Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 54 Killing Faster Than Delivering! (Sixth Update, Please Collect, Ask For Flowers!)

When city 002 was attacked, it attracted the attention of some players on Earth.

Some people called for the immediate recall of some players to guard the city.

Few players are willing to make self-sacrifice.

Others go out to fight in the wild, and I foolishly stay in the city.

Maybe there is no enemy to attack.

This kind of thing is rarely done by 'smart people'.

It is precisely because there are too many "smart people" of this kind.

Even with the lessons learned from city 002, there are still not many players left behind in city 069.

Unfortunately, this city became the target of another army of new human players.

After the investigation, the army immediately launched an offensive.

The dozen or so players of player number 069 are simply not enough to watch.

They just resisted for a while, and they were defeated like a mountain!

"They are all selfish players who only want to develop themselves. If the public city is lost, where will they develop?"

"Hehe, they still laugh at us for being too stupid! The public city is lost, we can only go wandering!"

"After I die this time, I will never come to defend the city stupidly again!"

The left-behind players were extremely depressed.

They are not afraid of sacrifice.

The main reason is that there is no point in sacrificing.

If other players don't know how to return aid, then they die in vain.

City 069 was captured just like that.

New human players don't stop at all.

After leaving some players to defend the city, they continued to attack another city.

By the time Ye Xiu arrived, this army of new humans had captured three cities.

This efficiency is really high!

"That's fine, these three cities can also be regarded as the sphere of influence of the dark earth. If I counterattack, I will also have military rewards..."

Ye Xiu smiled slightly.

Ye Xiu had expected this situation a long time ago.

If it wasn't for his attack, city 002 would have been taken down long ago.

Even that army could take more cities.

Put Earth at a disadvantage in the first place.

In fact, the 100 cities of the earth are very close to the initial cities of the dark earth.

Consider it as two countries.

There is a large area of ​​border between the two countries.

The three armies sent by the Human Federation entered the territory of the earth from three directions.

It took Ye Xiu a lot of time to rush from city 002 to city 069.

Seeing City 069, which had changed camps, Ye Xiu decisively launched an attack.

The defenders left by the Human Federation have only 20 players.

With the city wall, it is enough to resist players with less than 50 people.

With the loose organization of Earth players, it is difficult to organize more than 50 players to attack.

When the cities behind the dark earth develop, more troops can be added to guard the cities that have been defeated.

Keep expanding!

The results of the previous life also proved that the strategy of the dark earth was successful.

After they laid down the earth city in the early stage, until the end of the closed beta.

The earth has not been able to fight back.

But this life is different.

Ye Xiu launched an attack all by himself!

And it was an overwhelming offensive!

The phantom shooters started shooting 300 meters away from the city wall.

This distance has already surpassed the defenders with sentry tower bonuses.

The sentry tower was originally a good location.

Now it has become a cage that traps the defenders.

The defenders were shot into a sieve one by one.

The city is changing hands soon!

[Capture the public city of the enemy camp and get 10,000 points of military merit. 】

The military merit rewarded for a successful siege is super high.

After all, under normal circumstances, public cities are difficult to capture.

And if it can be captured, it is generally a large number of players who share the 10,000 points of military merit.

Only Ye Xiu easily conquered a public city by himself!

This difficulty of getting started is as easy and enjoyable as eating.

"It's not bad, the Human Federation is helping me with my military achievements..."

Ye Xiu smiled.

He notified the players in city 069 on the forum.

The city has been captured.

They can go back and defend the city again.

Hope this time, these selfish players can be sensible.

"Damn it! Master Shura has made another move! In less than half an hour, city 069 was taken down again!"

"This is really awesome! One person counterattacked City 069!"

"Life is full of ups and downs! Our public city has been brought down again!"

"There used to be a public city in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I didn't know that I regretted it until I lost it! This time I will definitely guard our city!"

The players in City 069 were overjoyed.

He could only rush into the city and defend the city while calling out the boss of Asura Niubi.

In fact, Ye Xiu had already set out.

Following in the footsteps of the army of new humans ahead, he conquered three more cities in a row!

This is simply a world famous painting.

The new human army is fighting in front, attacking the public city.

Ye Xiu quickly caught up behind him and took the city back.

Because of God walking boots.

Ye Xiu's march was even faster.

He kills faster than his teammates!

When the new human army was attacking the fifth city, Ye Xiu came out from behind!

"The reincarnated Shura really came here! He alone can attack the city faster than us!"

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