Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 13: Return to the Battlefield

After lunch and a good break, I headed to complete the quest on Training Island.

The goal this time was to make the Emperor of Dreams come true.

What are you waiting for? I'm looking forward to it.

A mountain viewing deck away from the city.

There was an entrance to the labyrinth among the old benches with a panoramic view of the city.

When you touch the hexagonal plate with someone's back on it, the world switches quickly.

It was the night sky that appeared.

A golden moon that shines upon the stars. When I turned my gaze down, the lights on the ground were as bright as the stars.

It's a city I don't know. The surrounding trees, observation decks, and benches do not change anything, but they are not imitations of a training island, but of an unknown world.

In such a world, there is a huge golden moon shining brightly and a translucent staircase stretching toward the heavens.

This must be the normal route to this labyrinth.

Well, if you want to go to the city, you can't go because of the field restrictions, but if you look closely, the city is a miniature haribote, and the trees, mountains, and sea in the distance are also well made.

If it could be built from scratch, it would be better to have less magic power than effort.

In that regard, the environment labyrinth is well built to the outside, so it can be said to be wasted in a sense.

I can't help but step on the stairs.

A little further, a sparkling particle of light jumped from the moon, and a small hall was created at the end of the road.

There is a hexagonal plate in the center, and it is the same back as before.

All I know from that is that I'm wearing mechanical armor and I'm putting my long hair together.

There was no way forward, and I was sure that I would have to clear this first.

I quickly touched it.

Just like before, the world switched, and it was a dark, black space that spread into the field of view.

It's a huge cylindrical hall with high ceilings but no light sources.

A woman stood in the middle of a vast space without anything in particular.

It looks like it hasn't gone to the 20s, and it is wrapped in mechanical armor fitted with various mechanisms, and its long brown hair is grouped together.

The ground glowed suddenly as I asked who I wanted to attack with seemingly Eva-like gear.

The pale light circles and spreads like a ripple.

After those lights had spread throughout the cylinder, they stopped, leaving behind a blue and white light source that could be seen from the hall.

Since a woman can only see her mouth by her supervisor, I'm not sure what kind of expression she has.

But I knew it was a smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

Yeah, it's nice to meet you.

“My name is Maria, and I'll be your mother-in-law eventually. Thank you.”

Um, hi.

... to be your mother-in-law...?... the god of gold doesn't seem to have made a child with anyone, and perhaps it's the wife of an individual whose divisor has been reincarnated like the king of diamonds?

"By the way, the one who inherits the golden factor is my sister."


That's... unusual again, isn't it?

”... are you nervous?”

"I see... I wonder if it's right to say people drooling."


Is the factor thin?

Can I see you this time?

He said, "Just looking."

Maria points to the sky with her finger. There was a golden moon shining.

Then what is the matter with you? You will see righteously. I waved at the moon. [M]

Then golden particles emerged from the moon and sparkled down on me.

I confronted Maria at the warm place where I took it in.

Fujido Mariya's Phantom LV650

The level is in the 600s, but considering that it is probably a subdivine grade and the equipment, the actual combat power is in the 700s, considering that there will be restrictions mainly on the spiritual system.

The Machine God class was...... Level 750, but it was actually 800 classes, so it wasn't even the Machine God class, but it probably had more combat power than it had before it.

Armed with a sword that vaporizes objects touched by the blade-forming type, unlike Eva's Reiki and vibrating type swords, the swords were used everywhere in the body. There are boosters everywhere that instantly accelerate, and there are a lot of barrels.

Fists, legs, elbows, and heads are strong and impact-resistant equipment, which can be said to be super close-range combat at first glance.

Bring it into close-quarter combat with a booster, create a gap with your body magic, and defeat weaknesses with a sword with a short range but a special power.

To defeat this one-sidedly, you can either throw out Uluru, who will beat the speed, or Eva, who will be able to escape, and drain it, or you can throw out a Giant Beast shape that won't reach its weak points in the range of a Special Sword.

But that won't be a big challenge, so we should create a melee type for the melee type.

Then who are you going to let out?

Merlot... maybe won one way or the other. Charlotte will win as well. Ray, you can't win because you're not a body type, and you haven't gotten used to driving yet. Safflower was still short of training. Like Keith.

The best part is... Lars, Ruvel, Leon, Lum, Anise...

... Mr. Lars... maybe you can't win at speed. Rubell caught up with me at...... speed, but was less skilled. Rum... looks like it's going to be a good experience and it's going to grow... but Leon and Anise would be better than that.

And compared to Anise and Leon... Anise inherits the name of the youth god from the Sun mythology, and although she is training her body magic every day, her divinity training is more appropriate for Leon than for the youth god.

I summoned Leon.


Piiii grabs it and strokes his head.

Well then, Maria, I want you to fight this girl.

Yes, I'll do my best.

Leon, do your best.

Yeah! I'll do my best!

Leon turned to the sunflower smile.

... I know I'm educating myself to think and act... but I guess I'm the one who's a little stupid.

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