Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 139 The weapon of decisive battle! Destiny added! Continuous rewards!

Immediately, Ye Fei entered stealth mode.

Then all his attention was focused on the deep sea.

Looking down, it was dark, but in the darkness, there were faint fluorescent stars flickering.

It is extremely faint, but the magic eye of the biological battleship can detect it.

decisive weapon

Ye Fei couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, he still had some vitality.

I saw that the decisive weapon was an extremely large battleship, but it was only half in half, like the first half of a water drop, with tentacles of ancient war trees growing on the extremely regular arc.

It was too huge, and Ye Fei couldn't even see the whole picture clearly, and he didn't know how many of them were inserted into the ground, but the wreckage of the battleship just lay there quietly without moving, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The magic eye swept over:

[Weapon of Decisive Battle]: Space Carrier

【Grade】: planetary grade

[Status]: Seriously damaged


Ye Fei took a deep breath.

A real space battleship!

It's still a planetary mothership!

It seems that the previous elves were very powerful, such a mothership can easily control a planet or even an entire star system.

I don't know what level of civilized battleship it is?

According to the earth's point of view, the strength of civilization is usually linked to the way and efficiency of energy use.

According to the above, civilization is generally divided into several levels of 0-4.

A level 0 civilization can use all the energy of its own planet (human beings are a level 0.7 civilization).

Level 1 civilization can use the energy of the star system where it is located.

By analogy, a level 3 civilization can use the energy of an entire river system, and a level 4 civilization is no different from a god!

But as long as it is able to go into space, it is at least a level 1 civilization, not to mention this kind of behemoth, just half of it fell here, and the affected area exceeded thousands of square kilometers, permanently changing the floor plate of the entire planet.

it's scary

If his battleship can reach this level, Ye Fei just thinks about it and looks forward to it.

You know, since this battleship is called a decisive weapon and also a mothership, it must be equipped with the most powerful weapons of the elves, and its own technology is also the most advanced.

It can be said that this is the peak creation of the elves, and it must have the most powerful ancient war tree core, and every battleship around it also means an ancient war tree.

Even, many crew members may have transformed into plants, relying on the underground mud to dormant.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help but continue to descend and observe carefully.

He found that there was a huge hole in the head of the battleship. The edge of the hole was smooth, cutting straight into the battleship, and there was another cut in the rear.

It should be some kind of terrifying piercing damage.

The entire battleship was directly bowed by this blow, and an extremely terrifying explosion occurred inside.


Just then, a ray of light lit up.

As the mothership of the elves, this battleship stored a lot of biological weapons inside.

Over the long years, most of these biological weapons have been damaged, out of control, or have entered a dormant mode due to insufficient energy.

However, it was detected that the enemy warship was approaching, and a small amount of biological weapons were still recovering.


There is also silt surging underground, the reefs are collapsing, and biological weapons are waking up one by one.

Just as far as the eye can see, there are more than 50 floating ships.

There are more scattered batfish lurking in the mud on the bottom of the sea, only showing a pair of degenerated, basically useless eyes, blinking and blinking, glowing red on the bottom of the river bed.

It has been at least a thousand years since the crash. There are still so many warships alive.

If he survived, wouldn't the place he passed by cover the sky and the sun?

Ye Fei was shocked just thinking about that kind of power.

But now, these battleships are all disconnected, fighting on their own, and their strength has dropped so badly that there is no basis for it.

The real threat comes from

Ye Fei turned his magic eyes and couldn't help but look into the hole where the battleship was pierced.

Inside, a large number of tree roots spread out, like tentacles sticking out of the hole and preparing to hunt.

Sure enough, there are spirits alive.


A burst of blisters rose.

The root of the tree pulled hard, and an elf slowly appeared from the hole. Her lower body had completely turned into a tree, while her upper body maintained the appearance of an organism.

Sensing the sweep of the magic eye, she couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth and looked in Ye Fei's direction.

At the same time, Ye Fei also obtained the opponent's basic data.

[Elves]: Mothership Captain (Planet Level)

[Level]: Level 20

[Status]: extremely weak, dormant

[Ability]: Son of Nature, the ship is in the man.


Star-level powerhouse!

Ye Fei couldn't help but gasped.

Fortunately, the opponent's level is not high, and the state is extremely weak.

It should be a long period of dormancy, causing her strength to continue to drop, and her body has been permanently planted, and there is no possibility of reversal.

Ye Fei has dealt with elves before, so he is not afraid of the other party's relaxed appearance, just bluffing!

The other party should also partially understand his own situation, after all, Ye Fei also has an ancient war tree here.

Ye Fei's brain turned rapidly, analyzing the situation.

However, what concerns him the most is the opponent's Son of Nature ability, which should be a further ability of Nature Affinity. If he obtains this ability, his magic eyes will merge and evolve again, so that he can spy out more information about the target, and even Yes. Through detailed information, you can see the enemy's origin and weaknesses at a glance.

After such a fusion, the comprehensive ability of the magic eye may have exceeded the average A-level talent, and may even be comparable to the S-level talent!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help but get excited.

At this time, the Elf Captain also finished a large number of Ye Fei's battleships.

She turned her beautiful eyes and said:

"Little humans, fun and interesting."

The tone was light and seemed very relaxed.

"Big Elf, you are so rude."

Ye Fei couldn't help but smile.

The elf captain puffed up his chest and sneered: "It's just a level 16 human. Even if you are as strong as level 20, this is not a place where you can be arrogant. Since you are here, just stay with me." .”

She could easily see through part of Ye Fei's information.

Not to mention, there are parts that she is very familiar with.

This part of the aura made her furious.

When will the technology of the noble elves be coveted by any cat or dog!

But at the same time, this also means that the compatibility between the other party and oneself is very good, and even can completely become their own carrier.

So the first time she realized this, she made a decision.

This human must be kept!

This battleship must be hers!

If she wants to see the light of day again, she must also rely on the current group of participants.

As for whether they will encounter fierce resistance, or even let the opponent escape?

The Elf Captain hadn't considered this at all.

The opponent is level 20, and she is also level 20. Although she is already extremely weak, she doesn't need to fight at all, all she needs is a suitable opportunity~

And this opportunity is bound to come!

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

Before Ye Fei could respond, she pointed out, "Come on, I have to live."


The next moment, the entire huge undersea impact crater vibrated, amidst the flying mud, a floating ship flew out of it.

As for the elf captain herself, she took a leisurely step back, and the tree roots behind her were woven into seats. She had no intention of doing anything herself, but instead watched the battle with interest.

Ye Fei was slightly confused when he saw this scene.

How dare the other party?

Who gave her the confidence?

Immediately, he fired a nuclear torpedo and flew out.


The next moment, the entire area suddenly lit up.

The sun rises from the deep sea!

Countless batfish were covered in smoke for the first time, and then died.

They are huge in number, but in the face of nuclear bombs that can boil sea water, this number is not enough to form an advantage.

With a nuclear bomb torpedo, Ye Fei can use its huge shock wave and radiation to instantly kill a batfish within a diameter of 1000 meters.

As for the floating battleships, they are not much better.

After all, the number of warships is limited, and Ye Fei's nuclear bomb can be manufactured at any time.

He has hoarded a lot of uranium ore in the warehouse, not to mention, he has already begun to try to absorb hydrogen.

Until then, nuclear bombs are just for ignition.



A nuclear torpedo exploded in the deep sea, blasting out suns one by one, forming a light curtain to separate Ye Fei's battleship from the enemy.


The waves in the deep sea began to rise.

The sea surface began to ripple with ripples.

This scene was noticed by the captains on the island.

"Huh? Be careful! It might be a sea monster!"

"A deep sea monster?"

"What a panic! I'm here to deliver food!"

Everyone is gearing up, this is near the base, relying on the base and the powerful Yamamoto battleship, they are not afraid of mere sea monsters.

Not to mention, at this time, Yamamoto has reached level 11, and his strength has skyrocketed!

"Good luck!"

Yamamoto smiled lightly.

His strength soared, and some monsters came to die on their own initiative.

This is all energy!


For a moment, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Boss Yamamoto is so lucky~"

"Envy, this luck is really unmatched. I got a nuclear bomb from Ye Fei, and then killed a group of monsters, and now it's delivered to my door."

"So, God bless us!"

For a moment, everyone in the fleet laughed.


While everyone was discussing, the sea area outside the base was churning, and a corpse floated up.

Yamamoto was overjoyed at first, but he couldn't help but be disappointed when he saw the monster's appearance clearly.

"Baga! It's just a level 6 monster!"

"Yeah, it's probably a big fight down there!"

"Let me set off a depth charge to bombard you!"

Some captains were excited, Yamamoto didn't like this kind of small miscellaneous fish, but they liked it, now is the opportunity, after all, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat!

However, he did not wait for his warship to leave the base.


There was another burst of waves, and another batfish turned out, with its belly up and its eyes turning white.


Then there was another one.

"Yo Xi~ This fight was quite intense."

"hurry up!"

The battleship quickly rushed out, ready to drop depth charges.


However, at this moment, there was a loud noise at the bottom of his battleship.

The entire battleship tilted and then began to float.

Everyone was shocked, what happened.


"What a big deep-sea monster!"

For a moment, everyone was stunned, it was too big!

Thousands of meters!

"Bigger than Boss Yamamoto's battleship!"

"I'll go! This monster is at least level 16 or higher. Someone groaned and swallowed, feeling extremely shocked."

Everyone was also stunned.

what happened?

What happened underwater.



Immediately afterwards, a large number of batfish corpses floated up, some of these corpses were still alive, and seemed to be bubbling and bubbling.

Some of them exploded with a bang as the gas in their bodies expanded due to their rapid ascent.

For a moment, there was a sound of bang bang bang on the entire surface of the sea, and the entire surface of the sea was covered by flesh and blood corpses.

"Tens of thousands."

They're all fucking corpses!

Was killed in seconds!

These batfish were killed in seconds!

A drop of cold sweat oozed from Yamamoto's forehead.

He realized something was wrong.

In the deep sea, Ye Fei had no idea what the people on the island were thinking.

Even if he knew, he didn't care. At this moment, he was killing a lot.

Ha ha!

A lot of energy is pouring in!

【Ding! Kill a level 6 batfish and gain energy +600]

【Ding! Kill a level 6 batfish and gain energy +600]

【Ding! Kill the level 20 elite decisive weapon floating ship and get energy +6500! You get the attention of the law of the world! 】

In just 31 seconds, Ye Fei killed tens of thousands of batfish and a dozen floating ships!

And these 31 seconds are the sailing time of the torpedo!

If the opponent is closer, he can kill faster!

At this time, his strength has skyrocketed, and the defense of the battleship itself is even stronger, so even if it detonates a nuclear bomb at close range, there is no need to worry too much.

Let go of your hands and feet, blast and kill!

At the same moment, Captain Elf's expression began to change. Her face gradually changed from calm to astonishment, and then shock.

Why are you so strong!

The opponent is obviously only level 16!

But the weapons used are too terrifying, no! Not only weapons, but also the opponent's defense and reaction speed are very fast!


That is? ?

The gravitational ring of the Kraken clan!

For a moment, her jaw dropped in shock.

Does anyone still have access to this creation?

Even she can't use it so flexibly!

Shock is shocking, but in the heart, the elf is not afraid, but more excited.

good good good good!

The stronger the battleship, the happier she is!

These are all hers!

Ha ha!

She couldn't help being ecstatic inside.

The expression on his face also changed, becoming a little scared and hesitant.

This scene fell into Ye Fei's eyes.

The corners of Ye Fei's mouth curled up slightly.

He had vaguely guessed what method the other party wanted to use.


Another nuclear bomb went off.

The remaining 3 floating ships on the field were completely emptied.

【Ding! Kill the level 20 elite decisive weapon floating ship and get energy +6500! 】

【Ding! Kill the level 20 elite decisive weapon floating ship and get energy +6500! You get the attention of the world law! 】

Ha ha!


To be able to get the attention of the law of the world!

It was only then that Ye Fei discovered that after killing enough floating ships, he could gain a World Law attention.

I don't know how much attention I have to get this time to be rewarded?

As soon as Ye Fei had this thought, a ray of light shone.

The next moment, both he and the battleship were bathed in golden light.

[Accumulated 10 world law attentions! You get the blessing of the law of the world! 】

[The battleship defense index increased by 20 points! 】

[Battleship damage control index increased by 20 points! 】

[The firepower index of the battleship increased by 20 points! 】

[The battleship power index increased by 20 points! 】


Is it okay to do it 5 times?

That should have been just now.

[Accumulated 15 world law attentions! You get the blessing of the law of the world! 】

[The battleship defense index increased by 20 points! 】

[Battleship damage control index increased by 20 points! 】

[The firepower index of the battleship increased by 20 points! 】

[The battleship power index increased by 20 points! 】

Ha ha!

Consecutive blessings!

If the law of the world is a real person, this wave must make him twist his neck!

Ye Fei was overjoyed.


The light shines.

The elves in the distance stared dumbfounded.

When she reacted, she couldn't help but licked her tongue, and a trace of eager desire flashed in her eyes.

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