Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 293 The Conquering Legion (3Rd Update, Please Subscribe!)

[Sacrificing 1000 flying feather demons is successful, and according to the level of the Titan Pillar, 12 one-eyed titans (tenth-level ordinary troops) will be rewarded. 】

[Sacrifice rewards have been multiplied by a hundred times, and 60 hundred-eyed titans (tenth-level king units) have been obtained!】

[Sacrifice of 3000 flying feather demons is successful, and according to the level of the Titan Pillar, 6 mountain titan (twelfth-level elite arms) will be rewarded. 】

[Sacrifice rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and 6 earth titans (twelfth-level golden king's arms) have been obtained!】

Baimu titan and Dadi titan appeared beside Ye Xiu one after another.

The Pillars of Titan have reached a height of 1500 meters.

The towering buildings are extremely magnificent.

The key point of Ye Xiu is to sacrifice the earth and bring out the titan.

This king mage type titan.

It is extremely lethal in the magic tide.

The killing efficiency of the Millennium Kill is "six to eighty zero".

Ye Xiu naturally wants to exchange a little more earth titan.

This mighty titan plus flying shooter.

Then Ye Xiu's follow-up plan will be easier to implement.

In this wave, Ye Xiu brought in a total of 300 Hundred-Eyed Titans and 120 Earth Titans.

With the addition of these troops, Mie Li will be even better.

Ye Xiu soon brought these troops to the Fortress of Destruction again.

As soon as Ye Xiu arrived, he saw a wave of demons rushing towards the Fortress of Destruction.

The Great Wall has always stood firm.

Players are keen to kill the demon units under the city.

"Add the earth armor to the Great Wall!"

Ye Xiu commands the earth titan.

This is a show operation.

Cover the Great Wall with earth armor.

It can improve the firmness of the Great Wall.

It can make the Great Wall stronger.

The attack of the magic tide is more difficult to take effect on the Great Wall.

Some attacks can't even penetrate the earth armor.

The Great Wall that was gradually being worn out.

With the Earth Armor, the Great Wall can repair itself.

It is even more impossible for the Mochao to take down the Great Wall.

"Master Shura is back!"

Players discover earth armor.

I knew Ye Xiu was back.

In the short time Ye Xiu left.

The players felt tremendous pressure.

As soon as Ye Xiu came back, Mo Chao seemed to be much more relaxed.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect.

"Titans of the earth, let them know how powerful they are!"

Ye Xiu clapped his hands.

The earth titans immediately began to use the fury of the earth.

A large seismic wave tore apart all demon armies.

The lethality of the earth titan is indeed powerful.

They can also damage terrain, making it harder for demons to attack the walls.

The firepower in the Doom Fortress has been greatly enhanced.

In the tide of demons, the destruction fortress is as stable as Mount Tai.

Molu continued to crazily harvest the demon troops.

The subdued flying demons are still prepared to be sacrificed.

Ye Xiu can continue to brush!

This magic tide has really become a gift!

"What? The Fortress of Destruction has stopped in the Canyon of Despair? Are these alien heroes trying to use this fortress to block the only way for us to go out and sweep?"

Near the gates of hell.

Alpha, who received the relevant information, was extremely angry.

The magic tide rushed towards the gate of hell area spontaneously.

That's going to sweep other cities.

But the reincarnated Shura made the Fortress of Destruction block the Canyon of Despair.

Do not take down the Fortress of Doom.

None of them can leave the Hell's Gate area.

The reincarnated Shura once again stood in front of them.

"The reincarnated Shura, this alien hero is too arrogant! We must destroy him! He has already destroyed our plans twice!"

The other void demon heroes were outraged.

Voidfiends hate Ye Xiu.

Absolutely off the charts.

Ye Xiu is still stuck in the Canyon of Despair.

That's a big revenge!

"The firepower of the Fortress of Destruction is very strong, it is impossible to take down the Fortress of Destruction solely by the wild monsters acting independently.

"Let the demon army attack!"

Many demon heroes looked at Alpha.

Alpha's Conquering Legion is the first demon legion to descend on the Galactic Continent.

At the current transmission speed of the void channel.

One day can probably transmit a demon army to descend, and at most it is to add a little more individual heroes.

This is the transmission speed when the void channel is just formed.

As the demon heroes gradually expand the void passage.

This transmission speed can be increased.

But now near the gates of hell.

Only the Legion of Conquest and the Legion of Doom.

The Legion of Doom is responsible for guarding the Void Passage.

Only the Conquering Legion can attack the Doom Fortress.

Alpha happened to have experience in attacking the Fortress of Doom.

"The last time I attacked the Fortress of Destruction, the members of the Conquering Legion were not all, only a quarter of the members, so naturally I didn't take down the Fortress of Destruction."

"Now that the bloody full moon is hanging high, and there is a wave of demons attacking the Fortress of Destruction, you can watch how I break through the Fortress of Destruction and crush and kill the reincarnated Shura!"

Alpha is very confident.

As the head of the conquering legion.

Before attacking the destruction fortress, he was very aggrieved.

Now the rest of the conquering legion is here.

Alpha is going to be ashamed!

"All members of the conquering legion will fight with me! Let's take down the destruction fortress and start the journey of destruction!"

Alpha yelled.

He set out with many heroes of the conquering legion.

The Conquering Legion is a Tier 5 Legion.

There are a total of 2000 heroes.

This already belongs to a higher-level legion.

This legion has also gone through many years of history.

Alpha is the fourth Legion Master.

The Conquering Legion has conquered many continents.

That's why it has such a title.

"Master Shura, an army of demons is coming towards the Fortress of Destruction, their momentum is very fierce!"

Hou Yi shot the moon to remind Ye Xiudao.

At 4.6, he was observing the light curtain of the Chaos Meteor Cannon.

Pay attention to the changes in the Hell's Gate area.

Having a 'satellite' in hand is indeed very beneficial.

"That should be a demon army, finally a big gift is coming to your door!"

Ye Xiu also came to check on the situation.

Ye Xiu made a judgment after seeing that the enemy's army was in order and holding up the regiment battle flag.

The legion battle flag, that is the treasure of the legion.

It is very difficult for ordinary legions to have this kind of treasure.

Ye Xiu's God of War Legion and Shura Legion.

I haven't got my own legion battle flag yet.

Anyone with a legion battle flag must be an elite legion.

Look at the size of the enemy.

Ye Xiu quickly made a judgment: "This is a level 5 legion, it's an old-fashioned legion!"

"Such a big meal is delicious!".

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