Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 160 Supporting the Field (55 for subscription)

Chapter one hundred and sixty

Jianghu emergency?

Jiang Chen was a little confused.

Look up.


To be able to meet old acquaintances in the magic capital.

He quickly greeted the other party and said, "Li Zhan, why are you? Why did you come to the Devil's Capital?

The person who came was Li Zhan from the School of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles of the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Last year, in the team competition of the "Freshman Cup" flight simulator competition of the Aviation University, the flight academy was brutally killed by the drone school.

They were defeated by others, and the battle loss ratio reached 9:1.

At that time, the team led by the Drone Academy was the handsome guy standing in front of him, Li Zhan.

They are both old acquaintances.

Although they don't meet much, they occasionally get together at school and go to the computer room to play games together.

Usually Jiang Chen slaughtered one-sidedly, but Li Zhan never tire of it.

Moreover, Li Zhan's talent is relatively high. At the beginning, Jiang Chen almost played against him with the mentality of playing.

But the further back, the better Li Zhan's performance.

Even when Jiang Chen was about to leave school for an internship in the army, he could barely keep up with Jiang Chen's rhythm.

Therefore, this is also "Zero One Zero", a student with great flying talent.

It's just that my eyesight is limited and I can't be a real fighter pilot.

However, even if he is not a real fighter pilot, it does not hinder his excellence.

Li Zhan pulled up a chair and sat opposite Jiang Chen, his expression overflowing with excitement, and explained: "Modu University holds a national drone competition, and our school also sends a delegation to participate, led by Mr. Li."5

Jiang Chen nodded.

When passing by Modu University during the day, although Jiang Chen did not see the competition venue, he also saw some promotional materials about the drone competition and some drones being rehearsed.

Xia Guo's drone business has developed rapidly, and many universities have set up this discipline.

As for the National University Drone Contest, it has been held several times.

Moreover, it is national rather than global.

Because Xia Guo is the only country in the entire Blue Star with such a strong drone culture, although other countries also have related disciplines, they cannot be compared with Xia Guo at all.

So every year in the Xia Guo UAV Contest, universities from other countries will send delegations to participate.

The Xia State University Student Drone Competition is also known as the Drone World Cup.

This level of competition, aviation nature will not miss.

Li Zhan continued: "It's really great to meet you here, Jianghu is in an emergency, brother.

Is it 'Jianghu emergency' again?

What trouble did Li Zhan encounter?

He hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Could it be that you didn't bring any money for washing your feet next door, so let me pay the bill or something? Well, buddy is back to buddy, other things can be discussed, and you have to take care of the money for whoring."

"Fuck off." Li Zhan's face darkened.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw four beauties staring at him curiously.

Li Zhan suddenly became a little shy, and quickly said: "You are talking nonsense with a female classmate here? What are you paying for whoring? We are students of Hang University, not gangsters on the street."

female classmate?

Ha ha!

That's when you didn't see people driving.

So he waved his hand and said, "You don't need to worry about them. They have good driving skills. They are better at driving than you and me. Oh..."

With that said, Jiang Chen pointed at Xiao Mo and introduced: "Xiao Mo, my wife, your younger brother and sister, the one with fair skin and beautiful long legs is Li Wei, the big sister Zhou Qianqian, and the kawaii little Xueer, they are your brother and sister's roommates. , they're all single."

Then he pointed at Li Zhan and said: "Li Zhan, a sophomore student of UAV at the Aeronautical University, a single dog.


This novel introduction method was extraordinary, and Li Zhan instantly remembered these beauties.


Mainly remember the specific characteristics of several of them.

Li Zhanchao smiled and said: "This is my younger brother and sister, they are so beautiful, no wonder you don't even want the school beauties of our aviation university.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he immediately knew that he was going to suffer.


Xiao Mo raised his eyebrows, looked at Li Zhan with a full smile, and said, "Senior, your Airline University also has school beauties. Didn't my Jiang Chen say that your school is a monk's university?"

Li Zhan waved his hand and said seriously: "It's true that wolves have more meat and less meat... ah, ah, ah, there are more men than women, but how can there be no girls? In their 2018 class, there is a girl who is very beautiful.

"Is it Yi Shuiqing? Luo

"Yo, brother and sister, do you even know your name?"

"Haha..." Xiao Mo sneered.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt his hair stand upside down, and hurriedly said haha: "Haha, what the hell, Li Zhan, didn't you ask me to help me? Why don't you hurry up and tell me what you are looking for, and talk nonsense, my buddy really has no life for you. Emergency. 95

The words gritted their teeth.


Li Zhan, the honest man, smiled and said, "I met my younger brother and sister so much that I almost forgot to watch the business."

Go to f*ck, it's a hit and miss, you're giving me eye drops on purpose, aren't you?

Jiang Chen was in a hurry, but at this time, he couldn't have an attack.

When it came to business, Li Zhan became more serious, and continued: "Originally, this is an ordinary drone competition, and the difficulty and specifications of the competition are not as big as our internal competition in the school. 55

This is the truth.

The internal competition of the Aviation University, or the drone competition between Xia Guo Aviation School, would be a shock.

Various reconnaissance and combat drones were pulled out.

Whether it is a low-altitude raid for hundreds of kilometers, and then a small missile is used to carry out a precise strike on the target, or a 24-hour monitoring of a target at an altitude of 10,000 meters, people look enthusiastic.

In particular, dozens of military drones were dispatched in a dark, like a group of wasps with poisonous stingers, which could instantly destroy all the air defense forces of a small country.

That kind of drone race is called a real drone race.

As for civilian drones?

Just look at the fun.

"The reason why we sent a delegation to participate in the competition this time is just to express our support for this event, and the focus is on participation, so we brought some civilian drones that were researched by our university to participate... "Li Zhan continued.

Jiang Chen didn't hear the main point for a long time, so he couldn't help interrupting him and said, "Speak the main point.

"Be patient and listen to me first.

"Okay, you say what you say."

"But this time, there are more than ten foreign university delegations also participating in the competition.

“It’s not news that foreign university delegations compete. 35

"It's not really news, but this time, Maoziguo St. Peter's University and beautiful country Ruye University not only sent a drone delegation, but even brought a few real planes and pilot students, saying that they would give Let's show what is a real plane and what is a real flight, fuck! Isn't this a bully? If you can't win with a drone, you just want to play a real cs? We learned that Maozi and Eagle sauce After the conspiracy, I immediately reported to the school that the school was going to send senior seniors to support the scene, but many senior seniors are still practicing in the army and have not returned to the team for the time being. The only ones who can support the scene are the junior brothers and seniors, you I also know that the abilities of the junior brothers and sisters are temporarily inferior, but it is no problem to support the scene, but I am afraid that the scene will not hold up by then, but will lose face..."

Jiang Chen can understand..0

As two veteran aviation empires, Maoziguo and Meiguo are naturally more than one position ahead of Xiaguo in the field of aircraft development.

But the field of drones is a completely new field. At the beginning, everyone can go hand in hand, but over the years, Xia Guo has left them far behind.

Therefore, these two old aviation empires are naturally dissatisfied.

But you won't be able to win.

You can only find another way and engage in some crooked ways to maintain your fragile self-esteem.

In their opinion, drones can't beat you, but there are planes, and we are still big brothers in front of your Xia Kingdom.

Li Zhan continued: "We have heard about you in the army, tsk tsk, the 'Blue Sky Guard' medal, buddy can get one in this life, and I am willing to die. Buddy, you are good, so this time, In any case, you have to help us and kill Maozi and Yingjiang's arrogance. Although some are overkill, we can't lose some dignity, right?"

"Oh, yes. Li Zhan seemed to remember something, and continued: "The delegation sent by Mao Ziguo this time will also visit our school after a while, and their pilot students will also communicate with senior seniors. Let’s learn from each other, you are also a senior now, and sooner or later you will also get to grips with them.

Jiang Chen frowned, waved his hand and said: "The stimuli method is useless to me, and there is no big problem with 5.3 for me to rescue the rivers and lakes, but you also know my identity, and I can't control some things.

When Li Zhan heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "As long as you nod your head, I will take care of the school.

"Then when will your opening ceremony start? I can't stay in the city for too long. The school is rushing me. I have to participate in the national flight simulator simulation competition."

"Three days later, a mock competition? What are you doing to participate in that level of competition? Abusive, let's agree, as long as the school nods, you have to help your buddies to hold up the field, okay?"

"Let's settle the payment for the meal first. 35 Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You always do it well, I'll go to the checkout right now." Li Zhan stood up immediately and walked towards the cashier.

As soon as Li Zhan left, Xiao Mo looked at Jiang Chen with a serious face and asked, "What is the 'Guardian of the Blue Sky' medal?"

ps: It is close to 3500 words, so I can only add 1 update today. Thank you very much for the big rewards of 'xinfengxiaozi', 'anonymous Li Si', and '1763****' 大罗*night language', After tomorrow, thank you for your support.

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