Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 140 Kill the Elf Captain! Harvest! Nature whispers!

"Baga! What the hell is this thing!"

"There are terrible monsters under the sea!"

There was panic on the entire island.

Everyone freaked out.

More and more corpses floated up, and there were many monsters thousands of meters long!

The dead body covered the sea.

Even Taro Yamamoto, who has just been promoted, has no confidence at this moment.

Before the monster showed up, it gave him tremendous pressure!

If it weren't for a nuclear bomb in his hand, he would have considered a strategic retreat at this time.

In the deep sea, next to the mothership, the elf captain was furious.

By the time she "reacted", all of her own people were dead!

"Human, I underestimated you!"

The elf captain's voice was cold.

At this moment, she stopped sitting, and the seat behind her began to spread out, growing into huge tentacles, and then plunged into the mothership behind her.

"Before I sensed that you killed many of my subordinates, I thought you were just relying on that mere weapon. Now it seems that your comprehensive combat ability is extremely strong."

"But you are just a small 16-star captain, no matter how strong you are, that's all. You haven't experienced the captain's trial, and you don't know the captain's strength after passing the trial.

In short, the stronger you are now, the more painful your death will be. "

"I want to show you what star-level strength is!"

The elf captain spoke slowly, his voice getting colder and colder.

Although her eyes are full of longing, she will go all out in the face of any battle.

The appetizers before were just to numb the other party.

At the same time, she was even more fortunate that she had chosen such a tactic, otherwise she would have failed just now if she followed along with her.

But now that she is left alone, it is the time when she has the greatest chance of winning.

The other party will definitely try to catch her.

With her own ability, she can feel this, and the information she observes is also displayed.

The other party wanted to catch her very much.

At this moment, she deliberately created this good condition.

"Now I understand why the laws of the world bless you. It seems that you have killed many of us."

The elf captain sneered.

Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that the more attention he received from the laws of the world, the less likely it would be for him to reconcile with these undead creatures.

The other party will not trust themselves at all.

Of course, Ye Fei is also an ordinary person, he just wants to kill the other party.

"Little human, you must have used this method to kill my fellows before, right?"

"I shot her directly and smashed her mouth!"

Ye Fei's heart moved, and he sneered casually.

The elf captain was furious, "You are courting death!"

The next moment, her lower body continued to swell, and countless tree roots swelled rapidly, and then turned into thorny thorns, and some hatches on the mothership opened, and a large number of batfish flew out.

Seeing countless sharp tree roots spreading over, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile.

This scene is really familiar.

He became more and more sure of his guess.

The opponent wants to fight in close combat and wants to get in touch with his battleship.

If so, don't waste your time.

Ye Fei pushed the joystick violently, forward five, full speed!



A large amount of gas was ejected from the tail of the entire battleship, and the gravitational ring at the bottom suddenly lit up.

The battleship flew out instantly.

Seeing the battleship crashing towards her, the Elf captain was startled, turned around and wanted to run away, but the next moment, she was suddenly pulled by the tree roots and hit the battleship.


The next moment, she touched the battleship.

The surface of the battleship began to lignify rapidly, and a large number of tree roots spread out from her.

With just one breath, she has completely integrated into the shell of the battleship. At the same time, she began to expand rapidly, growing her own roots to every corner of the battleship, especially the core area of ​​the ancient war tree, which she focused on taking care of. direction.


The next moment, the battleship's gravitational ring was turned off, and the entire battleship suddenly slowed down, boom~

The crooked out-of-control warship crashed into the huge mothership shell.

For a moment, the entire crater shook.


Parts of the mountains, which had already been bombed by nuclear bombs, began to collapse.

The foundation was affected, and the small island above the sea suddenly shook.


"Get on the battleship!"

People in Xiaobenzi Country are not familiar with this situation, so despite the danger, everyone ran to the battleship one after another.

However, the next moment, the vibration became even more violent!


"See if I can't kill you!"

Ye Fei sneered, not to mention the fact that he slammed into the mothership again. The place where the elves merged into it just now was sunken, and a lot of blood spurted out.

Many of the elves' roots were directly squeezed and broken.

Needless to say, the elves themselves are almost out of human form.


"Oh~ what a powerful impact, continue~"

The elf smiled.

When she opened her mouth, all her teeth fell out.

But soon, new teeth grew out, and her face became refined again. It was only because of the full power that the whole person's skin bulged from time to time, as if there were worms walking through it, which looked very terrifying. Paired with the delicate face, it looks very strange.

What a quick recovery!

Ye Fei couldn't help being amazed.

The speed at which the opponent grows tree roots is ridiculously fast. In just a blink of an eye, 30% of his battleship's armor has been invaded.

After a while, the outside of this battleship will be completely the opponent's territory.

It can be said that if it is an ordinary captain, the only way left at this time is to wait for death.

But Ye Fei is already familiar with the road.

He predicted the opponent's prediction, so he was secretly happy about the current situation.


There was another impact, and the entire head of the battleship was sunken in. The area was almost completely damaged and flooded instantly.

Countless fleet members also fought various tree roots at this time.

Terrible tree disasters broke out everywhere on the battleship.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Little human, I'm so sorry, I won~"

The elf sneered.

"I said, the stronger you are, the more painful your death will be~"

The elf continued to speak slowly.

At this point, she already has the chance to win.

The roots are deeply inserted into the battleship, and everything here belongs to her now.

Especially since the roots of the ancient war tree still exist here, for her, coming here is like returning home.

"Oh, it's really warm and comfortable~"

"Huh? What kind of nasty thing is this?"

At this time, she discovered the reactor.

Suddenly showing disgust.

"Why are you stuffing everything on my precious battleship?"

"Whoa~ there are so many stinking goblins, and... what is this nigger, and wait! Elf!"

next moment.

The elf captain was shocked.

Why are there elves on the opponent's battleship.

What's even more outrageous is that there is no racial feeling between her and the other party at all, and the other party even exudes a feeling of disgusting her!

But this emotion is not complete, like an elf cub who has just been born and has not been tested!

What the hell is going on here!

For a moment, she was extremely shocked by the situation inside the battleship.


Ye Fei made a decisive decision and activated the fusion talent.

He endured the other party's persecution for so long because of this moment.

No more acting!

The next moment, the fusion force began.

The condition of this elf is much better than that of the last elf. After all, she has a large number of battleships to drive, but Ye Fei's current strength is far from what it was before.

He just sent the thermite bomb up, and the elf screamed and struggled to get out, but it was useless, the fusion was what she wanted, and now she was bound to death inside the battleship.

At this moment, the elf captain was in a dilemma.

If you retreat, she will be killed immediately.

In, she will be eaten slowly.

The latter made her feel terrified, and she instinctively wanted to escape.

However, before she had time to get away, a tentacle came over, crackling~!

The current is rushing~!


The elf captain screamed.

At this moment, batfish swarming out could not help her at all.

After the electric shock, it is thermite bomb, which is the best way to restrain and recover!

For a moment, the screams echoed in the deep sea.

But the next moment, a large number of batfish swarmed over.


A large number of infrasound waves bombarded the Elf captain, and the armor of the battleship became loose and brittle.


The elf captain let out a scream, and was shocked violently, tearing off all the roots, and even lost a part of his lower body, blood gushing wildly.

Ye Fei was shocked when he saw this scene.

At this time, he was also in a hurry.

Quickly launched nuclear torpedoes.

The target of the nuclear bomb is not the elf, but the shell of the mothership in front of her.


The violent explosion directly pushed the elf back into the battleship, and the side facing the nuclear bomb was hit hard by the expanding water waves, as if it had been punched, and the whole thing was sunken.

All of a sudden, the elves were completely embedded in the battleship.

At this moment, she is caught in a dilemma, and she urgently needs energy and nutrient recovery.

But the problem is that all the rhizomes are inside the battleship.

How many mouthfuls do you take?

If she didn't inhale, her body would be severely damaged at this moment, and she would die soon.

To suck or not to suck?

She struggled.

However, Ye Fei would not give the other party time to think, and a large number of goblins became violent and rushed up one after another.




Ye Fei also manipulated the tentacle drill bit to impact.

Although the drill bit made of diamond is easy to break, but with Ye Fei's solid-state shaping ability, the drill bit can continue to grow in the future.

hiss hiss~


The head of the elf captain was drilled out of Mars.

"Damn human! You will regret it! Killing me won't do you any good. Only by keeping me can you have a chance to step out of the planet. Ah!!"

A shrill scream sounded.

Ye Fei didn't give the opponent a chance, and he couldn't hold back at this time. If he let the opponent run away, he might lose this opportunity forever.

It can only be done to death.

【Ding! Kill a level 20 elf captain (planet level), gain energy +65000]

[You kill powerful undead monsters and gain influence +6]


This battle is really exciting!

Almost let the opponent run away.

Ye Fei relaxed, only to realize that his palms were covered with sweat.

But the result was perfect, the opponent was killed by himself, and a relatively complete wreckage of the mothership was left behind.

Looking at the dead spirit, whose body was still growing rapidly and spreading out of the tree roots out of control, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile with joy on his face.

By the way, what did the elf say before he died?

Could it be that there are still huge dangers on the way to space?

Maybe the other party is going to die, so he's talking nonsense to delay time.

Ye Fei thought.

Of course, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. Ye Fei secretly kept this information in his heart.

Then he started collecting the loot.

The gains from this wave of battles are really huge!

Absolutely a bumper harvest!

Just the wreckage of this mothership was enough to make Ye Fei ecstatic.

The core of the ancient war tree of the mothership is definitely the best, right?

Ye Fei seemed to have seen the entire periodic table recruiting him.

By the way, there are still so many floating ship wrecks, which add up to hundreds of ancient tree cores.

At that moment, Ye Fei began to quickly clean up the battlefield.

After cleaning up here, he still has the island to clean up.

When he thought that there would be a big wave later, he couldn't help but speed up his movements, feeling happy in his heart.

14 minutes later, Ye Fei finished collecting the loot.

The wreckage of a mothership, 78 floating ships, piles of floating fish, and the corpse of an elf captain who was half human and half tree.

Ye Fei was circling around and carefully looking at the wreckage of the mothership.

Suddenly, a large hole was corroded into the outer shell of the mothership that could withstand nuclear bombs.


Ye Fei was shocked.

A bad premonition suddenly arose in my heart.

Before he could take a closer look at the large holes that had been corroded, there were more and more such holes, and the entire wreckage of the mothership seemed to be eroded by an invisible force.


My battleship!

Ye Fei was shocked and quickly checked the entrance of the corrosion cave, but found nothing abnormal!

It's the battleship itself that's hydrolyzing!

Micro level!

"Damn it! It's the elf captain's talent. The ship is there and the people are there!"

Ye Fei made a guess.

He quickly rushed into the huge mothership, and then rescued the ancient war tree that hadn't been corroded yet.


What made him heartbroken was that the ancient war tree was also constantly decomposing itself, as if it had been cursed.

Ye Fei could only watch helplessly, it was too late for fusion at this time.

Soon, such a huge battleship completely disintegrated, as if it did not exist.


There's still something left!

Ye Fei, who was heartbroken, glanced over with his demonic eyes, but saw the original location of the core of the ancient war tree. After it was hydrolyzed, there was still something left.

Go over and take a closer look. Is it a seed?

No, there are seeds emitting golden light.

Ye Fei scanned it with his magic eye, but it didn't show any information.

This reminded him of the Fate Tablet from before, but he couldn't find the information.

In this case, it is most likely a good thing.

But Ye Fei doesn't know how to use it yet.

There is no time to study it now, so after thinking about it, he simply put this thing in the warehouse and set it so that only he can get it.

Later, Ye Fei began to fuse the elves.

At this time, the Tidal Sea Clan had arrived, and they fought with Yamamoto Taro and the others.


Seizing the opportunity, Taro Yamamoto launched the last nuclear bomb on hand.

This blow allowed him to gain a lot of experience.

Next, the golden light shines, and he comes to the 12th star!

Ha ha!


Finally 12 stars!

Taro Yamamoto was ecstatic.

At the same time, after such a long time, there was no movement at the bottom of the sea. He thought that the battle there was over, the monster had left, and he would not be in danger!

However, what he didn't know was that Ye Fei had already merged with Captain Elf at this time.

【Ding! Fusion successful! Get a shipboard symbiotic crew - biological minions! 】

[Servant Talent: Son of Nature! 】

[Warship already possesses a similar ability 'Natural Affinity' (Class C)]

[The two abilities are superimposed on each other and are improved, and the battleship has evolved a new ability-Nature Whisper! (Level A)]

[Natural Whispering Ability Enhances the Magic Eye——Analyze the Magic Eye! 】

The next moment, Ye Fei looked up, and the flashing magic eyes began to change. They lost a trace of ferociousness and gained a touch of green light. At the same time, Ye Fei looked around,



Various whispers poured into Ye Fei's mind.


He quickly disconnected.

At that moment, he felt like his head was about to explode.

After eating a slice of chili to stabilize his mind and using the magic eye again, he was able to fully exert its strength.

I saw detailed attribute information popping up on the side of the items I scanned, as well as background and origin introductions, as if someone was whispering in my ear.

The elf captain relied on this ability to know that the battleship was manned by humans.

By the way, since it is called the Analytical Magic Eye, it can detect the true information of items.

Then the seeds and the tablet of destiny just now, can't they all reveal information?

Ye Fei's heart moved, and slates and seeds appeared in his hands.

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