Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 153 Obtaining massive system rewards (35 for subscription)

Chapter 153 Obtaining massive rewards from the system

Zhilinchang Station.

Yu Chenglin was stunned.

"What? Dongsanguai is running out of fuel, and the plane crashed?

Has your baby bump crashed again?

In just over a month, he actually crashed twice.

What kind of bad luck is that kid?

The number of crashes in more than a month is even more than the number of crashes in a lifetime of many pilots.

Yu Chenglin's expression changed.

It doesn't matter if the j-8 fighter jet crashes, what matters is whether the baby bump in the west sky will have an accident.

That is a good seedling.

Who doesn't know that, in order to get this good crop, Lieutenant General Chen Shan, the commander of the Western Air Force, even went through the back door to get him the opportunity to join the army, to apply for an aviation school, and to become a real fighter pilot.

And this kid is also very competitive.

With a talent far beyond ordinary people, he is never arrogant, and he treats training very hard and conscientiously.

How many years have you not seen such a diligent and hard-working young pilot?

The point is, he has done a great job this time.

Successfully expelled and deterred enemy planes, successfully fought with two enemy Mirage-2000s, and even locked one of them for a long time.

If it was a time of war, the Mirage-2000 would have been blown up by him.

At any time, it is a great achievement.

"Immediately report to the division headquarters, contact the front finger, lock the crash area, send reconnaissance planes to reconnaissance in the crash area, and all the planes on duty will be launched.


A sergeant trotted away from the tower, giving orders.


Dujiangchang Station, Air 2 Division Headquarters.

Jiang Dazhi has been stunned by the heavy news one after another.

An electronic reconnaissance plane of the White Elephant Country crashed in our territory?

One of our J-8 fighter jets crashed due to insufficient fuel.

Although the time of today's conflict is short, the losses caused to both sides are indeed quite large.

Especially in the White Elephant Country, the plane with hundreds of millions of dollars will fall if it falls.

"Contact Luhang immediately and ask them to send a helicopter to help rescue our crashed pilot." Jiang Dazhi immediately ordered.

It doesn't matter if the plane crashed, Commander Chen's baby bump must be retrieved with all the tails.

"Senior Commander, the Xikong Command is calling from Commander Chen."

Jiang Dazhi was stunned and looked at each other in dismay.

Sure enough, Commander Chen was still alarmed.

This is a vast virgin forest.

It may be dozens of kilometers away from the nearest town.

It is difficult to get out of this primitive jungle by himself, so the only thing Jiang Chen can do at the moment is to wait for rescue.

It's noon

The sun shone down through the dense branches and leaves, speckled.

Jiang Chen unfastened his parachute and jumped off the branch.

Fortunately, the skydiving height was high enough, and the parachute did not have any faults, otherwise it would really have fallen into a patty this time.

Checked the whole body, luck is good, not even scratches.

(caeh) He immediately activated the communication tool, sent out his location, then put on the supply bag, clipped the pistol, took a dagger, and headed southeast, searching and advancing.

The j-8 fighter he was driving, the crash site was in the southeast direction, and it should not be too far from his current position.

But so far he has not heard the explosion.

So Jiang Chen doesn't know if he made a mistake in his judgment for the time being.

The j-8 fighter jet fell when it fell, but the target of the crash site was large, and it was easier for the search and rescue team to lock on it.

If you find the wreckage of the crashed plane, you can also be found by the search and rescue team earlier.

Slowly searched forward in the jungle.

Jiang Chen used a dagger to cut a hole in the trunk of the banana tree, and then gulps down the water.

Are there even banana trees in Tibet?

Jiang Chen said that he has gained knowledge.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he came to an open swamp, and found that the j-8 fighter jet was stuck in the swamp.

No wonder there was no explosion, it turned out to have fallen into the swamp.

Now that the wreckage of the plane was found, he did not panic.

After updating his location, he sent it out again, found some dry wood, and lit a bonfire.

Sitting by the campfire, nibbling on compressed biscuits.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

Jiang Chen spat out the compressed biscuit in his mouth.

"Fade out a bird, sweet and salty, this thing is so unpalatable! 99

He muttered, looking up and looking around.


Suddenly, something splashed.

Jiang Chen suddenly became interested, took out his dagger, and squatted beside the pond like a sculpture.

By the light of the fire, he vaguely saw a black fish swimming over with a flick of its tail.


The dagger in his hand was as fast as lightning, and it accurately pierced the back of the fish.

When I caught it, it was a wild fish weighing about two or three pounds.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed, and immediately opened his belly, then broke off a few branches, and placed the fish on a simple barbecue.

He once walked alone in the primeval forest for 6 days and 5 nights and completed the field survival assessment, so finding some meat to eat in the field was nothing to him.

After a while, the smell of fish overflowed.

Today's battle lasted just over an hour, but it was particularly exhausting on physical and mental energy.

Therefore, the breakfast eaten in the morning has already bottomed out.

Jiang Chen doesn't care whether there are seasonings or not, when the surface of the grilled fish is golden brown, pick it up and eat it.

Not to mention, although salt and other condiments are used, this kind of original ecology has a unique taste when eaten in the wild.

Suddenly devoured.

In just a minute or two, a grilled fish was eaten.

Jiang Chen patted his stomach, feeling a little satisfaction in his heart.

Went to the swamp to wash my hands, and went back to the campfire.

With a move, he entered the virtual world in the flight simulation warehouse.

This is the first time he has driven a fighter jet to fight with an enemy aircraft. With the systematic urgency, there are bound to be a lot of rewards.

as predicted.

When he just entered the virtual space of the system, he heard the familiar electronic synthesis sound.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully handling the danger of 'enemy aircraft invasion', you will get the following rewards: 15,000 points, 5,000 experience points, unlock the level - the second series of levels of the White Elephant Kingdom and Pakistan United States air battle. 35


"Congratulations to the host for successfully locking the enemy plane for the first time and reaching the destruction standard, you will get the following rewards: 15000 points, 5000 experience points, unlock the fighter plane - s-30 series. I wish the host to get the 'first blood' as soon as possible and improve the pilot level .

Seeing the reward, Jiang Chen was already crazy with joy.


The system is too generous today.

Order Now: Open the Personal Properties bar.

He wanted to see how rich he was now.

【Host】: Jiang Chen

[Level]: Junior pilot (level is divided into, rookie pilot, junior pilot, intermediate pilot, senior pilot, hero pilot, ace pilot)

【Flight time】: 30h

【Simulated flight time】: 18100h

[Number of take-offs and landings]: 59 sorties


[Experience]: 22335 (there is still 77665 experience points left before the next upgrade)

[Items]: Trainer pilot's manual (used), second-generation fighter pilot's manual (used), medium-sized aircraft pilot's manual (used), j-10 series fighter pilot's manual (used)

【Task】: None

[Driving type]: propeller aircraft series; trainer aircraft series; j-7 series fighter jets; j-8 series fighter jets; 200 people or less), j-10 series fighter jets.

[Unlocked Types]: s−27 series fighters (temporarily not available for driving), s-30 series fighters (not yet available for driving)

[Unlocked Types]: Fighter bombers, early warning aircraft, tankers, armed helicopters, heavy aircraft (including large bombers, transport aircraft, mainline airliners, etc.), third-generation semi-fighters, fourth-generation fighters...

(ps: The aircraft has been unlocked. You can obtain the driving conditions by upgrading the [Driver] level, or you can purchase the [Fighter Pilot's Manual] to obtain the driving conditions.)

ps: The rest of the chapters today will be released at night. I went to rest first. In less than 48 hours, I wrote more than 70,000 words, which has seriously exhausted my physical strength.

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