Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 152 Jiang Chen has crashed again and again (25 for subscription)

Chapter 152 Jiang Chen has crashed again

Zhilin County has been known as the "Little Jiangnan in Tibet" since ancient times.

The reason is that although it is located in the Tibetan plateau, because of the large altitude difference, the altitude of some plains and valleys is only a few hundred meters.

The warm and humid air from the sea has successfully turned this area into a plateau water town rich in products.

However, the topography of Zhilin County is also very dangerous.

The altitude difference is large, nearly 3000 meters.

causing ravines in the area.

Almost one Zhilin County covers most of the topography on this planet.

There are snow-capped mountains, glaciers, canyons, hot rainforests, plains...

Whereas Zhilin County borders Baixiang Country, there are a lot of virgin forests because of the low altitude and abundant rainfall.

But this virgin forest that had been silent for countless years was broken by a loud noise at this time.

I saw a huge plane circling and falling from the sky at the moment.

According to this trend, it will crash in at most ten seconds.

as predicted.

After just ten seconds.


Only a loud bang was heard, completely breaking the silence of the primitive jungle.

The soaring flames ignited the forest.

If it hadn't been raining heavily at this time, this mountain forest might not have been preserved.

Looking up from the jungle, you can see a dozen or so small white flowers floating in the air, swaying toward the ground.

The fuel level is only 5%. This fuel level, not to mention supporting Huizhi Forestry Station, can fly another 10 to 20 kilometers is an extravagant hope.

Gotta decide to quit.

Jiang Chen's palms were full of sweat at this time.


What kind of unlucky luck is this.

How long has it been since I came to the 334 Regiment, and this is actually the second time I have abandoned the plane and skydive.

Just don't jump.

If there is no oil, do you think the eighth master is a glider and go back?

Ha ha!

A dozen tons of gliders.

I thought it was beautiful.

The two accompanying j-10b fighter jets were also looking at Jiang Chen nervously.

They also already knew that Jiang Chen's Ba Ye was about to run out of gas.

Looking at Jiang Chen who has been in control of the fighter plane through the holographic cockpit, the two of them admired him in addition to admiration.

Under that circumstance, being able to resolutely throw away the auxiliary fuel tank and the enemy's stubbornness, most people can't make such a determination.

What kind of play is this?

It's totally a lifeless play.

Chi Guoguo told the enemy, Laozi is going to work hard, you come and fuck me!

How many people dare to provoke such a lunatic?

However, if he hadn't adopted this desperate style of play, how could he be able to accomplish the task of expelling and deterring enemy planes based on his strength at that time?

Those were two Mirage-2000 fighter jets.

Not only does the number of fighter jets double that of him, but they are still third-generation fighters, 0.5 generations ahead of the 2.5-generation fighters of Ba Ye, how can they do it without working hard?

So I am very Peifu in my heart.

However, he was also very worried about Jiang Chen's state at this time.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The siren in the cockpit was particularly harsh.

Airplane fuel levels have bottomed out.

The engine that lost power started to strike.

While controlling the plane, Jiang Chen pressed the stick and lowered his head, trying to let the plane fly more than ten kilometers in a gliding attitude.

After all, the area where he is now is still a primitive jungle. If the fighter plane crashes in this place, the risk factor of ejecting the warehouse will be relatively large.

However, things in the world can't go according to his wishes.

The eighth master, who has lost his power, is already a little out of control.

In just a few seconds, the flight altitude of the aircraft instantly dropped from 3,000 meters to 1,500 meters.

"Three turns in the hole, immediately abandon the plane, immediately abandon the plane~".

The accompanying j-10b fighter also found an abnormality and reminded it loudly.

Needless to say, Jiang Chen also knew that he had to abandon the plane.

Habitually turned to look down at the sky.


The direction of the plane's rapid descent was a hillside, and halfway up the hillside, a village suddenly appeared.

If you don't change the direction of the plane immediately, there is a high probability that the eighth master will fall into this village.


The Eighth Master must be pulled up.

"Abandon the aircraft, immediately abandon the aircraft. 35

The j-10b pilot said anxiously when he saw that Jiang Chen hadn't ejected out of the tank.

"There's a village down there."

Jiang Chen gripped the operating lever tightly, and used inertia to abruptly turn Ba Ye's head.

When the j-10b driver heard this, he was speechless.

If Jiang Chen abandons the plane at this position and the plane falls, it is likely to cause heavy casualties.

In order to prevent this from happening, Jiang Chen had to take a risk and fly the plane for an extra distance.

But if this is the case, the flight altitude of the aircraft is lower, and even if the aircraft is successfully abandoned and ejected to escape, it is possible that the height is not enough and there is not enough time to open the parachute and fall directly to death.

Such tragedies have happened not only once or twice in the Air Force.

However, avoiding residential areas is another iron rule.

The only thing that can be done now is to pray that this kid will be blessed with the sky.

At this time, the altitude of the aircraft has dropped to 1000 meters.

900 meters, 800 meters, 700 meters...

"...`You can jump."

The j-10b pilot almost yelled.

When he saw that the eighth master of the crotch successfully leaped over this small mountain village, at this time, Jiang Chen did not hesitate any more, pulled the ejection seat start lever, the hatch was blown away, and after a puff of blue smoke, the seat suddenly jumped up out.

The body suddenly jumped up dozens of meters, and then fell rapidly.

But after only falling for a while, Jiang Chen felt his body yank, abruptly stopping the downward trend.

It was the parachute bag that opened successfully.


He let out a long breath.

Oh shit!

The second ejection out of the warehouse, the second dance with death.

However, he finally survived.

Watching Jiang Chen pop out of the cockpit, the two j-10 fighter pilots in the air finally returned to their stomachs.

"Front finger, Dong Wuwu calls, please answer when you receive it.

"The front finger is received, please tell me (very good).

"One of our J-8 fighter jets crashed due to insufficient fuel, and the pilot abandoned the plane and parachuted. The crash site is between 2652-2849 north latitude and 9509-9747 east longitude. 99

"The front finger is received, Dong Wuwu, please continue to carry out the combat readiness cruise mission."

"Received. 99

Air Police-200 early warning aircraft.

Lin Hu was already numb.

Well, one side crashed a fighter jet, and the other side crashed an electronic reconnaissance plane, and it was a draw.

However, in order to fight against the enemy's two Mirage-2000 fighter jets, that kid even threw the auxiliary fuel tanks to death.

This courage is indeed a talent.

Able to fight, not afraid of death, dare to go all out!

In peaceful times, this kind of talent is hard to find!

"Report all the information to Xikong, and request to send an additional rescue team immediately to 2652-2849 north latitude, 9509-9747 east longitude to search and rescue our pilots."5


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