Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 128 Analysis of the reasons for the bird strike (35 for subscription)

Chapter 128: Analysis of the reasons for the bird strike

"Aren't we in the preparation class? How come we have become a bird-catcher team, and I still want to go to the computer room with Jiang Chen to fight." Nie Yun chattered.

Zhang Yang glanced at him contemptuously, and said, "I found that your kid has a tendency to be abused, why, haven't you been abused enough by Jiang Chen?"

When it comes to playing flight simulators, Jiang Chen belongs to the Tyrannosaurus Rex level in the 334 regiment.

Not to mention Nie Yun, even those old birds with more than 500 hours of flight time were abused by Jiang Chen.

They describe Jiang Chen's tactical play with only two words: mad dog.

There are many tricks, and do not play cards according to the routine.

But if he was bitten by him, in addition to being immortal, don't let him let go.

Over time, very few people are looking for Jiang Chen to play a mock competition.

"I have the dog-fighting stick, but I'm still afraid of his mad dog tactics?" Nie Yun said carelessly.

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Don't brag, just brush my master's sneakers.

"Your master's feet are so stinky, I won't do it. Yesterday I agreed to brush your shoes and have a half-cent relationship with your master? Nie Yun said angrily.

Zhang Yang: "I knew at 300 that your words are nothing, so don't bet with us in the future, you can't afford to lose. 39

The aggressive method is very useful for young people.

Sure enough, Nie Yun's face immediately flushed, and he said, "Swipe as much as you can, the young master can afford it and put it down. He lost a game yesterday, and he will win it back another day."

The master and apprentice gave thumbs up at the same time: "Pay attention.

The three said as they walked, at this time, they had arrived at the gate of the airport.

When Zhang Yang saw an old acquaintance, he hurried over to say hello: "Squad Leader Niu, why are you doing the bird repelling team? Isn't this the job of the guards and the bird repelling team?

A tall second-level non-commissioned officer quickly greeted him and saluted, "Brother Yang."

He then explained: "You don't hit the birds anymore, the division is very angry, the depot bird repelling team was approved, and the division ordered the dispatch of personnel from our regiment's maintenance brigade and the depot guard company to strengthen patrols. 99

The first-phase sergeant sitting next to the driver's seat of the military vehicle turned around and said, "Not only at our station, but also at the entire division's station, I heard that bird repellants have been strengthened, and a batch of advanced bird repellent equipment has been urgently dispatched.

Jiang Chen is not surprised that one person is sick and the whole family takes medicine.

What people often say about Air Force ground handling is a very broad concept.

In addition to flying in the sky, the rest can be counted as ground work.

Both belong to ground handling, but the field station and the flying regiment are two different things.

For example, a flight regiment has 3 flight teams and one maintenance team.

Therefore, the maintenance brigade also belongs to the flight regiment.

Mainly responsible for the maintenance and inspection of the fighter aircraft, and to ensure the flight.

But other troops at the station are not part of the flying regiment.

Such as guard company, logistics support company, etc.

Mainly responsible for logistics support, such as life support, station guards...

The bird repelling team is a platoon under the station guard company.

The first-level non-commissioned officer sitting in the cab of the military vehicle is the soldier of the guard company.

Explain that Zhilin Airport is affiliated to the 2nd Division, which is stationed by 3 regiments in turn. Therefore, if the 334th Regiment is going to be stationed for training, the Maintenance Brigade will follow.

But these logistics troops at the station do not have to follow them. Usually, they are responsible for waiting for the troops to arrive at the stadium. When the troops arrive, they will ensure the security and let people concentrate on training.

Zhilin military airport is a large field, responsible for 1,000 kilometers of border patrol. Therefore, the level of the field station is also relatively high, and the commander is concurrently held by the deputy chief of staff of the 2nd division, which is the same level as the head of the flight regiment.

In management, they cooperate with each other and do not interfere with each other.

The logistics support of Zhilin Airport is also very sufficient, with the ability to support five types of aircraft at the same time, so even if the 334th regiment only brought one maintenance squadron, there is no need to worry about flight support.

However, yesterday (caeh) day, there was a sudden bird strike, which made the division very dissatisfied with the bird repelling work at the station. The deputy chief of staff, who also served as the station commander, was under great pressure. Naturally, the pressure on the front-line officers and soldiers was even greater.

Fighting wits and bravery with birds is a big event, a very important event.

How many flight accidents are caused by bird strikes, not to mention yesterday's painful lessons are just around the corner.

However, the doubts in Jiang Chen's heart could not be solved.

Although it is almost spring now, everything is recovering, and it is normal to have birds. However, the woods around the airport have been cut down. The closest place to the airport is the lake more than ten kilometers away where birds are most likely to appear.

But yesterday they circled and landed over the airport.

It is more than ten kilometers away from the lake, how could there be birds flying over and colliding with the plane?

So, he looked at the first-level non-commissioned officer of the guard company and asked, "Squad leader, do you have any bird repelling pictures?"

"Yes, I was just about to ask you two, did you see what kind of bird you hit yesterday?" the sergeant asked while taking out a bird repelling picture from the car.

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Dude, the speed of the plane at that time was 300km/h, and we were not keen eyes, so how could we see clearly."

The first-level sergeant smiled helplessly.

Also, at such a fast speed, how could it be possible to see clearly?

Jiang Chen glanced at the bird repelling picture, pondered for a moment, and said, "Yesterday, the bird gave me the impression that it was relatively large and gray-black."

"Fuck, do you really know?" Zhang Yang snorted.

Others also cast doubtful glances.

At that time, the plane was so fast and it was a sudden danger, how could it be possible to see clearly.

Isn't this young man bragging?

Jiang Chen is naturally not bragging.

After the system has been transformed, the body has reached perfection in all aspects, and the vision is naturally the same.

He thought about it and said, "I'm not sure, but it's definitely not a small bird like a sparrow. I prefer pigeons, turtledoves, etc. It's definitely not a crow or a magpie, because the hair is definitely not black."

What Jiang Chen said was firm and firm, others couldn't help but doubt it.


Does he really know?

At this time, the bully squad leader who was five big and three rough stood up and said: "Xiaojiang is also talking about an idea, squad leader Li (that first-level non-commissioned officer), you report this clue first, and then we will divide into several groups, with the airport as the In the center, I searched the area of ​​10 kilometers, I can't believe that I can't find the root cause.""

This is a serious statement, and other people naturally have no opinion.

The first-level non-commissioned officer nodded and said, "I'll report it now.""

ps: Chapter 4 today, I have already asked for leave to go home in the afternoon to update the novel. It is still 6 updates from 10, and 63,000 words from 70,000 words.

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