Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 276 Low-altitude Assault on the Enemy's Nest (2/4 for Subscription)

Chapter 276 Low-altitude Assault on the Enemy's Nest (2/4 for Subscription)

Honggu Island is an ordinary island in the East China Sea, between Yizhou Island and Qiu Su Islands.

The eastern coastline of Xia Kingdom stretches for thousands of kilometers, and its geographical location is very advantageous. It is the window of Xia Kingdom's foreign exchanges.

However, in the open sea, there was a series of islands, like chains, that locked the eastern coast of the Xia Kingdom.

This chain of islands is the famous island chain.

The Red Ancient Island is equivalent to the lock on this chain.

Therefore, although Honggu Island is a very ordinary island, its geographical location is very important.

The Dongdao National Air Force not only has a brigade of troops stationed on this small island, but even the navy has a port and has long-term warships stationed there.

Its purpose is self-evident, that is, to warn and block the Xia Kingdom.

The Xia Guohai and Air Force also regard breaking through the island chain as an important subject of their own drills.

In recent years, with the navy and air force not only installing new equipment, but also increasing the training intensity, it is no longer a problem to break through the first island chain. Due to the long-term presence of the Xia Guo navy and air force in the Honggu Strait, the East Island country on the island has become more of apprehension.

On Honggu Island, there is a civilian airport and a military airport. The military airport is the Dachang Station. A Chief Officer is also the station chief, and the East Island Air Force Chief Officer 107 is the head of the wing level.

The military establishment of the East Island Country is not the same as that of the Xia Country. It is divided into squads, squadrons, brigade, wing, brigade, and division.

There are 12 fighter jets stationed on Honggu Island, and several other auxiliary models, which have reached the strength of a brigade.

However, there are only one or two hundred fighter jets equipped in the East Island Country, and about 10% of the national air force is stationed on the Red Ancient Island.

The airport has two runways of 3,000 meters long, which can take off two fighter jets at the same time.

As a pillar station for the blockade of Xiaguo, the dual runways of the Honggudao Military Airport can take off and land heavy transport aircraft, and can barely take off and land civilian heavy cargo aircraft in emergency situations.

At this time, Hideo Fukuda, the chief of the 05th Wing of the Third Brigade of the East Island Air Self-Defense Force, was guarding the duty room.

This morning, the strategic bomber formation of the Xia Guo Air Force passed through the Honggu Strait, which made Hideo Fukuda feel the pressure.

However, of the four fighter jets he dispatched, two had already fallen into the siege of the enemy's three fighter jets. Not to mention breaking through the defense line and expelling the bombers, it would be nice not to be locked out by others.

The only hope now is the remaining two fighter jets.

According to the tactics arranged before takeoff, the two fighter jets adopted low-altitude penetration tactics to break through the peripheral defense line of the enemy escorting fighter jets, and suddenly lifted into the air to lock on the enemy strategic bombers.

Although he couldn't shoot down directly, he could show his muscles to old opponents and let them know that although Dongdao Nation was castrated, it should not be humiliated.

It is getting closer and closer to Honggu Island.

Passing by a giant oil tanker, Jiang Chen has seen Honggu Island at sea level more than ten kilometers away.

Yamashita and his wingman followed closely behind.

At the foot of the mountain, gnashing his teeth, he could never have imagined that the enemy would be so bold and dare to break into the ancient red island.

You must know that this has constituted illegal intrusion into the airspace of other countries, and you have the right to shoot down.

However, because of the war in the East Island country seventy years ago, the autonomy of the entire country has been dwarfed a lot.

Although Honggu Island is the inherent territory of the East Island Country, it does not have an exclusive economic circle of 200 nautical miles.

Its airspace, naturally.

Therefore, Jiang Chen's one-off operation made Yamashita feel humiliated.

"Baga, what the hell does Xia Guo's Air Force think of my Dongdao country? Ono, catch up, let this kid know, and offend the Dongdao country."

Yamashita said fiercely.


Wingman Ono replied.

Two fighter jets, one high and one low, started a chase with Jiang Chen

(cafd) Although it is early spring morning, the temperature of Honggu Island is not low.

On the beach on the west coast of the island, many tourists wear bikinis and bask in the sun.


At this moment, a harsh sound came from the air.

Everyone was astonished, and when they looked up, they saw a sci-fi fighter jet passing overhead.

The sound was so loud that it felt like his heart was shattered.

Jiang Chen's calculation was very accurate. When flying over the ancient red island, the fighter plane suddenly accelerated, breaking the speed of sound in an instant, and the huge roar of supersonic flight resounded through the earth like thunder, shaking the hearts of the people on the island.

Islanders poured out of their homes one after another, looking up at the sky.

A fighter jet flew at an ultra-low altitude and flew over everyone's heads.

"Damn it, where is this fighter jet, flying so low, isn't it afraid of crashing?

Islanders complained.

But not long after, another deafening voice came.

I saw two fighter jets also flying at ultra-low altitude. Although the flight altitude was much higher than the previous fighter jet, the sonic boom brought by supersonic speed was like a bomb exploding in everyone's ears.


Hideo Fukuda was startled by the sudden sound like rolling thunder.

"Baga, which bastard drives a plane that dares to fly at ultra-low altitude and supersonic speed, isn't he afraid of crashing?"

He cursed and walked out.

As an old pilot, he knew all too well the source of this sound.

When he saw a fighter jet with a completely different shape from the F-15 Strike Eagle fighter jet, it was galloping towards the airport at a low altitude at double the speed of sound.

This fighter has features such as a duck-style layout and fusion of wings, which Hideo Fukuda recognized at a glance.

"This, this is Xia Guo's j-10 Raptor fighter? Amaterasu, what is the Xia Guo Air Force doing? Are you going to start a war with my East Island country? Why didn't the front-line radar issue an alert in advance, and why didn't the enemy plane be locked? Damn, just the amount of ammo this fighter can carry is enough to paralyze my entire airport.

He was horrified.

At this moment, the sound of rolling thunder grew louder and louder.

The fighter jets are also getting closer.


The tower glass was shattered directly, and Hideo Fukuda was temporarily deaf in both ears by the huge sound waves.

Before he could react, the fighter jet suddenly jumped high and made a cobra maneuver over the airport, instantly pulling it to an altitude of more than 100 meters.

Ps: In the first chapter today, I beg for your support. Alas, being blocked for a chapter is still very annoying, especially affecting subscriptions. I hope it can be solved today. Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month.

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