Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 18 Cat Crab

When I said that it was stupid, I didn't feel like it was any better, but it was still stupid because it was twisting around with a big stuffed animal in its arms.

At the same time, the toy is somewhere at the same time that I appear, and the young girl is looking at this way in an effort to be calm.

"Hello, mother-in-law!" Hina is Fujido-chan, your wife! "


Fujido Chick Phantom LV650

A toddler who greeted her cheerfully and adorably.

Perhaps because the attractive system is suitable, the hair color is pink. The height is about as low as mine, and from the perceived factors, the race is a demonic lewd demon.

Probably a child of demons and lecherous demons.

Equipment This is also a simple resistance or auxiliary system.

The cape cape button is decorated with five animals that have been deformed. Are the five penguins, cats, halibut, squirrels, and rabbits childish?

In fact, it seems that there is also the power of the user system, and from the button, you can feel the power equivalent to 650 by taking it to the level.

Compared to some other labyrinths, I felt that the overall amount of energy was low, but it seemed that it would save a lot of energy here.

"That was amazing, wasn't it?" But Hina is even more amazing, so please look forward to it! "

Yeah, thank you.

Mmph, I'll smile back at you as you stretch your chest out with a rough nose.

Well then, let's go!

When I thought that Hina was glowing, five beasts appeared, as well as stuffed animals.

Innoli LV650

Ayaka LV650

Chyo LV650

Tsukuyo LV650

Miko LV650

... this isn't a golem inside, it's a subdivine.

I don't know if the prosthetic body's name is a pseudonym, but it's probably all female.

Why are you wearing it while holding 650 minutes of energy? I wish I had a phantom.

The attributes I felt were penguins, ice, demons, and arrogance.

Ayaka is the cat, light, holiness and jealousy.

Chiyo is a halibut with a barrier of earth and greed.

Tsukuyo binges on squirrels with wind and dragons.

Miko is a rabbit with water, moon and lust.

It was Hina who let out the rum. Innoli at night, Ayaka at night, Lucana at night. Chiyo and Crow. Tsukuyo and Resta. Miko and peach blossoms.

Because Hina and Lum have similar properties. The Innoli and the Night Wizards were each other. Ayaka and Lucana had conflicting attributes. Because Chiyo and Crowe seem to be able to use them to increase Crowe's breakthrough power. Because Tsukuyo and Lesta had the same dragon attributes. Miko and Peach Blossom are considered to have Miko's ability as a spawning system, so let them fight their subordinates to gain the experience of saving battles.

Well then, let's spread out.

With my compressed instructions, I will throw the stuffed animals off the ground with a momentum to keep up with the girls who are splitting up all over the place.

I move to the high ceiling and overlook the wide battlefield.

Immediately, Lum walked up to Hina, tapping the usual light mouth.

Are you a god? It's tiny. "

And it came to pass, when he had spoken so much, as he was sneezing.

"...... Chi-chi"


—— Heavy Tongue Stroke ——

"--You 're wearing a temekara, I'll kill you, motherfucker...!"



Tightly, your eyes are transformed into three white eyes, and your voice tone is flickering down.

If you think of it, it suddenly returns to the original--

"I'm cumming, I used bad words like shit, you bad boy of Hina!"...... I'll kill you! "


On the other hand, Rum was shocked.

"N-no, what is it!?"

"Ahh?! Is Zako the Wali?" Ahh? I can't let you put on the character, but you're a little girl, right? "

I don't have many of my kids, so Rum feels a little pressed.

But that was Lum. I said I would lose.

"Oh, you're such a little girl too!!"

"Hina is good, because she loves you, and you're going with Teme!"

"Even Lum is loved!" It's so hot and cold! "

Every night, you and your husband are together to make sure that love is true.

"R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r, r

"Temae and the others are just breastfeeding each other and distracting themselves from true love, right?" Or did you sleep? Huh? "

"W-Well, that's..."

Lum stuffed her words with Hina pointing at me with her pinky laughing.

Except for my family, you slept with me. If you notice the pattern you were sleeping with, there's more.

"First temee, first-person paku is no good, I'll kill you, right?"

"Ha, ha, ha? You are the imitation of Rum!" Lum has always been called Lum since he was born!! "


"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!"

"Ahhhhh?" I'm not calling you cheap!! "

After a fierce curse, which they could not bear to hear, the two of them aligned their voices in a weighed way.

I'm going to kill you!!

With that signal, Lum lived in the light and darkness in her hands, while Hina glowed again...... Her height, hair length, and other parts grew and changed into a figure with horns and tails.

Hina looked down at Rum with a wicked face, and Rum fell down and died.

I was shocked to death.

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