Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 12, before lunch.

After playing with Linka and Pico, I saw one of the old vampires, Count Anne Reese.

An ancient castle at the southern end of the former Rubellion Kingdom, which had long been a territory that could not be said to have been retreated by the erosion of the forest.

There were signs of collapse on the exterior walls, and the well-maintained place maintained a creepy silence at midday.

—— While there are countless vampires in the basement.

Yes, this used to be a castle of old vampires. But now, vampire hoi.

This is a vampire treatment plant that disposes of vampires coming from other places.

I was only educating and installing black fog, but I decided to put my hands on a little remodeling.

Infiltrate the castle's basement to find out what's happening again.

First of all, we know that the vampire of this castle, Count Anne Reese, was an early figure of the Rubellion Kingdom.

The ancient castle is an ancient residence, and according to records obtained from the royal archives, the ancient castle was inhabited by Count Norty, the early frontier of the Rubellion Kingdom.

The girl has a name called Unleashed, so there's no doubt about it.

Lady Anne Reese was 16 years old, and a year later, due to a labyrinthine disaster, Count Norty was forced to retreat and was wiped out as she fled to the Duke of Rustelia.

It's the same story as it was in history. There was no more detailed and detailed information left, but according to the description, the bulwark did not make sense because a large number of spirit system undead occurred.

In the end, then, why did Lady Annelyse, who died a year before the fall of Count Norty, come back to life as Count Annelyse?

The answer was in a little hall in the castle's basement.

In the hall, protected by some large doors, there is a metal plate made from a rare Nork mine, a metal of the Dark Class that was found in the mines of the Earl of Noeti at that time.

The technique engraved on the metal plate, which is carefully cleaned, is the liberation and focusing of forces, as well as the circulation of life and the granting of an apologetic degree of defensive membrane.

I mean... it's kind of a revive.

In addition to preventing the outflow of souls by the defense membrane, it also prevents weathering and decay, and also prevents the circulation of life...... The magic power of the name is just a scratching technique to force the vitality to activate the corpse as a living corpse.

Magic power is taken from magic stones and the like in a magic technique that releases the power in the outer periphery of the magic circle, and magic power is supplied to the corpse through a path (path) in a focusing technique.

It is more appropriate to call it a life support device than a resuscitation technique. Or a storage device for fresh meat.

In addition, it was found that the resuscitation technique performed on Lady Anne Reese was a substitute for forced evolution rather than resuscitation.

The Labyrinth Disaster caused a large number of Horcrux monsters.

Physical damage other than the death of the creature has been greatly reduced, and it is thought that it was burned down by the failure of the fire or the lightning strike afterwards, so it is beautiful outside.

The meticulously cleaned archives contain valuable ancient books that have been managed and maintained for hundreds of years and have been protected from weathering.

According to the diary in it, the material used to revive Lady Unleashed was... Dragon Blood Stone.

Dragon Blood Stone, an item similar to Dragon Grass, which is also a material for advanced potions, is a metamorphosis of a stone exposed to the living blood of a dragon.

Like dragon grass, it has dragon attributes and raw attributes, but it has much higher quality dragon attributes and raw attributes compared to dragon grass that has neutralized and adapted attributes.

... but it was necessary to bathe the dragon's blood, and if it was not a matching stone, the energy would only be dispersed, so if there was a dragon's nest or the site of a battle where there was a battle with the dragon.

It seems that Anne Reese, infused with the energy of such a Dragon Blood Stone, did not revive.

In the process of doing so, a labyrinth disaster broke out, and it was impossible to evacuate the body of Ann Reese. Several people, including the maid with Ann Reese, died in the castle.

It was at that very moment that Annelys woke up.

The Labyrinth Disaster was triggered by a full moon whose magic was supposed to grow stronger.

Fragment of a deeply connected soul that died holding dragon blood stone, remnants of ghosts, and Anne Reese in a metal plate of the Dark Class.

With these and other factors overlapping, Anne Reese was reborn as a vampire.

In other words, Anne Reese is virtually the ancestor of the vampire.

Of course, there was a problem.

First of all, from the perspective of Anne Reese, her family, and her memories... I don't know whether this Anne Reese is a real Anne Reese or an individual who has been transformed by physical memory and edge instead of mixed with ghosts caused by a labyrinth disaster.

It is not a normal resuscitation procedure, and it is the same as the ancient homunculus generation method with sufficient accuracy. It's not strange that the soul has been replaced by something else, and I don't think that Ann Reese's soul or body, which was just a sick daughter in the first place, was exposed to high-quality dragon attributes and was safe.

Well, this is a very good thing for me, and I don't need to tell you that there is such a possibility.

Next, the fact that the state at the time of Unleash's awakening was extremely vicious.

From the memories of Unleas' servants and himself, there is no doubt that Unleas woke up the night of the labyrinth disaster.

However, Anne Reese accurately regained consciousness during the sky-high hours.

For a few hours, based on the circumstantial evidence from each memory, it can be deduced that it was the destruction of the Ghosts in the Castle that Anneise was doing.

From this, it was suggested that Anne Reese might have been in a rampage state at the time of her awakening, and even if she did not go with the meat demon, it was considered to be a collapse state.

By destroying and absorbing the nearby ghosts, I guess I managed to buy some time to settle down.

From that point of view, it can be said that Ann Reese was in an extremely unstable state at the beginning of the occurrence.

It's a problem that you don't know if it's real or mixed, depending on the example, but it's also a problem that the base part is a sword and barely forms the body of a vampire.

It has improved somewhat over a long period of time, but it is not refined, so I need to get my hands on it.

The only good thing was that it wasn't a complete vampire ancestor, it was a dragon variant that didn't even reach the sub dragon, so the sunlight didn't do much damage.

Due to its nature, Unleashed has the ability to become a Dragon Blood Devil... even though the details are different or insufficient, it can be said to be a similar form.

That's why if I packed enough energy to become a Dragon Blood Devil, I would blow up and die before I could evolve.

In addition, the maid of the same age as Unleashed with Unleashed was influenced by dragon blood stones and dark attributes due to her death, and as a result, it has become a zombie sub-species as a result of the resurrection of Unleashed's blood.

As the only place where you can pretend to be human, you are dealing with towns and villages, and the trouble is that you will one day be corrupt and unable to fulfill your role.

Zombies and subspecies are definitely dead, but they don't rot because they contain higher-quality vitality than they were before.

This is where Anne Reese comes in.

Others will be left in castles and castles to die, and to adjust the bodies of Skeletons, Ghosts, Zombie Soldiers, Minions, and Townsfolk who have been inflicted with Unleashed Blood.

Many of them were old people to buy time for themselves to use the Ghost's spear tip.

Only the maid of Henryce knew that the labyrinth disaster had destroyed the territory of Count Norty for no reason.

The accumulated garbage was collected and transported to the treatment site, and the immortals were slightly strengthened so that they could operate even during the day. In addition, deodorization and shaping were also performed.

To fulfill the role of vampire hoi, the townspeople remained undetted, but the smell and dirtyness weren't good, so I just cleaned it up.

After a small job, the next step is to remodel Unleas and his maidservant.

Unleashed did not rest when I adjusted from hand to hand, so he administered a drug blended with the blood of Remia, the heir to the Dragon Blood Devil, and Sandia, my family member. While observing the changes, he added his hand and completed the treatment.

Continuing, I turned to Carona, the maid who watched with interest from behind.

"... you have three options."

I stood up three fingers with a smile.

Either you will evolve as an Immortal, become a Fresh Golem and become a Puppet, or use your vitality to become a Spirit Seed...... What do you do?

Is Henri immortal?

"Anne Reese is immortal."

Well then, please be an immortal.


Even after saying this, she feels more than a master. I've only been tending to the corpses for a year... unless I like them.

Eventually, everyone reaches the spirit body, and since it has a corner specificity, there is no way not to take advantage of it.

For a flesh that can train and retain high-quality vitality, it would be good to deform the flesh itself as a weapon, for example.

"Let's try to deform the body." like this, for example. "

To tell you the truth, I made my fingertips sharp. [M]

My fingertips tear and my bones stick out with the bleeding.

"... isn't it painful?"

Zombies won't hurt, will they?

When you put the bone back, it suddenly clogs the wound.

He continued to talk to Anne Reese, who was asleep, as she reacted to her blood.

I'll also be able to manipulate the spirit body.

I grew a magic hand from my shoulder and laid Unleashed on my shoulder.

"... that's good."

It's convenient, isn't it?

It's convenient, isn't it? It will also be the training when you become a spirit body?

The consent was also obtained, so the treatment was carried out immediately.

"Have a good dream."

"Ah, this......"

... why are you trying to resist when you're putting everyone to sleep?

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