Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 280 Xia Guo's air force is inhuman (2/4 for subscription)

Chapter 280 Xia Guo's air force is inhuman (2/4 for subscription)

July 12.

There are only 3 days left until graduation.

The graduation assessment of the 2015 students of the Aviation University has been carried out for 15 days.

Military schools, especially aviation schools, are different from ordinary universities. Graduates not only need to defend the thesis to graduate successfully, but also have to go through a series of assessments.

Moreover, these assessments are not only participated by the instructors of the aviation university, but even the various war zones and aviation divisions will send people to participate.

In this way, they can make a systematic assessment of each senior's true ability.

That is to say, the quality of graduation assessment results directly affects the employment direction of senior students after graduation.

At 8:00 in the morning, a new round of assessment continued.

Today's graduation assessment is live ammunition.

The live ammunition assessment is one of the most important in a series of graduation assessments.

The assessment plan and plan have already been reported to the Air Division and filed by the Air Division. The East Finger (Eastern Theater Front Command), the deputy military-level command post, is on full alert, and the East China Sea (East Sea Fleet Command) provides support and assistance at any time. , Meteorological Forces, etc. have all entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

The local civil aviation department received a notice to delineate the airspace no-fly.

This day is also a day with a large number of flight delays at Lukou Airport, and it is predictable that passengers are complaining.

However, they will get no explanation other than the phrase "air traffic control".


The school leaders, teachers, and members of the aviation division and the assessment teams of various war zones are all gathered here.

Today is also the day for the graduation assessment of senior students from other majors of Hang University.

Senior students in meteorology, radar, logistics support, maintenance and other majors, followed their respective instructors, and carried out various investigations before take-off in an orderly manner.

As for the freshmen to juniors of the Flying Academy, all classes are suspended today, and the class is the unit to watch the graduation assessment of the senior brothers and sisters in the classroom.

At the same time, several j-10s two-seat fighter jets were hung in the reconnaissance pod and took off first, serving as the photographer for the 'graduation assessment'. The weapon operator in the back seat even brought a camera up and planned to take some close-up shots. A classic picture of fighting.

A fighter jet took off and took off and landed.

All the senior students were nervous as they took off and landed their fighter jets, completing today's graduation assessment in an orderly manner.

10:20 in the morning.

Ma Weiwen walked into the flight briefing room.

Seeing that Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin were all dressed up, they said to them, "It's your turn soon. You are also old partners, so I won't say more nonsense, anyway, it's still that sentence, show your true level. That's it." 々.


Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin looked at each other and said in unison.

Ma Weiwen waved his hand and said, "Go. 35

Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin immediately took their flight helmets and walked out of the flight briefing room.

Get on the commuter car and go to the tarmac together.


Two black and silver I-15 Falcons are ready.

Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin got off the commuter car.

As usual, the two circled the plane for the last inspection.

As before, they are flying the I-15 Falcon high school aircraft today.

After the inspection, board the fighter plane and wait for the order.


Jiang Chen's voice came from the communication channel, "Tower, the falcon is ready, request to slide into the take-off position, it's over.

Just as he finished speaking, Huang Yilin's voice also sounded on the channel, "Tower, Fire Phoenix is ​​ready, it's over.

The deputy dean of the flight academy who was in charge of commanding and responding to the air situation fighters immediately said, "Falcon, Fire Phoenix, you can slide in, it's over.

Huang Yilin slid into the takeoff position on the right behind Jiang Chen. Obviously, they want to take off in a two-plane formation.

"Falcon, Fire Phoenix, you can take off, it's over." Command came from the tower.

At the same time, the two turned on the afterburner, put the brakes on, and released the brakes. The two I-15 Falcons began to roll, and the speed became faster and faster.

The AL-31FN turbofan engine is roaring, and after 30000 meters, it pulls up at the same time and takes off at a high elevation angle, which can gain altitude in a short time and shorten the take-off time.

However, this emergency take-off method is not well mastered and there is a risk of losing lift.

A neat two-plane formation took off.

When the fighter plane climbed to 2000 meters in the air, Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin took a level flight attitude.

"Do you know what the target drone we hit today is?"

In the communication channel, Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"What target? 99

Huang Yilin asked.

"First hit the clover target, then hit the drone."

"What!" Huang Yilin's voice came: "It's been 9102 years, and there are still three-leaf targets?"

The three-leaf target is definitely a target with a sense of age. Seeing it is equivalent to seeing the j-6 fighter.

Generally speaking, the three-leaf target is to drive a j-6 fighter, and then drag a ten-meter-long object to fly through the sky, and this ten-meter-long target with a diameter of about half a meter simulates the body of a fighter.

She did not expect that it was already 9102, and Xia Guo was still using this method to conduct live ammunition assessments.

Although before the live ammunition, I also hit the three-leaf target.

However, today is the final exam.

In such a low way.

What's good about the three-leaf target?

Is it using a cannon?

She only knew that today was the live ammunition shooting test, but she never thought that the content of the test was actually hitting a three-leaf target, which caught her off guard.

'Know why?'

"I don't know. 35

"To be more grand-sounding, this is called not forgetting the tradition, and to be practical, it is to catch us by surprise and let us fly the third-generation aircraft to do the work of the second-generation aircraft.

Jiang Chen explained.

The third-generation machine does the work of the second-generation machine?

What is the biggest advantage of the third-generation machine? Beyond visual range attack.

Dozens of kilometers away, they locked each other with fire control radar, and then air-to-air missiles were used to deal with them.

But you can't do this when hitting a three-leaf target. The air-to-air missile automatically locks the aircraft, and in minutes it will hit the aircraft with the three-leaf target as a target.

Therefore, if you want to target successfully, you must use machine guns to target at close range.

Isn't close-range fighting the specialty of the second-generation machine?

As for drones.

In recent years, the Xia Guo Air Force has a lot of money and has converted thousands of j-6s that have been eliminated into drones and used them directly as target drones.

In many countries, the j-6 is still the main force of the Air Force.

Using a very popular word to describe it is the Xia Guo Air Force, which is inhumane!!!

Jiang Chen continued: "However, after hitting the three-leaf target, the next assessment is to hit the drone. The reason why I told you in advance is to give you a mental preparation. 95

"How do you know that you can hit a three-leaf target?" Huang Yilin asked curiously.

Today's live ammunition assessment, the school teachers did not disclose the assessment content to any of them. But Jiang Chen actually knew, could it be that a teacher opened a small stove for him?

"Stupid you, the content of the assessment is similar every year. When I was an intern in the army, I knew a few senior brothers who had graduated before, so I naturally knew the content of the assessment." Jiang Chen explained.

"Oh." Huang Yilin suddenly realized.

Then, with a bit of sourness, he said: "Do you think we are like you? The internship goes directly to the front-line army for internship? How can we get in touch with the senior brothers and sisters who graduated last year.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, we are about to reach the target airspace, I will fight first, and you will follow.

"it is good.""

Ps: In the first chapter today, 4 updates are guaranteed, and there is a high probability that they will be updated. There is actually one less custom, woo woo woo. Begging for customization.

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