Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 281 Cross-regional transition training (3/4 for subscription)

Chapter 281 Cross-regional transition training

July 15th.

There is only one day left until graduation.

Today is the last graduation assessment - the remote cross-regional transition assessment.

All of the 73 students from the 2015 class of the Aviation University of Aeronautics and Astronautics participated.

Models include j-10b Raptor fighter, I-15 Falcon higher education aircraft, Y-8 transport aircraft, h-5 bomber and so on.

All in all, there were more than thirty sorties.

Of course, so many aircraft sorties did not complete the cross-regional transfer assessment at one time, but were divided into three batches.

Moreover, the destination of each batch of transition training is different.

Ludao (Xiamen) military airport, air force secondary airport.

Because it faces Yizhou Island across the sea, not only is there a regiment of aviation troops stationed here, but it is even equipped with the most advanced anti-aircraft missiles of the Xia Kingdom.

In the flight briefing room, Lin Mo's face was full of sadness.

This morning, he led the third batch of students to conduct a cross-regional transfer assessment, and the destination was Ludao, which is more than 1,000 kilometers away from Jinling.

But after they arrived at Ludao Airport, because of bad weather, all 11 fighter planes that were transferred for training landed by forced landing.

The other 10 fighter jets were fine, but the landing gear of the j-10b fighter jet driven by Lin Mo failed.

Today's cross-regional transfer training, all the trainees are flying I-15 Falcon higher education aircraft. As the leader of the team, Lin Mo drove a j-10b fighter jet to escort the students.

But he never imagined that the I-15 did not have an accident, but his j-10b had an accident.

"Mr. Lin, what should I do?"

Ma Jiaxu looked at Lin Mo at 110 and asked anxiously.

Today is the last graduation assessment, but if this happens, no matter who it is, they will feel anxious.

"Wait for news from the tower.""

Lin Mo said helplessly.

Jiang Chen thought for a while, then said, "How about this, Mr. Lin, you drive my I-15 Falcon back with the team, and I'll come back after your j-10b is repaired?"

Lin Mo waved his hand and said, "Wait for the order, whatever order Jinling has issued, we'll just execute it.

He has always been steady, so this answer did not surprise Jiang Chen.

At this time, the door of the flight briefing room was pushed open, and a staff officer from Ludao Airport walked in.

He hurriedly said: "Sir, now there is an excellent flight window, suitable for taking off and landing. If you are in a hurry, you must take off immediately, otherwise, the next take-off window will be available.

Because of the bad weather on Heron Island today, it is not always suitable for planes to take off and land.

The take-off window is a period of time that is suddenly suitable for the takeoff of the aircraft under bad weather conditions. It was as if the dark clouds in the sky suddenly had a window.

Hearing the staff officer's words, Jiang Chen immediately said: "Mr. Lin, don't hesitate, you go first, I'll wait for the next take-off window.

Seeing the hesitant look on Lin Mo's face, he quickly said: "My graduation assignment has already been determined, so the graduation examination results are irrelevant to me, but they are different from others. The graduation examination results are directly related to the They have a few graduation assignments. So, don't hesitate."5

Jiang Chen is already (cafd) a soldier of Xikong, and he is also the confidant and love of Chen Shan, the commander of Xikong, so it really doesn't matter what his graduation examination results are.

Lin Mo thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, then you can stay at Ludao first, wait for the landing gear of the plane to be repaired, and take off immediately at the next take-off window, trying to catch up with us.

He is the teacher who leads the team and must lead the large army to act at any time, so it is not suitable for him to stay.

"Yes." Jiang Chen replied immediately.

The others were all dressed up at this time.

The commuter car at Ludao Airport has long been waiting outside.

Everyone walked out of the flight briefing room.

Huang Yilin walked last, looked at Jiang Chen and said, "We are waiting for you in Jinling.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "It's just a small malfunction of the landing gear, you go back first, maybe I will catch up with you before you arrive.

Seeing him say this, everyone didn't say anything more, got on the commuter car, and left the flight briefing room.

The huge flight briefing room was suddenly empty.

Jiang Chen stretched, pulled over a stool and sat down.

After a tiring day, I just took this opportunity to take a good rest.

East China Sea.

The waters north of Yizhou Island.

This vast sea is a busy international waterway, and there are no less than a thousand ships entering and leaving this waterway every day.

It was exactly 15:00 in the afternoon, capital time, and the sun shone on the sea, which seemed to cover the sea with a thin golden veil.

At this time, a plane flew over from the horizon, and a huge roar broke the calm of the sea.

The plane is not fast, but the fuselage is very large, like a flying fortress.

From a distance, the plane is about the same size as a medium-sized civil airliner.

However, from the color and shape of the fuselage, it can be seen that the purpose of this aircraft is military.

If a military fan saw this plane, they could recognize it at a glance. This plane turned out to be the famous Poseidon (Poseidon) anti-submarine patrol aircraft.

On the plane, in addition to the captain and co-pilot, there are 7 soldiers.

One of the middle-aged people turned out to be a major general.

Sam chewed gum in his mouth and tapped his fingers expertly on the keyboard.

Beside him, the major general was staring at the screen intently.

On the screen, the vast sea area was marked with white dots one by one.

At this time, the flight altitude of the aircraft has dropped to less than 50 meters.

The captain turned his head, looked at the major general, and said, "Sir (sir), has reached the designated sea area, do you want to cast a sonar detector?"5


The Major General nodded.

The captain turned around and pressed a button.

The belly of the fuselage opened, pop, and an instrument fell from the plane into the sea.

At the same time, the white dot on the screen quickly lit up.

"Sir, sonar detectors have been cast at all points, that damn sea mouse can't escape our palms.

There was no relief on the Major General's face, but a solemn expression.

"Sam, you have to remember that what you are dealing with now is the largest military force after our eagle sauce, so put away your contempt, or these evil dragons will swallow you sooner or later. in the stomach.""

At this time, the sea has started to wind.

Under the 100-meter deep sea, an oval submarine, like a whale, is heading westward towards the established route.

The Jiaolong 'Yuan' class submarine is the latest conventional submarine of the Xia Kingdom.

Whether it is battery life or noise, it has reached the international advanced level.

And it is the world's first submarine with a teardrop shape.

The teardrop-shaped submarine has the smallest underwater resistance among all submarines at present. By adopting this boat shape, the underwater navigation resistance of the submarine can be significantly reduced, the underwater navigation performance of the submarine can be improved, the noise generated by the underwater navigation of the submarine can be greatly reduced, and the concealment performance of the submarine can be significantly improved.

Because of its super high performance and the fact that the Xia Kingdom's navy is generally daring and talented, it often happens that the Xia Kingdom submarines are infinitely close to the Eagle sauce aircraft carrier formation.

Just a few hours ago, the Jiaolong quietly sneaked into the naval base of Yingjiang Stationary Chicken, wanting to observe Yingjiang's latest aircraft carrier up close.

But they were lucky. They not only got information about the aircraft carrier, but also got information about the sonar-level power of the Eagle Sauce Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarine.

After getting the information he wanted, the Jiaolong immediately dived into the deep sea.

However, on the way back to the voyage, he accidentally touched the sonar detector of Eagle sauce, which led to his whereabouts being exposed.

Eagle sauce immediately dispatched several anti-submarine patrol planes to track and intercept Jiaolong.


Ye Feng's face was ugly.

When the Jiaolong was evading the anti-submarine patrol plane in the sky, it accidentally collided with the reef on the seabed, causing the cabin to flood into the water.

Moreover, conventional powered submarines are different from nuclear submarines, and cannot sneak under the sea for a long time.

If it is full speed diving, it can only last for dozens of minutes, and if it is low speed diving, it can last up to 3-5 days.

But the Jiaolong had been submerged at full speed for 5 hours.

If it weren't for the superior performance of this submarine, it would have fallen to the bottom of the sea long ago.

Therefore, the current situation of the Jiaolong is very difficult.

The supply of oxygen and power has been seriously insufficient, and the cabin is still seeping water.

If the submersible continued, the impacted hull would burst due to excessive atmospheric pressure.

At that time, even the gods could not save the Jiaolong and the 62 soldiers in the cabin.

But at this time on the sea, Eagle sauce's warships and planes are all eyeing, rushing to the surface, which is equivalent to throwing themselves into the net.

Unless, Ye Feng is ready to surrender.

Generally speaking, if the submarine is forced to the surface by the enemy, it is equivalent to surrendering to the opponent.

"Captain, got in touch with Dongzhi."

At this time, the correspondent suddenly rejoiced.

Because of the collision with the reef, the communication system also failed, and there was no way to contact the headquarters.


The originally solemn expression immediately turned into ecstasy.

Ye Feng took three steps and took two steps before walking to the correspondent and taking the microphone in his hand.

ps: In the second chapter today, I beg you for your customization and monthly pass.

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