Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 278 Complete this escort mission perfectly (4/4 for subscription)

Chapter 278 Perfectly complete this escort mission

5000 meters altitude.

The sea of ​​​​clouds was stepped on, and the sun shone directly on the fuselage of the plane. In the golden halo, the screeching sound of fighter jet engines resounded through the sky, and 9 fighter jets with advanced and sci-fi atmosphere as beautiful as works of art flew along the predetermined route and maintained standard cruising speed in the sky.

The teardrop-shaped glass cockpit cover reflects dazzling light, the AL-31FN turbofan aviation turbofan engine works stably, and the airframe is in normal condition. The nine white trail clouds are like brush and ink, outlining the lines that belong to the sky, forming a shocking picture.

Time passed minute by minute like flowing water, and the h-6k bomber group and fighter escort group flew over the blue coastline and entered the hinterland.

After a two-hour escort flight, the escort formation finally arrived in Wu City, a city close to Jinling.

In a short period of more than two hours, the distance was nearly 2,000 kilometers back and forth.

The H-6k bomber flew around Yizhou Island from Guangdong Province at a distance of 5,000 kilometers. "One Zero Seven"

However, the escort fighter jets also contributed a lot this time, not only did not let the East Island Air Force get close to the h-6k bomber formation, but also successfully expelled.

It can be said that the escort mission was completed very well.

At this time, the Wu City Airport area was covered with overcast clouds, and the torrential rain was pouring down continuously.

However, whether it is the j-10b fighter or the h-6k strategic bomber, they all have excellent maneuverability and flight performance.

Slowly reducing the altitude and speed, shuttled among countless pearl-sized raindrops, 9 fighter jets headed towards the huge Wushi Airport.

Wushi Airport, the second-level airport of the Air Force, is stationed with the Air Force fighter unit, responsible for the airspace defense and security tasks of Modu.

Because Wu City is very close to the magic capital, and there is no civil aviation airport in Wu City.

There is a regiment of s-30 fighters stationed here.

The S-30 fighter is one of the most advanced third-generation aircraft of the Xia Guo Air Force.

Because the Wushi Airport is responsible for guarding the magic capital, it makes sense for the s-30 to be stationed in a regiment.

"Each aircraft lowered their altitude, prepared to enter the field, called the Wushi tower, and the Warhammer formation performed a transition mission and requested to land." Zhou Haiyang, whose words revealed exhaustion, switched to the military encrypted channel of Wushi Airport and issued a landing application.

In front of the formation, the Wushi Airport, which was hidden in the rainstorm, was gradually approaching, and the scenery was beautiful and unique.

A big river traverses across it, like a long dragon, which makes people look up.

"The control tower in Wushi received the ground wind from the southwest, the wind speed was level 5, the gust was level 7, the crosswind was level 3, the corrected field pressure was 1123, the weather was heavy rain, the main runway was slippery, and the landing was allowed.

The controller of the control tower of Wu City Airport, in a serious voice, gave a series of ground parameters and landing clearance: "Pay attention to safety."

"Received, ready to land." Zhou Haiyang looked serious, and immediately made arrangements: "The ground parameters have been sent to each aircraft through the data link, pay attention to strong gusts and crosswinds, the warhammer formation will land first, and the escort formation will land later.""

Level 7 gusts and level 3 crosswinds can be regarded as poor landing conditions. In addition, the surface of the runway is slippery in heavy rain. If the landing operation is wrong, it is likely to cause an accident.

"No. 2 received." The captain of No. 2 made a hoarse voice, trying to hold the joystick.

"No. 3 received." The captain of No. 3 was also a little tired.

After a long-distance flight of more than 4 hours, the pilots of the bombers were exhausted, their physical strength and energy were exhausted, and their physical condition reached the limit.

And Jiang Chen, who was in high spirits, came out with a calm and powerful voice: "The escort formation has received.


Empty finger.

** Wearing glasses, looking at the document in his hand meticulously.

He is estimated to be in his fifties and has a refined appearance.

If you don't wear this military uniform, others will think that you are a learned and talented literati.

However, this elegant-looking soldier was actually the fifth-in-command of the Hanlongguo Air Force and the lieutenant general of the Hanlongguo Air Force Staff Headquarters.


There was a knock on the office door.

"Come in. 39

The voice is not loud, but the majesty in the sentence is fully revealed.

A colonel pushed open the door and walked in respectfully.

"Chief of Staff, this is the preliminary investigation data for the conflict in the eastern seas on June 28."

"Oh? 35

** raised his head, pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "Dongkong's movements are quite fast, I won't watch it, you can tell me in general.


The colonel sat opposite the **, spread out the documents in his hand, and said: "On June 28, 2018, at 09:34 capital time, the 2015 senior 10 flight students from the School of Flight Technology, University of Aeronautics and Astronautics performed my h-6k. During the escort mission of the bomber, when passing through the Honggu Strait, it was harassed by four f-15 Strike Eagle fighter jets from the East Island country. 6k bomber fleet. A j-10b fighter jet of our army, codenamed Fighting Falcon, immediately launched a close-range fight with the enemy aircraft, and successfully completed the task of expelling the enemy aircraft.

The colonel succinctly read the contents of the document.

** put down the document in his hand, looked at the colonel with a smile, and said, "It's very biased, Xiao Zhang, what do you think?"

The colonel smiled shyly before answering: "Chief of Staff, I think the Falcon has taken some risks, but the result and process are still worthy of recognition.

"The result is worthy of recognition, but the process is a bit debatable..0"

** smiled helplessly, and continued: "I just watched a video, it was sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs~~~, hehe, how did you go over the airfield to show off your power after expelling the enemy plane? This soldier, really Is it the students who graduated this year from the Aviation University? Not the flight instructors of the Aviation University?

The colonel shook his head and said, "No, this pilot's name is Jiang Chen, and he is 20 years old..."

"Jiang Chen? The one who was admitted to Airline University last year and then applied for skipping grades?"

"The chief of staff has a good memory, it's him.

"Chen Shan's soldiers, no wonder.

**I was especially impressed with Jiang Chen.

This year's double champion of the individual and team competitions of the Flying Championships had an aerial confrontation with the White Elephant Kingdom a few months ago, and he was also the protagonist.

It has been decades since the establishment of Air University, and it was the first to apply for skipping grades and complete the grade skipping assessment.

At the age of 20, he was included in the air division talent pool.

It is the key training object of Xikong and the key observation object of the Air Division.

It can be said that although he is only 20 years old, he has reached a height that many veteran pilots have not reached.

He is a very talented flying genius.


It's genius.

But it can also get into trouble.

A c-17 Hercules transport plane from the White Elephant Country was only taken down a few months ago, and it has only been a few months of peace, and today it has provoked the East Island Country again.

You said you were on a deportation mission, right? You trespassed into other people's airspace?

"Hmph, today he broke into the airspace of the East Island Country, will he go to provoke Yingjiang another day? This thorny soldier can also cause trouble." ** said.

"Will not.

The colonel said with a smile: "He will graduate in a few days. The main opponent in the Western theater is not Ying-chan, and he doesn't have that 5.3 chance to provoke him."

** took off his glasses, rubbed his swollen temples, and said: "Well, this incident has no merit, it is a normal expulsion incident, send our attitude to Dongkong and Air University. ." He characterized the incident.

"Okay Chief of Staff, what should we do with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

"What's the matter? Is Honggu Island an international airspace? If it is, let the Dongdao country have less BB, and try to spy on our army's secrets. I haven't counted with them, and I still want to fight back? Tell the Dongdao country that our army is instructed to carry out the expulsion. Mission, no trespassing in the airspace of other countries, tomorrow's press conference, solemnly warned the East Island country, all attempts to spy on our military's secrets will be regarded as hostile acts by our military, this time is expulsion, the next time is not necessarily a response strategy.


ps: In the third chapter today, this small conflict is just a warm-up. Next, there will be more exciting plots waiting for you.

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