Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 154 The s 27 fighter was chosen because of feelings (45 for subscription)

Chapter 154 The s-27 fighter was chosen because of feelings

"Be good."

Jiang Chen's saliva almost came out.

"More than 10,000 points, can't I buy fighter jets again?

The system he is bound to is not like the Gold Finger of other protagonists of the Internet. You can get massive rewards by signing in every day. Instead, you need to keep clearing customs and training hard, and even go through life and death to get rewards.

Although the reward this time is rich, it is really what he bought with his life.

However, more than 10,000 points, not much to say, not much to say, is only enough to buy a pilot's manual for a fighter jet.

Now, Jiang Chen has unlocked only two fighters, one s-27 and one s-30.

These two fighter jets are actually one system, and they are both star products of Sukhoi in Maoziguo, so the two fighter jets are naturally inextricably linked.

Even, the s-30 was born out of the s-27-.

Judging from the appearance of the aircraft, the size of the former is exactly the same as that of the latter derivative, but it is larger than the basic type.

However, due to the different development trends and operational needs, the two have different appearances and performances.

To use an inappropriate analogy, these two fighters have the same father, Sukhoi, so there is a lot in common, but they are different individuals.

blood related brothers.

As for functionality?

The s-27 fighter is an air superiority fighter, and the s-30 is a comprehensive fighter, with stronger ground and sea attack capabilities than the s-27.

Therefore, these two fighters have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they are also the main imported models of Xia Guo.

If the points are enough, the pilot's manuals of both fighters can be purchased, but now 11,000 points are only enough to buy one of them.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen chose to buy the s-27 fighter pilot's manual.

The reason is simple, feelings.

Whether it is Earth in the past life or Blue Star in this life, Jiang Chen grew up admiring the majesty of the s-27 fighter jet since he was a child.

In the 1990s, when the Xia Kingdom was still relatively difficult, the airspace of 9.6 million square kilometers could only be guarded by hundreds of 2.5-generation J-8 fighter jets and thousands of 2-generation J-7 fighter jets.

The military fans at that time, just like the fans now, have all kinds of sadness.

But since the introduction of the s-27 fighter, the situation has changed completely.

This is Xia Guo's first three-generation machine.

Without this fighter as a foreshadowing, there would be absolutely no majestic development today.

Therefore, from a purely emotional point of view, Jiang Chen will choose to buy s-27, which is his dream since childhood.

Mind moved.

The 9000 points disappeared, and the s-27 fighter pilot's manual has been purchased successfully.

Click to use now.

Then, all the information about the s-27 fighter jet poured into the brain.

In just a few minutes, he had already digested it.

If there is a real S-27 fighter in front of him now, without anyone's guidance, he will immediately get started and drive the fighter into the air.

"Since I bought the s-27's driver's manual, why don't I go to the virtual world to drive first, and enjoy it?" Jiang Chen murmured.

The s-27 fighter has a level that is very famous

- Aerial scalpel incident.

It means that when a pilot in Maoziguo drove the s-27 fighter jet to drive out the enemy plane, he used the s-27 fighter jet's vertical tail to cut a big hole in the abdomen of the enemy plane like a scalpel.

When Jiang Chen learned of the plane crash, he was shocked.

So this time, since he bought the s-27 fighter pilot's manual and has the "air scalpel" level, how could he not enjoy it first?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen moved his mind and successfully entered the virtual world.

Select a level and enter.

Then, on an unfamiliar runway, a silver-grey war eagle had been waiting for a long time.

Da-da-da, da-da-da...

The roar of the helicopter's propellers came from a distance.

Jiang Chen's mind moved and immediately opened his eyes.

He has been in the virtual world for a full day, but the difficulty factor of the 'Aerial Scalpel' level is much higher than he imagined. He has tried at least 20 times, and he has only succeeded two or three times.

··0 Flowers...  

At other times, they collided with enemy planes and died together.


He let out a long breath and stood up.

far away.

A helicopter was already whistling towards him.

Jiang Chen knew that this was the army helicopter sent to rescue him.

Sure enough, just a few minutes later, the helicopter had already reached the sky above his head.

Amidst the loud roar, Jiang Chen saw two special ropes for rappelling being thrown down, and several special forces wearing beige special combat uniforms carried out the rappelling.

Immediately came to Jiang Chen's side.

One of the captains in the lead saluted Jiang Chen, and then said: "Hello, comrade, I am Li Si, the first brigade of the Snow Leopard Commando in the Western Theater Command, this is my certificate, the crashed fighter plane will be taken over by my department, if you are safe, please Immediately depart by helicopter.99

Because the crashed j-8ii fighter has many secrets, and there is also a Pili-8 short-range air-to-air missile that did not explode, if these secrets fall into the hands of someone who cares, it will cause damage to the military intelligence of Xia State. huge loss.

The point is, it's really not far from the border.

So it is normal to send a team of special forces to escort.

After Jiang Chen carefully checked the documents, he immediately returned the salute and said, "Squad leader, trouble you all."

The captain waved his hand and said, "It's okay, this is what we should do." He pointed to the helicopter hovering in the air not far away, and asked, "Can we go up?

What he meant was to ask Jiang Chen if he could use the special rope for rappelling to climb onto the helicopter.

I haven't tried it, but it should work.

So Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Yes.

Go over and grab Zoro's special rope.

The helicopter took off slowly.

After a while, the helicopter turned into a small black spot and gradually disappeared into the blue sky.

ps: Before 12 o'clock in the evening, there should be another chapter. The s-27 fighter mentioned today is related to the next plot, and it is not counted in the water.

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