world yet.

Naturally, the power of the world leaderboard was not opened.

Wait for that list to open.

Players are bragging about each other, so it is well documented.

The Xiaoqian world where I live is ranked first in the leaderboard, you are all scumbags!

Dark Earth had this status and confidence in his previous life!

Ye Xiu wants to make the earth reach this level too!

"Master Shura, there is a void passage in the gate of hell. From the direction of the gate of hell, a large number of demons are pouring in!"

"They have formed a big wave of demons, and they are coming towards us!"

Hou Yi shot the moon and reminded.

Ye Xiu also observed through the light curtain.

On the other side of the gate of hell, there was a black army gushing out like a tide.

They mop up everything, let new demons join them, and charge the perimeter.

Destroy the fortress, bear the brunt!

Other demon fortresses will not be attacked by the demon tide.

Only the Fortress of Destruction does not belong to the demon side.

I'm afraid it will be attacked by demons.

"Master Shura, just received information that many player cities in the Galaxy Continent have been attacked by a demon wave...

"Under the bloody full moon, the demons are attacking everywhere like crazy, and many players can only be forced to return to the city to defend..."

There was also information from King Wushuang.

A city in the Galactic Continent.

Both public and private cities have been attacked by the tide.

These include Destiny City and Miracle City.

However, the intensity of the first wave of magic wave is not very terrifying.

Even if Ye Xiu doesn't go back, Destiny City and Miracle City will definitely be able to hold on.

On the contrary, the devil's fortress is the most dangerous!

"A large number of high-level demons descended from the void passage. The demon tide here is a real demon tide!"

Ye Xiu looked at the demons that were like a black tide.

The core of the outbreak of the demon tide is near the void passage like the gate of hell.

The demon tide here will be the fiercest.

Destroying the fortress became the primary target of the demon tide.

"Send me an order to move the Fortress of Destruction to the direction of the Canyon of Despair. We will block the Canyon of Despair and let the demon tide block the gate of hell!"

Ye Xiu issued the latest order.

The terrain around the gate of hell is very special.

The Gate of Hell is a basin-type landform.

Surrounded by mountains and cliffs.

There is only one 'exit' from the Canyon of Despair.

In the previous life, after the eruption of the Eternal Night Demon Tide.

The void demons built a Fortress of Despair in the Valley of Despair.

At that time, in order to lay down the Fortress of Despair, the players paid incomparably huge casualties.

For just one Fortress of Despair, the players fought for three days.

Now the void demons have just arrived.

Ye Xiu moved the Fortress of Destruction to block the Canyon of Despair.

This is the most important level that turned the Fortress of Destruction into the most important level.

Can't get through the Canyon of Despair.

The army of demons would not be able to break out of the gates of hell, and would not be able to sweep through many cities outside.

Ye Xiu, this is for one man to guard against ten thousand men!

Let the Canyon of Despair become a barrier of despair for the void demons!

"Received, the Fortress of Destruction is moving towards the Canyon of Despair!"

The subordinates immediately carried out the order.

The Fortress of Destruction began to attack in the direction of the Canyon of Despair majesticly.

After upgrading to a level 4 fortress, the movement speed of the Doom Fortress is increased.

It can move 25 kilometers per hour.

This is already faster than the running speed of ordinary people.

It only takes 6 hours for the Fortress of Destruction to move to the Canyon of Despair.

And it takes 8 hours for the magic tide to sweep over from the gate of hell!

Time is in Doom's favor.

Ye Xiu sits in the fortress of destruction, and he is ready for battle.

As expected, after 2 hours of moving the Fortress of Destruction, densely packed flying units appeared in the sky.

That is the vanguard of the demon tide.

Flying demons are the fastest.

It can also threaten the defenders.

Before the tide of magic comes, the flying demons always take the lead.

The current demon tide is a spontaneous offensive launched by demon wild monsters under the influence of the bloody full moon.

They don't even know that Ye Xiu has a powerful weapon to restrain them!

A flying demon that blocks the sky.

That number alone is astonishing.

Unfortunately most of these flying demons, Ye Xiu, have their demon blood.

These flying demons are purely here to die!

"Molu, this time the tide of magic is coming, it's time for you to shine!"

"You tool man, it's time to show yourself!"

Ye Xiu started killing in no hurry.

Instead, he opened the Demon Book and controlled some flying demons first!

At present, the driving demons in the Demon Book can control demons up to the eighth rank.

Ye Xiu's own knowledge attribute is very high.

He is enough to control thousands of eighth-order demons.

Ye Xiu controlled a part of every flying demon.

The number exceeded ten thousand.

After all, if you control five or six level demons, you can control more of them.

"You drove these demons first, and I will clean up all the demons that have not been subdued!

Ye Xiu asked Mo Luxian to command these demons.

This is all 'initial funding'.

And the flying demon is the chance for Ye Xiu and Mo Lu!

Because the flying demons are wild monsters.

They attack the Fortress of Destruction (the one that gets the money), which triggers the battle.

It can also trigger the diplomatic effect.

Mo Lu instantly understood.

He directed his flying demons to take the initiative to meet the enemy.

After the wild monsters and demons trigger the battle, various judgments will begin.

One of the group of flying winged demons trembled and chose to surrender!

"Haha! I really have the aura of domineering! So many enemies surrender to me!"

Demon monsters are batched.

One batch is thousands of demons.

They are calculated individually per batch.

Molu's demon army is much stronger than a single batch of wild monsters.

There are also demons of the same type.

The probability of triggering diplomacy is not low.

More than ten waves of flying demons, three of which were subdued by diplomacy.

Molu's demon army immediately increased in number!

The remaining demon wild monsters are still attacking Molu.

Ye Xiu laughed: "Since you are not convinced, then die for me!"

Forbidden field!.

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