Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 294 The Strategic Role Of The Earth Titan (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

A level 5 legion, 2 levels higher than the God of War Legion and Shura.

Legion members are more.

Legion attribute bonus is higher.

Generally speaking, a level 5 legion is enough to sweep three level 3 legions.

But Ye Xiu is right.

His God of War Legion and Shura Legion are no ordinary legions.

The number of legion members combined by the two is no less than that of a level 5 legion.

At the same time, the attribute bonuses of the Ares Legion and Shura Legion are not low.

There are even two exclusive buildings, the God of War Statue and the Shura God Statue.

These are the incomparable advantages of the Conquering Legion.

Ye Xiu even wanted to swallow the conquering army in one gulp.

Defeating and destroying a demon army will reward world influence!

That can represent a huge reward!

Swallowing the conquering legion can also greatly increase the progress of the upgrade of the two major legions.

"Master Shura, the enemy army has directly started attacking the city wall!"

Naturally, there are artillery heroes in the conquering legion.

They also brought a large number of heavy siege weapons.

Among them, there are 12 legendary siege weapons alone.

A row of giant cannons aimed at the Fortress of Doom.

The Conquering Legion is preparing to take advantage of the siege of the magic tide, constantly shelling and destroying Fortress 27.

"You seem to have forgotten that my turret's range is much farther than yours!"

This time the conquering legions placed their siege weapons at a greater distance.

That was Ghosn, the deputy head of the Conquest Legion, personally commanding these artillery units.

Ghosn is a level 120 Artillery Hero.

He has a legendary gunnery talent.

He also has master-level artillery skills, and even learned hero skills such as ammunition skills and super cannons.

Regardless of its range or power.

They are far beyond the average artillery hero.

The level of a thousand dollars has not been raised, and there is still a huge gap with Ghosn.

Ghosn has been able to suppress the enemy with range before.

This time Ghosn placed the siege weapon at the limit distance.

Or prepare to shoot wildly with range.

I hit you with a cannon, but you can't fight back.

This is the most comfortable.

But after Ghosn took the stance, he didn't have time to fire.

Enemy artillery fire is on!

"Hehe, even if you see me, can you hit me! From my distance, only legendary weapons can reach the opponent.

"These young people fired from such a distance, don't you know a word called beyond reach..."

Ghosn sneered.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the cannon fire fell with the roar.

His siege weapons bear the brunt of the blow.

Not only did the enemy actually bombard his position.

Still very terrifying fire coverage.

In a single blow, he destroyed a large number of his utensils.

"How is this possible! My artillery skills are definitely not comparable to these alien heroes!"

"Even an artillery hero of the same level as me can't shoot farther than me!"

Ghosn was stunned by the bombing.

Purely rely on the gunnery and talent of the hero.

Ghosn fears no one.

Not to mention the low-level alien heroes.

But this time it's really outrageous, the alien hero at level 44, Guoran shoots farther than him!

"It should be that there is a special fort in the destruction fortress, at least this is a legendary fort!"

Alpha only brought ordinary artillery heroes before.

Suppressed by the artillery fire of the ruined fortress.

He can still understand.

But this time even Ghosn, the super gun king, made a move.

But still crushed by the enemy.

Alpha almost suspected that he was hallucinating!

But Alpha also almost guessed the truth.

Such a long range.

That is unless it is a god-level artillery hero.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to suppress the enemy by range.

Then it can only be right!

"Ghosn, start your bomb show! Give me a hard bombardment and kill these alien heroes!"

"The opponent's city wall can withstand attacks from outside the city. For your bombardment, it is best to smash the city wall first!"

Alpha commanded.

Ghosn was already operating.

With a round of volley just now, his legendary siege weapon was destroyed 3 times.

But there are 9 weapons, which can also have very powerful firepower.

Ghosn fired immediately.

With the blessing of super artillery heroes [The power of legendary weapons is indeed amazing.

After a few shots, the walls of the ruined fortress were shaking.

That durability is dropping rapidly.

Ye Xiu frowned.

"Give me ultra-long-range support and destroy all the enemy's cannons!"

The walls of Doom Keep cannot be lost.

Ye Xiu couldn't let the opponent bomb so wantonly.

While firing the cannon, Ye Xiu also secretly dispatched the earth titans.

Ghosn, who was firing, was suddenly hit by concentrated fire from the sky and the ground!

There was a large area of ​​artillery fire in the sky bombarding the siege weapons he brought.

Only legendary weapons could hit him before.

Now all the magic cannons in the destruction fortress bombarded Ghosn together.

In addition, large areas of ground thorns are also destroying the siege equipment.

There are also many earthquakes caused by the wrath of the earth.

Ghosn suffered heavy losses in an instant.

A large number of his siege equipment was destroyed in an instant.

What Ghosn didn't expect was that Ye Xiu used the shackles of reincarnation on him at a super long distance.

With a high enough level of Eagle Eye, Ye Xiu can lock onto the enemy.

Shackles of reincarnation are hero killers!

"I am chained by the shackles of reincarnation, does the reincarnated Shura want to kill me from such a long distance?"

Ghosn does not believe in evil.

But he just questioned it.

The large area of ​​ground thorns gave him 867 a thousand-year kill.

Gorn has a large number of guard units.

But under the wrath of the earth, Ghosn and his guards were devastated.

As long as it is not a thirteenth-order demon guard.

Then there is no way to survive the fury of the earth.

Ghosn and his escort were wiped out.

Immediately under the fire of ultra-long-range support.

His siege equipment was also blown up one by one.

Ye Xiu gave priority to destroying the points that threatened him.

Ye Xiu is not ready to let Ghosn go.

"Earth titan, just show your strength and rub this devil hero to death!"

Ye Xiu ordered.

The earth titans hide underground and make no sound.

They started using ground thorns constantly.

Just after Ghosn was resurrected under the shackles of reincarnation, he was instantly killed by countless stabs!

The twelfth-tier king's arms.

The number also exceeded 800.

Focus on a hero, unless there is a special treasure.

Otherwise it is a dead word!

"What attack killed Ghosn? I didn't even see the enemy!"

Alpha saw that Ghosn was stabbed to death, his scalp was numb.

Unseen enemies are attacking Alpha.

This kind of attack is hard to defend against.

It can even forcibly kill enemy heroes under the protection of many arms.

This is also a class that is very suitable for decapitation tactics!.

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