Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 187 2 machine formation (25 for subscription)

Chapter 187 Two-plane formation

"How is the training result today?" Zhang Dongping pushed open the door of the office.

Ma Weiwen, who was sitting at the desk, looked up and saw that Zhang Dongping was coming, and quickly got up.

Said: "President, why are you here so late?"

"I can't come over if I have nothing to do?" Zhang Dongping glared at him and said angrily.

Then he picked up a document from his desk, sat on the sofa next to him, and read it carefully.

Ma Weiwen quickly poured him a cup of tea before sitting across from him.

Hui reported: "As far as today's training is concerned, it is ok, among them, the squad leaders Ma Jiaxu and Huang Yilin performed the best.

Hearing Ma Weiwen's words, Zhang Dongping was a little surprised.

Lifting his head from the document, he looked at him and asked, "Isn't that kid doing well today?"

Ma Weiwen smiled wryly.

He naturally knew who the 'that kid' was in Zhang Dongping's mouth.

"It's too good, his flying instructor Lin Mo gave an equal score of A+, the highest score among the 10 students."

At the end of each day's training, the instructor will rate the students.

They are b−, b, b+, a-, a, a+, respectively.

Then after the 20-day training, the scores of each day are combined, and the top 5 students are the official team members participating in the championship, and the other students are substitutes.

Therefore, these 20 days are not only training, but also assessment.

After listening to Ma Weiwen's words, Zhang Dongping immediately found Jiang Chen's information column in the folder.

Sure enough, in the grading item, the teacher gave full marks.

At the same time, the comments given are: with a strong sense of man-machine integration, great flying talent, strong learning ability and strong hands-on ability, he is a rare flying genius.

Very high review.

However, Zhang Dongping could not help frowning.

It is normal for Jiang Chen to get full marks and to be praised by teachers.

As the holder of the aviation university's record of skipping grades for decades, Zhang Dongping would not feel normal if he did not get a full score.

What he wondered was, shouldn't Ma Weiwen be happy for Jiang Chen's performance so well? Such a constipated expression?

Is it?

Did that kid get into trouble again?

He quickly asked, "Did he get into trouble again today?"

"The word 'you' you used is very appropriate. How do you say that kid? The talent is indeed high, but it is not necessarily a good thing if it is too high. 〃々․"

Then, Ma Weiwen recounted what happened during the day.

After listening to Zhang Dongping, there was no surprised look on his face.

As expected.

Having dealt with Jiang Chen for so long, I know too much about the virtues of this thorny soldier.

If something doesn't happen for a day, I feel uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, Zhang Dongping said: "As long as he is still under control, don't press him first and let him play freely. This kid has some ability, which may be the key to our championship this year. 35

After listening to Zhang Dongping's words, Ma Weiwen was surprised.

Is this still the Dean Zhang I know?

Usually, if a student drives a plane faster, if he sees it, he will definitely be scolded.

what is it today?

A student, a student who has only been in school for less than a year, a student who just flew a third-generation aircraft for the first time today, actually did so many fancy moves in the sky.

With such a daring behavior, Dean Zhang actually behaved so calmly?

If Jiang Chen and Dean Zhang didn't look alike at all, he even doubted whether the kid was Dean Zhang's illegitimate child.

Zhang Dongping glanced at him, instantly understood the doubts in this fellow's heart, and explained: "When he applied for skipping grades last year, my expression was the same as yours today, but the principal said something to me, and I will put this sentence today. For you, it is: some people, you can't suppress if you want. This kid's talent is far beyond our imagination

Otherwise, he would not have been able to drive Baye to kill a c-17 Hercules transport plane of the enemy under the eyes of the enemy's two Mirage-2000s. So, as long as nothing happens, don't press him. Whether we can drive the J-20 back this time is up to him.

The trophy of the national flying championship team competition is the j-20 prototype.

But not which school wins, it will reward a j-20, the Air Force is not so rich.

However, if a certain aviation school wins this year, it will be able to bring this j-20 back to display for a year, just like a small red flag.

After listening to Zhang Dongping's words, Ma Weiwen opened his mouth.

I want to refute, but I can't find a suitable reason.

In the end, he could only take a long sigh and said, "Oh... well, as long as he's not out of line, I'll let him do it."

"Oh, that's right." Zhang Dongping remembered something again, and said to Ma Weiwen: "In a few days, a delegation from Lao Maozi will come to our school to visit and exchange and study with our students. You can arrange it when the time comes. , and play a friendly match with the opponent. On the one hand, it is to let them experience the superb driving skills of Lao Maozi, and on the other hand, it is to explore the bottom and see how capable those boys are.



time flies.

In the blink of an eye, 5 days have passed.

After 5 days of training, the 10 trainees' familiarity with the I-15 Falcon trainer has reached a new level.

Except for Jiang Chen, everyone can not only take off and land fighters proficiently, but also do some simple maneuvers in the air.

So, starting from the sixth day, every trainee got the opportunity to fly solo.

"The subject of today's training is two-plane formation flying, and it is also your first single-plane meeting. How important is the significance of solo flying? I don't need to say more? I will announce the formation list below. Ma Weiwen stood in front of the queue and said loudly.

When they heard that they could fly solo, everyone's faces showed excitement.

Only Jiang Chen was expressionless.

the reason is simple.

Since he had the opportunity to fly solo 4 days ago, there is nothing to be happy about.

However, he still hasn't figured it out yet, why did the attitude of Chief Teacher Ma towards him suddenly make a 180-degree turn?

On the first day, I did a few fancy moves, and I was scolded bloody.

Unexpectedly, the next day, I got the opportunity to fly solo.

Can't figure it out.

I really can't figure it out.

However, since I can't figure it out, I don't want to.

As long as there are planes flying, it is better than anything else.

Therefore, in the past few days, he has completely released himself, not only thoroughly understand all the performance of the I-15 Falcon trainer, but also conducts various maneuvers and tactics in the air.

Although only 5 days have passed, his achievement can be described as 'progress by leaps and bounds'.

""'Jiang Chen..."

At this time, did the voice of Chief Teacher Ma sounded in my ear?

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied loudly: "Here."

"Why are you so stunned? The next time I talk, you kid will be distracted, and I won't kick you to death."


"You and Huang Yilin's group, why don't you hurry to prepare? Ten minutes later, your group will be launched as a two-plane combat formation (of Li Hao). 35

Huang Yilin and Jiang Chen immediately stood up and answered loudly, "Yes.

Then the two of them ran towards the flight briefing room not far away.

ps: Originally there was an update tonight, but when I saw the comments, my mentality collapsed. How dare I write it, it’s all copied from others? I haven't read Zhan Falcon, and I haven't read Ying Lian Jiutian. Many people say that I copied these two books. The key is, what is the point of plagiarism? Is it the part of hitting the bird? In a real accident, there is also an air force airport in my hometown. In 2017, there was a plane crash, that is, a thrush raised by a local fellow ran out and hit the plane. I adapted it based on this, not the war falcon to the great power. After someone said it, I went to see the Great Powers Fighting Falcon, the plot is indeed similar

Well, even if the plot is similar, it’s only a few hundred words. How could it be that I plagiarized it? It’s also said that I copied Fei Lu’s air combat essay, Heaven and Earth Conscience, and I have all Fei Lu’s air combat essays. have not seen. Alas, no explanation, this is the last time to explain this matter.

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