Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 55: Beast Blood World! (Seventh Update, 2500 Evaluation Votes Plus Update!)

Ye Xiu's efficiency scared the new human army.

They obviously stayed behind some players in the city.

But it didn't stop Ye Xiu at all!

It may take less than ten minutes for him to win a city!

What consumes more time is the rush time on the road!

"It's another group of head givers, and you're giving me military exploits, why don't you hurry up!"

After Ye Xiu appeared, there was a burst of ridicule.

There are three words all over the face: Improper person!

"What the hell! You really think we are human-machines! I'm going to bite you if I die!"

"Brothers, we can only complete the mission by killing the reincarnated cultivator! Follow me back!"

"Don't be afraid of this guy, we can still deal with him together!"

The slogans of the new human players shouted loudly.

It's a pity that their strength lies here.

If just shouting slogans is useful, then strength is meaningless.

Ye Xiu directs the phantom shooter hand.

Arrows rained down.

Now the team with only 180 people left has suffered a fatal blow.

Although this army is led by a dark lord, the talent of the opponent is knight talent.

When the knight unit has not yet been formed.

Such talents are of little use.

This is also the dilemma of most players today.

The talents of some players require high-end arms such as mages and knights to play a role.

But not every player can get their own suitable arms.

In the future, as players come into contact with more and more power.

They can take advantage of their talents.

In the later stage of the game, it is the fairy walking everywhere.

What Ye Xiu has to do is to establish an unshakable advantage in the early stage.

In the late game.

You can crush the enemy with hard power.

Ye Xiu's current stage belongs to the stage where strong men beat gifted children violently.

No matter how talented a child is.

Its strength is limited.

Ye Xiu just pressed him to the ground and beat him violently.

An army of 180 people was quickly killed to pieces.

Ye Xiu once again gained a lot of experience points and military exploits.

He also rose to level 21 in one fell swoop.

The number of skill points has reached 35.

"You can point out the master level archery!"

Ye Xiu rubbed his chin.

His actual archery skills are now top-notch.

To upgrade to expert level, only 8 skill points are needed.

With the addition of Tianyu Arrow and Tianbao Bow.

Can have a master effect.

Ye Xiu spends 8 skill points.

Just make archery more powerful.

Master Archery: The basic damage of long-range units is increased by 60%, the shooting range is increased by 40%, and the critical strike chance is increased by 20%.

Archery has improved, and phantom shooters have become more fierce.

Ye Xiu didn't even say a word to the players in this city, so he went straight to city 035.

That is the direction in which the third army is located.

But on the way, Ye Xiu discovered that there are players from other worlds attacking the earth city.

"Half-orc? Is this a player from the beast blood world?"

Ye Xiu was a little surprised after seeing the other person's appearance clearly.

The Beast Blood World actually took action against the cities of Earth?

In the previous life, it seemed that the beast blood world did not attack the earth city so early.

They are after the dark earth captured many cities on the earth.

Only when there is a bargain to take advantage of.

The half-orc player in the beast blood world looks like Tie Hanhan.

But these green-skinned strong men are quite treacherous.

What I like most is to bully the weak.

In the previous life, the dark earth oppressed the earth the most.

Second only to the dark earth are the half-orcs of the beast blood world.

Ye Xiu didn't have the slightest affection for orcs.

Seeing them, immediately shot.

"Green-skinned orcs? Die for me! Kill them!"

There are about 80 orc players who are attacking the city.

This is an offensive to test the waters.

If the earth player is easy to bully.

The green-skinned orcs will come out in full force.

Crazy attack on earth cities.

They were already on the verge of taking the city.

But Ye Xiu made a bold move!

When the rain of arrows falls, it is the time when the god of death is reaping.

Most of the arms brought by the half-orc players are also of the orc race.

The big ear, the first-tier unit of the orc clan, is still brutal.

Available in front of Phantom Shooter.

Big-eared monsters are like chickens and dogs, killing them is effortless!

After a few waves of arrow rain from Ye Xiu, the orc players collapsed!

"What kind of enemy is this? Before people see it, all my troops have been shot to death!"

"This is an Earth player? Didn't the new human players say they are weak!"

"It's the reincarnated Shura! Let's run away! He alone can kill hundreds of us!"

The green-skinned orcs bully the weak and fear the strong.

If Ye Xiu failed to crush them.

The orc players would rush up like crazy and tear him apart.

It can also prevent a few waves of arrow rain.

Destroy their will to resist.

All arms are instantly killed by point-and-shoot.

What else is this?

The green-skinned orcs immediately began to retreat.

To be precise, it was a big rout.

There is no formation at all!

"The Human Federation bewitched other Little Thousand Worlds to do something in advance? They are really wicked!"

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