Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 275 Looking for a place (1/4 for subscription)

Chapter 275 Looking for a place


Suddenly from 5,000 meters above sea level to less than 100 meters above sea level, even Jiang Chen felt a little overwhelmed by his body.


The sonic boom brought about by the supersonic speed created waves on the sea level.

Because the sound barrier is broken, the plane is like wearing a triangular shield.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already put away the contempt in his heart.

The fact that the enemy aircraft can achieve such superb flying skills shows that no matter whether it is daily training or actual combat experience, it is not much worse than himself.

The East Island Country is not a white elephant. This stubborn and perverted nation is disgusting and hated, like a dog's skin plaster.

However, aside from the perverted genes in their bones, their extreme seriousness and hard work are indeed worthy of everyone's learning.

However, to deal with this kind of perverted nation, it will only recognize you as a father if it is completely subdued. If you don't fight, you will still bark with you every day.

So, Jiang Chen is not polite.

After seeing the two enemy planes flying at a very low altitude on the sea surface, they rushed over immediately.

"Under the mountain, there are capable people in the Xia Guo Air Force. Our ultra-low-altitude penetration tactics have been seen through by others..."

In the communication channel, there was the ridicule of the wingman pilot.

"Just one? Show him some color, get rid of this fighter, and let's go straight to Longtan."5

Yamashita said lightly, although his face has become a little hideous.

The two fighter jets separated immediately.

Yamashita drove the fighter plane and climbed to several hundred meters in the air. According to the airborne radar, he quickly locked on Jiang Chen who was diving in.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Just got out of level flight and was about to perform the expulsion mission.

The cockpit suddenly sounded the rapid siren of the radar alarm.

"Fuck, it's actually locked."

Jiang Chen cursed angrily, and controlled the plane to roll over continuously, doing evasive maneuvers.

The little chick is not authentic, f*ck didn't even hit a face-to-face, just locked it with the fire control radar?

The hatred in Jiang Chen's heart!

However, this little brat from Dongdao Country likes to play yin.


There is no way, a small island country, doing things without atmosphere.

In that case, don't blame your little dad for being rude.

Jiang Chen released the jamming bomb while rolling, and in just a few seconds, he got rid of the lock of the enemy fighter.

But just a moment later, another plane inserted backwards from the slope.

Jiang Chen hadn't reacted yet, and was locked again.

Damn Dongdao Nation, not only fights two against one, but also plays ambush tactics.

"It's not over, isn't it" 々!

Jiang Chen was furious, and suddenly lowered the height of the fighter plane, from 100 meters in the air to below 50 meters in vain.

The sky is bright, and the sun hanging diagonally in the east is quite friendly, and the light is not too strong or insufficient, which is exactly what spring should be like on the east coast.

The East China Sea is at his feet. When Jiang Chen looks sideways, he can even see which country's national flag is hanging on the mast of the giant ocean-going ship with a long track.

Jiang Chen is flying a fighter jet at this time, less than 50 meters from the sea, which is already lower than the ultra-low-altitude standard. He is flying over the sea at all, so he must avoid the ship's route, otherwise he will collide with a huge ship with a height of tens of meters. !

Now he is betting, whether the little chick dares to gamble with his life.

if you dare.

ok, respect you are a man, let's play chase at the ultra-low altitude below 50 meters, and then we will live and die, whether it is hitting a boat or hitting the red ancient island that suddenly appeared, we will admit it.

Anyway, Laozi one to two, this wave is not a loss.

If not dare!!!

Hehe, don't blame Laozi for being rude.

I took your old nest and left you little chickens without a nest. How dare you be blind?

50 meters away from the sea, this is an extremely dangerous flying height, especially when the sea and sky are almost the same color, as long as a few tenths of a second is in a trance, the fighter plane will plunge into the sea.

For a fighter jet with a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour, it is several 50 meters in the blink of an eye.

This sea area is one of the busiest sea areas in Blue Star.

There are not thousands, but hundreds of ships passing through this sea area every day.

Moreover, most of them are tens of thousands of tons, or even hundreds of thousands of tons of freighters.

Sam works for a shipping company in Eagle sauce. As an experienced captain, he has been drifting at sea for decades, and he still has not seen enough of the sea.

His ship, an oil tanker with a displacement of at least 300,000 tons, is traveling at an economical cruising speed, and the cockpit on the ship's building is at least 50 to 60 meters above sea level.

At this time, it is already 09:40 capital time.

The sun shone lazily on the sea.

The unemployed crew members came to the deck to bask in the sun.

There are still a few hours to arrive at the magic capital. The crew members are in high spirits. They have not disembarked for several months. This time, they must have a big meal in the magic capital.

Everyone knows that the country of Xia is famous for its delicious food.

As the largest city in the Xia Kingdom, the magic capital naturally also has the reputation of the food capital.


Suddenly, a fighter jet flew by a few hundred meters away from the port side of the tanker.

The crew on the deck was startled and ran to the port side to see the fighter plane flying almost close to the sea.

Sam was shooting the sea scenery and seabirds with a DSLR, but before he could react, the camera was already aimed at the fighter plane and it was a snap shot.

He didn't react until the plane flew away.

'Fuck, which country's plane is this? Can you afford to hit my tanker?'

I have seen many planes, but this is the first time I have seen such a low plane.


Another sonic boom sounded.

This time, though, the sonic boom was much quieter.

When the captain looked up, he saw two fighter jets flying through the air, estimated to be 70 to 80 meters high from his tanker.

Although this height is already very dangerous, compared with the fighter just now, its dangerous movements are one in the sky and one in the ground.

Jiang Chen turned his head and looked indifferently at the oil tanker that was drifting away, but he didn't expect this scene to be captured by the captain's telephoto lens.

Seeing that there were no more ships on the sea, Jiang Chen rolled to the left continuously at a height of 50 meters.

The nose of the plane suddenly pointed to the southwest, close to a small island and flying around, with a roughly "v" ambush route in mind.

This small island is the Honggu Island next to the Honggu Strait.

On Honggu Island, an air force brigade of the East Island country is stationed.

If it is counted as a fighter (Zhao obtained), there should be 10 or 12 fighters on Honggu Island.

According to the practice of flying one and stopping two, there is no extra air force on Honggu Island.

The remaining fighters are either maintenance or combat readiness.

When the combat-ready fighter jets took off, he had already thrown away the two fighter jets that had been following his butt, and even locked them on.

Jiang Chen's goal is the Dongdao Air Base on Honggu Island.

Aren't you going to expel and spy on Laozi's strategic bombers? Now Laozi has taken over your lair, it's up to you to defend or not.

As for whether to break into the airspace of the East Island Country, Jiang Chen can't care so much anymore.

This time, being locked twice in a row is the biggest loss he has suffered in his life.

ps: Today's fifth chapter, because one chapter was sealed, so I deliberately updated one more chapter to make up for the sealed chapter. Xiaojianjun's friend has opened a new book, "People are in Lanruo Temple, and get eight strange skills at the beginning", friends who like Xianxia go to see.

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