Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 159: Jianghu 1 Aid (45 for subscription)

Chapter 159: Jianghu First Aid

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Jiang Chen like a monster?


Do puppies also know how to protect food?

Not everyone can call my family Xiao Mo 'Mo~Mo'?

Where is this little milk dog, it is clearly the little wolf cub who protects food.

This sentence is said, domineering side leakage!

Almost red, he pointed at the boy named Wang Peng and said: What qualifications do you have to call my family Xiao-mo 'Momo'?

Xiao Mo's heart almost melted, and he looked at Jiang Chen obsessively.

It turns out that my Jiang Chen also has a domineering side.

Woohoo, so handsome and touching...

I can't control myself!

The other three little ones also looked at Xiao Mo with envious expressions.

It feels so good to be protected like this!

Wang Peng's face has turned purple, his eyes are spitting fire, and he is staring at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was not afraid at all.

Meet his gaze!

The temperament of a soldier burst out instantly. At this moment, Jiang Chen is like a soldier with a bayonet. If the enemy on the opposite side dares to make any excessive moves, he will definitely let the other party know why Huaer is so popular.


When he noticed the strong hostility on Jiang Chen's body, Wang Peng was a little cowardly.

However, he still clenched his neck and said coldly, "Hehe, what does it have to do with being close to classmates? I really didn't expect a man in this world to have such a small amount of air, classmate Xiao Mo, yours? Eyes are not good.

Jiang Chen was about to speak when Xiao Mo, who was on the side, took the lead to quit, "Student Wang Peng, I don't like people who I don't know call me 'Momo', I've told you countless times before, I hope this is the last Once, if you open your mouth and bark next time, be careful I will scratch you with big ears.

Shancheng mushroom's cool and hot temper is vividly displayed.

Wang Peng was stagnant.

Angrily lips trembled.

After a few seconds, he finally laughed, "Okay, okay.

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Lin Qianqian glared at Xiao Mo fiercely, and then quickly chased after him.

After the strange couple left, Jiang Chen asked, "Who are these idiots?"

He generally seldom swears.

Those who can be scolded by him are either very close or he is extremely disgusted.

Obviously, this man and woman belong to the latter.

Xiao Mo shrugged and said indifferently: "One is the rich second generation of our class, and the other is the queen of nightclubs in our class, don't worry about them, the Lun family is hungry.

At this time, Xiao Mo had switched from a domineering queen to a little fan girl.

The speed of the change of identity is dizzying.

At this time, the other three little ones reacted and gave Jiang Chen and Xiao Mo a thumbs up: "Tsk tsk, awesome.

“Beautiful plus!”

"I've long wanted to hate Wang Peng, this idiot, but I just can't afford it.

Jiang Chen was a little strange and asked, "Then why did that buddy yell at me as soon as he came up? Are you a fan of my family Momo?"

Zhou Qianqian nodded and said, "I have been chasing your Xiao Mo since the first day of my freshman year.

Jiang Chen nodded, "No wonder he resents me so deeply.

It's this kind of jealous show again.


Really tired!

But isn't there a nightclub queen beside this kid?

So Jiang Chen asked again, "So you're not chasing now?"

"How could he not be chasing? But it doesn't prevent people from having girls around. People all over the world know that he is chasing Momo, but there are still girls who pounce on him. What's this called? It's called money ability."5

"Don't talk about me, who hasn't chased him in our dormitory? Just because he has a bit of stinky money, he thinks that girls all over the world will follow him? It's disgusting to look at, don't talk about this person, walk around, I'm hungry Xiao Mo said.

Jiang Chen chuckled.

Xiao Mo looked at him strangely and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"I thought my family Momo was very attractive, but I didn't expect to have a fan, but he was actually a sea king. He chased after all the girls in the bedroom? What do you think? Isn't it embarrassing.

After thinking for a while, he silently added: "Uh, he shouldn't be embarrassed, the embarrassed person should be the last one he chased?

Saying that, he looked at the four little ones suspiciously.

Kawaii beauty Xiao Xue'er was stunned for a moment, then she said angrily: "Xiao Mo, take care of your man, is it interesting to humiliate people in public?"

Obviously, she was the last one to be pursued.

··0 Flowers·

A small episode did not affect the appetite of everyone.

The biggest feature of Huai cuisine is that the taste is fresh and peaceful, the salty and sweet shades are moderate, and it is suitable for both north and south.

Used to eating heavy-flavored Sichuan cuisine, Jiang Chen almost lost his tongue when he occasionally ate fresh Huai cuisine.

Especially the soft and long fish and the big boiled dried shreds are really delicious to explode.

This meal lasted for more than two hours.

Jiang Chen's face was full of oil and satisfaction.

After patting his stomach, he said, "Have you eaten yet? Let's go after you have eaten."

Xiao Mo was also happy when he saw that he was satisfied with his food, but he said, "You can finally take care of us now? It was just like the reincarnation of a starving ghost. I don't know, I thought you were just released from it. .99

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "Except for better food and more freedom, the troops are similar to the ones inside.

"Do the troops really suffer that much?" Others were curious.

"The Air Force is okay. There are single dormitories. Although the taste of the cafeteria is worse, it is rich in nutrients, but the same is true for large pots of rice. The army and navy are suffering a lot, especially the soldiers at the border posts, who are about the same age as us, but they work around the clock. Guarding the frontier, sometimes, for more than half a year, you can't eat a fresh meal.

When the others heard it, they immediately felt incredible.

Now, in the 21st century, is there still such a difficult post?

What is the concept of not having a bite of fresh vegetables for half a year?

Although I haven't tried it, but put myself in the situation and let them live this kind of life, within three days, they will definitely go crazy.

"Why is it so bitter?" Xiao Xue'er asked quickly.

"Many outposts in Tibet are above 5,000 meters above sea level. In front of nature, human beings are always too small."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, stood up and said, "Stop talking about this, let's go when we're full!

He was about to go to the cashier to pay the bill, when a man came across him, and when he saw Jiang Chen, the man was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed: "Haha, I didn't expect to meet you here, buddy, help Jianghu!

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