Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 129 Solo Flying Day, Live Ammunition (45 For Subscription)

Chapter 129 Solo Flying Day, Live Ammunition

The fowling work lasted only half a day.

With the cooperation of the local government, the source of the bird was finally found.

It turned out that a family in the suburbs raised pigeons.

This is a big deal.

Because there are military airports, pet birds are not allowed. Moreover, the army gives each family some subsidies every year. Although the money is not much, the pet bird itself has no economic value.

The root cause has been found, and how to deal with it is up to the station and the local government.

The bird repelling team that had just been established for a long time was disbanded.

On the way back to the airport, everyone looked at Jiang Chen like a monster.

Jiang Chen touched his chin and asked, "What do you see me doing? I have flowers on my face?"

"You kid is crazy, in that case, you can actually see what kind of bird you hit. 35 Zhang Yang said sincerely.

He was also on the plane at the time.

To be honest, not impressed at all.

The squad leader Niu also gave a thumbs up and said, "Brother, you analyzed Datong before. I thought you were bragging, but I didn't expect that I was the one who misunderstood."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "Hehe, normal operation.

This is already his mantra.

Zhang Yang and Nie Yun looked contemptuous.

"You're still panting when you say you're fat? 35

"Can you learn from your master and me? Do you know what my motto is?

"Humble." Jiang Chen and Nie Yun said in unison.

The life of a pilot is actually quite boring.

If you don't train on the computer, your daily job is training.

Physical training, tactical drills, graphic drills, simulated confrontation drills, etc...

However, now because of sufficient military expenditure, almost every pilot can be guaranteed an air training every two days.

What is the standard by which a pilot is qualified?

flight duration.

More than 200 hours of flight time, even a veteran.

With more than 500 hours of flight time, the troops can stir up the lead.

If more than 1000 hours?

Congratulations, you are already a sharp knife and a sharp blade for this unit.

Therefore, air training is very important for a pilot.

No matter how hard you train on the ground, it doesn't make any difference.

The blue sky is the main battlefield for pilots.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Chen woke up from his sleep as soon as the sound of the wake-up call blew.

As usual, went to the cafeteria for breakfast, and then ran a few kilometers.

Just after walking to the brigade, Zhang Yang walked over to him, and when he saw Jiang Chen, he immediately said, "I just received the order, you have solo training today."

When Jiang Chen heard this, he immediately became overjoyed.

I only issued an order during the meeting yesterday to prepare myself and Nie Er. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to fly solo today.

Immediately asked: "Master, is Fei Ba Ye?"

"Haha." Zhang Yang sneered a few times, and said, "You think it's quite beautiful, JJ-7. However, it is already a personal ability that the brigade department looks at you very much, allowing you to fly the JJ-7 solo. As for the eighth master, it depends on when our preparatory class will come in handy. "

"What about Nie Yun? Jiang Chen asked.

"Like you, solo JJ-7, I am on duty today in combat readiness, and the two of you are training to shoot aerial targets against each other.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he felt that it was meaningless.

At his level, Nie Yun really couldn't beat him.

"Stop complaining, go, go to the flight briefing room and wait for the tower's order." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Yes." Jiang Chen drooped his head and came to the flight briefing room with Zhang Yang.

As soon as he entered, he saw Nie Yun sitting beside him with a displeased expression.

When he saw the two of them, he immediately complained, "Didn't you agree to fly the eighth master? Why is it flying the JJ-7 again today?"

"It's good to fly some, but you guys are still picky? I don't care about you. Today I'm in the combat readiness class, and I have to be on call at any time." Zhang Yang said, and left the flight briefing room.

Seeing Zhang Yang leaving, Nie Yun was a little surprised and asked, "Why didn't your master come with you today?

"I'm flying solo today." Jiang Chen replied.

Nie Yun couldn't help giving him a thumbs up, "Brother, you are my brother, an intern, and you are an intern who has just been in the army for less than 20 days. You have already obtained the qualification for solo flight. How can I feel, do you know? There are 4 people in the 334 regiment assigned with me, and now the buddy in the tenth team has not yet qualified for solo flight. 35

"Brother, can ordinary people compare? Hugh compares you mortals to me."5

・・0 flowers

"Fuck off, don't be too mad, kid, if I lock you in today, the cannon will shoot you. 95

"You still dare to bet with me?"

"Gamble, bet, who's afraid of whom?"

ten in the morning.

The two bored people finally waited for the order.

A station staff officer ran to the flight briefing room and said loudly: "Get ready and get on the plane in 10 minutes."


The two stood up at the same time.

Immediately put on the light blue flight suit, the flight helmet, and the white 'model worker gloves'


Get dressed and leave the briefing room together.

At the door, a commuter car was already waiting for the two of them.


Get in the car and head straight to the airport runway.

On the runway, the two JJ-7 trainers on duty were ready and stopped at the duty position.

Jiang Chen took the folder handed over by the mechanic, signed his name swipely, and then stepped on the boarding ladder and jumped into the cockpit.

Seeing the ground crew make a confirmation gesture, he activated the avionics system and began to check the instruments.

everything's ready.

Jiang Chen communicated with the tower: "Tower, Dongsanjiao (Dongsisan has crashed) is ready, request to slide into the take-off position, finished. 99

However, there was no waiting for the takeoff order from the tower.

"Wait for a while, get off the plane first." The controller's voice came from the headset.

Jiang Chen is a little strange.

However, still choose to obey orders.

Stepping on the boarding ladder to leave the plane, not far away, Nie Yun was also confused.

"what happened?"

He shouted to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen shrugged.

I'm not a tower, how do I know what's going on?

However, the two did not wait long, and saw that two more commuter cars drove into the runway.

Jiang Chen took a closer look.


On the two commuter cars, there were suddenly two rockets.

live ammunition?

Live ammunition today?

Jiang Chen felt that his cautious heart was about to jump out at this moment.

ps: The water delivery is back. Today is the fifth update. Before 12:00, it is estimated that there are still 15,000 words. Anyway, before 12:00 noon the day after tomorrow, 350,000 words are no problem.

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