Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 186 I really didn't do anything, I just did a few maneuvers in the sky (15 for subscrip

Chapter 186 I really didn't do anything, just made a few random maneuvers in the sky

ten minutes later.

The roar of the plane's engine sounded again over the airport.

Everyone looked up.

I saw a small black dot in the sky in the distance.

This little black spot keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Then, a black and silver eagle appeared in everyone's eyes.

I saw that the nose of the plane was aimed at the runway below, and the speed gradually slowed down.

After ten seconds.

The plane landed smoothly with a roar.

After running for hundreds of meters on the runway, he finally stopped steadily.

The canopy is fully open.

Jiang Chen took off the flight helmet and let out a long breath.


He couldn't help but let out a strange cry.

Lin Mo's face in the back seat turned black, he took off his flying helmet and scolded: "Are you stupid? Well, I'll ask you, are you stupid?

Jiang Chen looked aggrieved and said, "You told me to let go of my hands and feet, and now you blame me again?"

"Yes, I'm a der, Mahler Gobi, digging holes and jumping by myself. When you are scolded later, you have to help carry it. Lin Mo said helplessly.

When he was in the sky just now, he was frightened into a cold sweat.

20 However, instead of taking over the control of the plane again, Lin Mo made Jiang Chen addicted. Even including the plane landing, he did not intervene, and Jiang Chen controlled the whole process.

Therefore, although he complained in his mouth, he was very sure of Jiang Chen's driving skills in his heart.

"Alright, if Mr. Ma wants to scold, he will only scold me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

At this time, the ground staff had already moved the boarding ladder.

With the help of the ground crew, the two successfully disembarked and landed.

Not far away, another silver-black eagle was also ready to take off.

Following the example of Jiang Chen, Huang Yilin was checking the plane before takeoff.

Seeing Jiang Chen getting off the plane, she gave him a thumbs up, "Little Jiang Chen, you were so handsome just now.

"You'll be more handsome than me later." Jiang Chen responded with a smile.

Aside, Lin Mo said strangely: "You guys have a good relationship with the opposite sex, you two should have known each other for less than an hour, right? 35

Jiang Chen took it for granted and said, "Many girls want to go to get a certificate with me after they have known me for an hour. 39

"Go away, you're still panting when you say you're fat, right?" Lin Mo had a black line on his face.

He looks so handsome, how can he be such a lazy person with no face and no skin?

Talking, the two of them have come to the tower.

As expected, only after entering the tower command center, Jiang Chen enjoyed the admiring gazes of the students around him for a moment, and immediately ushered in a stormy reprimand from Ma Weiwen.

"On the first day you touch the third-generation plane, you dare to do so many fancy moves. Who gave you the courage? Flying a plane is not a juggling act. Your fancy moves are useless on the battlefield? Lin Mo, what do you eat, he When you go mad, you go mad, don't you? Why didn't you take over control of the plane then?"5

After scolding the two for more than ten minutes, Ma Weiwen seemed to feel dry and then waved his hand: "Get out of here, I don't want to see you now.

As if receiving amnesty, Jiang Chen quickly shrank aside, not daring to reproduce Ma Weiwen's eyes.

When he was in the sky, he knew that he would be scolded when he came down.

The reason is very simple, how can he do those fancy maneuvers as a rookie?

You can't even walk, so you want to run?

A rookie, there should be a rookie, do you know that the big steps are easy to pull the eggs?

However, scolding, scolding, anyway, is used to being scolded.

Schools are not the same as the military.

If it was the army, although Jiang Chen had gone too far today, it wouldn't make the ground leaders so angry. Because the army is not as conservative as the school.

Moreover, although the thorns are more difficult to manage, the troops have always preferred thorns.

The reason is very simple, thorn soldiers are often more capable than ordinary soldiers.

Although it is more difficult to manage, if you go to the battlefield in the future, these thorns will often surprise you.

School is different.

Schools are more conservative.

Take training as an example, the school is more anxious to pay attention to safety, so many trainings are not as aggressive as the troops.

This can also explain the reason why Jiang Chen is more comfortable in the army.

It's not that the school leaders don't like him, it should be both love and hate!

Love his flying talent, hate his ability to kill.

The first day of training is finally over.

10 people, 1 hour flight per person per day.

Half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon.

As for the evening, it is a tactical theory and drill class.

But today is the first day of the training camp, so the evening class is cancelled, let everyone relax first.


10 students occupy a large round table.

The squad leader Ma Jiaxu stood up and said with a cup: "Today is Jiang Chen's first day in our class. Our pilots can't drink alcohol, so we will use water instead of alcohol. Welcome new students to join us. 55

Others also stood up one after another, "Welcome to join Xiao Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen hurriedly got up and said quickly: "The squad leader is too polite, you are all my seniors, you are so polite to me, it makes me fearful, trembling, like walking on thin ice, I do it, you are free." The water in the cup was drank in one gulp.

Then he wiped his mouth and said funny: "Good wine."

Ma Jiaxu laughed and scolded: "You kid at least show a little bit of sincerity!"

"He was still frightened, and he was scolded by Chief Teacher Ma for more than ten minutes without changing his face." Other students also began to expose Jiang Chen's old story.

Ma Jiaxu didn't know the reason, and quickly asked: "What's going on? 99

Jiang Chen said helplessly: "It's nothing, when I flew the plane this morning, there were some minor flaws in the operation.

"Oh." Ma Jiaxu nodded and continued: "It's okay, after all, we are driving a third-generation aircraft for the first time, let alone you, I was also trembling in the sky, I was afraid that something might go wrong, and it was our college that took me to fly. Mr. Zhang, he has always encouraged me and let me calm down, so I dared to take control of the plane. So there are some small flaws, but it's not a big problem." He comforted Jiang Chen like a big brother.

But before he finished speaking, he found that other people looked at him strangely.

Ma Jiaxu was a little puzzled and asked, "What's wrong with you, did I say something wrong?

Jiang Chen hurriedly said, "That's right, I benefited a lot from eating and eating." Then he put a piece of meat in Ma Jiaxu's bowl.

Ma Jiaxu nodded in satisfaction.

He has long heard of Jiang Chen's name, and Jiang Chen's deeds are also widely circulated in Air University. So Ma Jiaxu always thought that a genius like Jiang Chen might not be easy to get along with.

But after today's contact.


The boy is not bad, he is quite modest.

So he gathered everyone and said, "Let's eat, why are you still dumbfounded?

"Squad leader, you really don't know what he did in the sky this morning?" Huang Yilin finally couldn't help it and asked.

Ma Jiaxu was stunned.

When he was in the sky, I was also in the sky. At that time, I was so nervous that I was about to die. How could I have the mind to take care of others?

However, after hearing what Huang Yilin said, Ma Jiaxu suddenly became interested.

Looking at Jiang Chen curiously, he asked, "What did you do this morning to make Chief Teacher Ma so angry? Isn't it just improper operation?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing.

Seeing that he didn't believe him, Jiang Chen had to say, "I just did a few random maneuvers.

"Which ones?"

"Cobra, falling leaves, barrel rolling, diving..."

"Fuck, the surname is Jiang, you are still not human? You dare to do such a fancy move on the first day with a third-generation machine. No wonder you will be scolded for ten minutes. If it were any of us, it is estimated that he would be locked up now. Yes. Ma Jiaxu lost his voice.

Immediately afterwards, he looked curious again and asked, "Tell me, how do you feel?"

"That's it, nothing special."

After saying this, the others suddenly cast a contemptuous look.


Can we not be like Versailles?

ps: Tribute to the classic, hehe, you found it.

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