Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 83 Break Into The Sky Tower! (Eleventh Change, 100 First Orders Plus More!)

Houyi Sheyue has been paying attention to the situation in other Xiaoqian worlds.

The forum just broke the news that the dark earth and the beast blood world are at war!

It seems that the dark earth can't stand it anymore.

Dark Earth has captured 24 public cities by Ye Xiu.

The Human Federation is naturally not reconciled.

Not daring to do anything to the earth, they aimed at the increasing world.

In order not to be at a disadvantage during the closed beta, Dark Earth must take back more cities.

They gathered their strength and took down the public city of the beast blood world with a fierce offensive.

The "Eight-Nation Allied Forces" in the previous life unexpectedly broke out infighting first!

The Dark Earth is retaliating against the Beast Blood World's previous provocative behavior.

It has to be said that the dark earth is much stronger than other small thousand worlds.

The integration of human federation forces is in place.

There are even top players like the Four Emperors and Seven Kings.

Beast Blood World was beaten so badly.

The public city was forcibly taken down by the dark earth.

The actions of the dark earth opened the prelude to chaos.

The small thousand worlds compete with each other.

The battle is very fierce.

The earth is of a different style.

There are almost no small thousand worlds to provoke the earth.

After all, with 210,000 players, even if you are a pig, you are likely to be rubbed on the ground because of the disadvantage of numbers.

Dark Earth is the only existence in this chaotic war.

It captured 12 public cities and regained a lot of shares.

Just when Xiaoqianshijie was having a great time playing.

The Great Thousand World sent back news.

Djinn World has taken a neutral city!

The news caused a huge shock on the forum.

The reincarnated Shura was the first to conquer the neutral city, which shocked the world.

The Giant Spirit World is indeed the strongest in the Great Thousand World.

They assembled their strength and took a neutral city after paying a certain amount of casualties.

The other three Great Thousand Worlds followed suit.

The elemental spirit world, the high elf world, and the star world have also laid down neutral cities one after another.

Fortunately, they are all in the inner world of the Milky Way Continent.

It's a little far away from Xiaoqian World.

Otherwise, if the players from the Great Thousand World come over, the Little Thousand World will definitely be rubbed on the ground.

The movement of the Great Thousand Worlds has temporarily slowed down the battle among the Thousand Worlds.

Teacher Lemon sent back a message.

"Boss, I see that the dark earth is integrating forces and preparing to lay down a neutral city."

"They also discovered that winning a neutral city is worth 10 public cities!"

Teacher Lemon spoke in a hurry.

Dark Earth is still very ambitious.

In his previous life, he might have thought that attacking a neutral city would cause a lot of casualties.

They didn't try.

In this life, I saw that the reincarnated Shura and the great thousand worlds all succeeded.

Coupled with the rapid development of Destiny City, the benefits are huge.

The dark earth couldn't bear it anymore.

They risked their lives, but they could still take down a neutral city.

Level 2 neutral cities can reward 200,000 internal beta players.

By the looks of it, it seems like a good deal.

"Your perception is wrong. A neutral city is still not as good as 10 public cities."

"Beta testing is over, every city occupied by players can get a lot of benefits, the number is still meaningful..."

Ye Xiu did not explain in detail the doorway inside.

Anyway, he wants public cities and neutral cities!

Children make choices!

Adult Ye Xiu, get it!

"Anyway, boss, what you said must be right!"

Teacher Lemon nodded repeatedly.

"Dark Earth wants to take down neutral cities, I won't let them do so, you keep an eye on the battle situation on Dark Earth.

"When they officially start fighting, let me know!"

Ye Xiu is still most concerned about the situation of the dark earth.

This small thousand world is an old enemy with the earth.

Always the most threatening.

As long as the dark earth is not destroyed, Ye Xiu can't let it go.

After all, the Dark Earth in the previous life ranked the top three among the thirty-two small thousand worlds.

It has the potential to hit the first place.

Now seizing its twenty-four public cities is far from reaching the level of crushing the dark earth.

"Don't worry! We've been paying attention! This time, the Dark Earth has dispatched several top players, and they are dealing with the people of Kish Kingdom..."

Teacher Lemon spoke briskly.

Ye Xiu smiled: "The Human Federation is learning from me! I want to reduce the pressure of defending the city as much as possible, and then find a way to capture the neutral city..."

He knew that attacking neutral cities would not be so easy.

Dark Earth will still operate for some time.

Ye Xiu was not in a hurry either.

He first returned to the City of Destiny.

At this time, Destiny City has changed drastically.

A large number of buildings are being constructed and upgraded.

Ye Xiu nodded repeatedly.

"Perhaps I will be able to own a level 3 city soon, but unfortunately during the beta test period, it should be impossible..."

Ye Xiu analyzed it.

It is quite difficult to upgrade a level 2 city to a level 3 city.

It usually takes a month.

Ye Xiu was not short of money, which greatly shortened the time.

…………… Ask for flowers……

But there is only one day left, which is obviously not enough.

For the rest of the time, Ye Xiu focused on Tongtian Tower.

This mythical building has great potential.

But now it's completely unlocked.

It has not yet exerted the effect that the mythical building should have.

"The Tongtian Tower, I still need to attack!"

When Ye Xiu came to Tongtian Tower, he checked the difficulty of Tongtian Tower.

The difficulty is related to the level of the player.

If Ye Xiu goes to the first floor of Tongtian Tower, with his level 31, he needs to face the difficulty of mixing low-level and middle-level troops.

12,000 low-level units of all ranks.

5000 intermediate units.

Among them, the highest intermediate-level arms will only be the sixth-tier arms.

These units will also be commanded by many heroes.


What Ye Xiu has to face is ten times the normal difficulty.

Normal players will not face such an exaggerated difficulty when they come to break through the Tongtian Tower.

However, if Ye Xiu clears the level, he will get more rewards.

Tongtian Tower will also bring great changes to Destiny City.

What Ye Xiu likes is the benefit of Tongtian Tower to Destiny City.

"I went in first, contact me anytime if you need anything!"

Ye Xiu spoke to Wang Wang Wushuang.

Wang Wang Wushuang was one of the ten commanders of the earth in his previous life.

His strategic vision and wisdom are quite extraordinary.

With him in charge, Ye Xiu felt more at ease.

Ye Xiu will develop his own power.

Naturally, some henchmen are needed.

King Wushuang can be his confidant.

Hou Yi shoots the moon, cavalry has yards, and teacher Lemon is the same.

"Brother, don't worry, we have been observing the movements of other Xiaoqian worlds.

"We have reached the final stage, we can take advantage of the number of players..."

Wang Wang Wushuang's idea almost coincides with Ye Xiu's.

Earth players are just accumulating power now.

Waiting for other Xiaoqian worlds to fight to death.

Wait for the internal test players to have a certain combat power.

This is the time for the Earth players to exert their strength.

Ye Xiu decisively entered the Tongtian Tower.

Follow him into the Tongtian Tower.

In the first level, the whole environment has changed dramatically.

The Tongtian Tower on the first floor has become a complex terrain lined with stone pillars.

This kind of terrain makes it difficult for the shooter profession to play.

Some attacks will be blocked by stone pillars.

The charge of the knight arms can't be used either.

This is the targeted terrain formed by Babel for Ye Xiu's archer and knight professions.

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