Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 82 The Last Day! (Tenth Update, Please Order First!)

[Successfully seize a level 2 gold mine, get 6000 military points, the corresponding city will get wasteland rewards, Destiny City will get 5W gold coins, and a level 1 gold mine. 】

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, and Destiny City has received 500W gold coins and a level 3 gold mine! 】

It was beyond Ye Xiu's expectations.

The land reclamation reward given by level 2 resource points is actually a gold mine!

Gold mines will appear directly underground in Destiny City and exist as resource points in the city.

This kind of resource point will no longer be fed back as land reclamation rewards.

Under the 100-fold increase, level 1 gold mines will be rewarded with level 3 gold mines!

A level 3 gold mine already belongs to a large vein!

15W gold coins can be produced every day.

If special life-like arms are stationed, the output can also be increased.

With the landing of a level 3 gold mine, Destiny City can harvest a lot of money every day.

This is comparable to 100 level 1 gold mines.

"Hey, this reward is awesome!"

Ye Xiu's eyes lit up.

Few of the players in the previous life were able to seize the level 2 resource points during the beta test.

The monsters guarding each level 2 resource point are amazing.

The difficulty of solving it is no less than capturing a public city.

Ye Xiu took off completely, and was able to lay down a level 2 gold mine without much effort.

Tasting the benefits, Ye Xiu was very excited.

The field resource points and arms buildings near Destiny City became his targets.

After Ye Xiu's war machine broke out, his sweeping efficiency was extremely high!

One after another resource points were constantly being captured.

[Successfully seized a level 2 iron mine, obtained 6,000,883 points of military merit, and the corresponding city received land reclamation rewards, Destiny City obtained 500 units of iron mine, and a level 1 iron mine. 】

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, Destiny City has obtained 50,000 units of iron ore, and a level 3 iron ore!]

[Successfully seize a level 2 quarry, get 6000 points of military merit, the corresponding city will get land reclamation rewards, Destiny City will get 500 units of stone, and a level 1 quarry. 】

[The land reclamation rewards get a 100-fold increase. Jincheng gets 5W unit stone materials and a level 3 stone mine!】

[Successfully seize a level 2 lumber factory, get 6000 military merit points, the corresponding city gets land reclamation rewards, Destiny City gets 500 units of lumber, and a level 1 lumber factory. 1

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, Destiny City has obtained 5W units of wood, and a level 3 wood factory! 】

Destiny City successively obtained 1 level 3 iron mine, 1 level 3 stone block and 1 level 3 timber factory.

With so many resource points, the resource output of Destiny City is extremely astonishing.

What used to be an ordinary city has instantly become a place rich in resources!

Ye Xiu no longer has to worry about resources for urban development in the early stage.

This is the brilliance of a hundredfold increase!

Ye Xiu then aimed at the unit building.

The level 2 spearman camp was also taken down by him with great effort.

[Successfully seized a level 2 spearman camp, obtained 8000 military merit points, and the corresponding city received wasteland rewards (ch) Tianhe City obtained 60 spearmen and a level 1 spearman camp. 】

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, and Destiny City has obtained 60 storm spearmen and a level 3 spearman camp. 】

Sure enough, it was as Ye Xiu expected.

For level 2 arms buildings, land reclamation rewards are also arms buildings.

In an instant, there was a level 3 spearman camp in Destiny City.

Land reclamation rewards can break through the upper limit of the city level.

In a level 2 city, there are 3 level 3 spearmen camps.

This is simply a sight that other cities cannot comprehend!

The production of arms has skyrocketed again, and the players in Destiny City benefit the most!

"There is another spearman camp in Destiny City, the boss is mighty! It must be the masterpiece of the boss!"

"My dear, this is simply a random move by spearmen! I'm going to blow it up!"

"We don't need to do missions anymore, we just spend money to recruit troops to level up! It's much faster than developing in the Eternal Continent!"

Some internal beta players have already entered Destiny City.

A large number of arms are recruited here.

Let them quickly build up their strength, and then go out to play in the jungle.

The seized resources will be rewarded to Tianfen City for land reclamation.

This is a win-win situation and a virtuous circle!

Players raided the small resources around Destiny City.

The amount of resources in Destiny City has grown rapidly.

Every moment, new buildings are built.

There are also some buildings that are successfully upgraded.

Destiny City is changing with each passing day, and its development speed is dozens of times faster than that in the hands of Kish Kingdom.

Over time, Ye Xiu took another tier 2 spearmen camp and a tier 2 longbowmen camp.

[Successfully seize a level 2 longbowman camp, get 12,000 military merit points, the corresponding city will get wasteland rewards, Destiny City will get 40 longbowmen, a level 1 longbowman camp. 】

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, and Destiny City has obtained 40 hurricane shooters and a level 3 longbowman camp. 】

Take down the longbowmen camp, and the number of Ye Xiu's Hurricane shooters has broken through to 12!

Ye Xiu has mastered the training method of the Hurricane Shooter through the Marksman Specialty!

Training Hurricane Archer: Spend 3W gold coins, 10 units of Vajra Wood and 1 king crystal, and you can train the archer units within the sixth level to be the king unit Hurricane Archer of the same level.

The content of this training made Ye Xiu very hungry.

It turns out that shooters below the sixth level can be trained to become hurricane shooters.

In other words, Ye Xiu can create a high-level Hurricane Shooter!

This is the sixth-tier king's arm.

The basic attribute is of course stronger than the second-order Hurricane Shooter.

The Hurricane shooter has a huge advantage over other shooters.

This is a marksman class with area-of-effect capabilities.

This ability is very rare in the shooter class.

The general shooter units only have the ability to kill by one point.

Like the future fighters of the fifth-tier king's arms, they can only kill the target.

The second-order hurricane shooter is too low in level, and the basic attributes are there.

If there is a hurricane shooter of the sixth level, its range can kill, it is a battlefield killer that is more powerful than the mage arms!

Ye Xiu's mouth is watering just thinking about it.

However, to train the king's arms, you need to use the king's crystal.

This thing is quite rare.

Ye Xiu has not yet found a way to obtain it.

When Ye Xiu cleaned up these resource points and unit buildings, the time came to the last day of the beta test.

"It's the last day, other players, it's time to start commotion!"

It is still very comfortable for Ye Xiu to concentrate on his development.

He got a lot of gold coins and wood, and trained a large number of phantom shooters.

Plus the bonus Storm Lancer and Hurricane Shooter.

His strength has increased again.

The same goes for other players.

They gained a lot through land reclamation rewards.

For most of the players, their troop strength has been improved.

It's the last day of the closed beta pioneering.

Soon it will be the day of 'submitting papers'.

The players were of course agitated.

They start testing each other out.

A small thousand world began to organize troops to attack public cities of other forces.

There are also small thousand worlds that are harassing the kingdom of Kish.

Want to imitate Ye Xiu and attack neutral cities.

Players are constantly documenting and exposing player-to-player fights on forums.

No one wants to waste the last day of the land reclamation bonus.

Under this general trend, a war will inevitably break out on the last day.

Ye Xiu remembered that in his previous life, the earth was defeated by the "Eight-Power Allied Forces" on this day.

In the end, he lost all the cities and became the unluckiest little thousand world.

In this life, the situation on Earth is completely different.

Ye Xiu first occupied 24 public cities.

Another 20W internal beta player came by accident.

Today, the number of players on Earth is more than that of Great Thousand Worlds.

It's just that the combat power of the closed beta players is generally weak, and they haven't fully exerted their strength yet.

But even so, the advantages of Earth players are still obvious.

Even the Dark Earth side didn't intend to provoke the Earth players.

10,000 to 210,000, and there are immortal players like Ye Xiu.

Unless the brain is not innocent, otherwise it will never come here to seek death.

"Brother, the Dark Earth has just captured a public city in the Beast Blood World, and their dog brains have been blown out, it's really exciting!"

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