Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 279 The annual exam of the Aviation University (1/4 for subscription)

Chapter two hundred and seventy-ninth, the annual exam of the aviation university

"The result is very satisfactory, and the process is very risky. Therefore, the empty finger side has decided that this time your deportation mission will offset the merits and demerits, and neither show merit nor blame, do you understand?"

The complex building of the College of Flight Technology.

Zhang Dongping handed the command of the empty finger to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen doesn't care.

It's ok if you don't take punishment, as for meritorious service. Of course it's good to be able to watch, and it doesn't matter if you don't.

Anyway, he has so many military merits to base himself, after returning to the army, the rank of lieutenant should be at least the base. But he was only 20 years old, and at most he could only be a lieutenant.

But Ma Weiwen quit.

"What is the balance of merit and demerit? Jiang Chen did nothing wrong. At that time, he was facing two attack eagle fighter jets, and he did not use the techniques and tactics of besieging Wei and saving Zhao. How could he complete the deportation mission?

"Everything has been said, the result is very satisfactory, and the process is very risky. It's not that you don't know what this kid has done, flying below 50 meters, ultra-low altitude, if you are not careful, you either hit a tanker or hit an island.

"If he didn't fly at an ultra-low altitude, he would have been detected by radar before he approached Honggu Island at 20. Do you think the anti-aircraft missiles on Honggu Island are decorations?

Ma Weiwen argues hard.

"It's useless to tell me, this is the tone set by Kong Si. 99

Jiang Chen saw that what the two of them were saying was a little awkward, so he quickly smoothed things out and said, "I will be Amitabha if I don't recite the punishment. It doesn't matter if I show merit or not, the dean and the chief teacher Ma, I have caused you a lot of trouble during this time, thank you. already."

Seeing Ma Weiwen arguing for himself with jealous eyes and a thick neck, he couldn't help but be moved.

Although he is scolded every day, Ma Weiwen is more reliable when it is critical.

Seeing Jiang Chen's sincerity, Zhang Dongping softened his tone a lot.

"You are still young, and you have many opportunities to make meritorious deeds. Kong Si is not surrendering to the East Island country, but feels that you are a little impulsive, don't think about it, go to training, these few days of training are very important, don't do it at a critical time. Drop the chain.


Jiang Chen stood at attention, turned around and walked out.

Ma Weiwen had no choice but to salute Zhang Dongping before walking out of the office.

"You said, how about I go to Xikong after I graduate?"

Huang Yilin picked and picked all the meat to Jiang Chen, and then brought back the vegetables from Jiang Chen's plate.

Jiang Chen was a little helpless.

"Auntie, you have packed all the vegetables, how can I eat them?

"Hmph, you don't even ask me why I want to go to Xikong, but you only care about your vegetables, isn't the meat delicious?"

Huang Yilin was very dissatisfied.

"Why don't you eat meat?

"I don't like to eat, you still don't care why I want to go to Xikong. 35

"Well, why do you want to go to Xikong.

"None of your business.


Jiang Chen gave her a thumbs up.

Can't we afford to provoke or hide? I'll stop talking, let's see how you pick on it.

"Aren't you angry?

After a while, Huang Yilin finally couldn't help it and asked again.

"What are you angry about?"

"This time, you did so beautifully, but the empty finger didn't give you credit. Moreover, the little devil is boiling on the Internet. On the one hand, he scolded his own air force as a tofu scum, and on the other hand, he praised you as a modern man. The version of Zhao Zilong of the Air Force, but we Xia Guo, except for some military websites, other websites did not report this incident, you say, did the relevant departments sacrifice the 404 God?

"You think too much.

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"404 God is not so boring.

"Then why didn't it explode?

Huang Yilin couldn't figure it out, how could the Chinese people be indifferent to such a thing that boosted morale because of the people's urination?

"It's not a big hit, big sister, this time we just went to the air force base for a walk. Although it was very lively with one enemy and two, we didn't get off the next plane. You know that the last time we had a conflict with the white elephant, Why is it so hot? It's because the White Elephant Air Force sent the distress signal to the public channel, which is called, there are pictures and the truth."


"Furthermore, it's a good thing not to explode, we are soldiers, not internet celebrities, what do we always want to be famous for?

On June 30, at 07:30 in the morning, the station in the suburbs of Jinling sounded the alarm and turned in first.

The fighting atmosphere enveloped the entire airport in an instant, and even the aviation students on the campus not far away became cautious in doing things because they felt the dignified atmosphere.

Starting from 8:00 in the morning and continuing until 18:00 in the afternoon, the senior graduating class of the Flight Academy will have the last special training.

The scale of this special training is unprecedented, and a variety of aircraft types are jointly trained.

30 sorties were dispatched to carry out training subjects such as live-fire target shooting, ocean cruising, low-altitude penetration, and transition take-off and landing.

That is to say, in 10 hours, more than 120 takeoffs and landings have to be flown. On average, each take-off and landing should be controlled within 5 minutes.

This places very high demands on the airport's security capabilities.

Various types of aircraft take off and land alternately, and all fighter planes have to be guaranteed for the second flight immediately after landing, which is definitely enough for airport logistics headaches.

L-15 Falcon higher education aircraft, j-10b fighter jet, y-8 transport aircraft, h-5 bomber and other models.

Almost hollowed out the old bottom of the flight academy.

Although the large planes, including the y-8 and h-5, are old models, the Air University is just a university. Such as y-8 transport aircraft, h-5 bombers, although old, but generally small countries are not necessarily equipped.

Judging from the current support system of the Air Force, to maintain such a large-scale flight within 10 hours, as long as there are no problems, a collective third-class merit cannot escape.

However, as the 107th Air Force Military Academy affiliated to the Air Division and Xia Guo, this achievement is nothing at all.

Because Aviation University is a comprehensive academy, it not only trains pilots, but also majors in radar, ground handling, and maintenance are ranked in the forefront of all air force academies in the country.

But if something goes wrong, it will directly affect the graduation performance of this class of students. In particular, majors such as ground handling, radar, and flight machinery have a great influence.

Failure to pass the final exam will affect the subsequent graduation assignment.

Which soldier doesn't want to be on the front line?

But if your ability is not in place, how can the personnel department of the aviation division assign you to the front line? It would be good to be able to assign you to the second line.

But everyone is a young man with blood and energy methods. Who is willing to go to the rear for old age when he is young?

Therefore, every student has performed exceptionally positive during this period of time.

Because for each training, not only the school's people are present, but the aviation department also dispatches a part of the personnel to station in the aviation university, the purpose is to test the quality of this batch of graduates.

Therefore, both President Lin Chao and Dean of the Flight Academy Zhang Dongping attach great importance to it.

This is a major exam that the University has to go through every year.

After four years of systematic study, each class of students should pull out a mule or a horse for a walk, right?

ps: Today's fourth chapter, the guarantee update is completed, I beg you for your monthly tickets, flowers and evaluation tickets, and I beg to customize.

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