Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 19 vs. The Original Sin Witch

Rum rose like a phoenix, and like a zombie.

"...... Su"


"... s... los... koros koros koros koros koros"

"Ah, let's do this!!"

Something similar to Ning's increased hatred, Hina twitched for a moment, roaring and hitting her.

... it must have caused more damage and frightened me than I thought.

Demon seeds are an approximation of spirits, so it's natural to change their size.

Rum is trapped in shape.

In response to Hina's strike with the Dark Attribute, Rum superimposed light and darkness, grasping and crushing the fist and manipulating magic power at the same time.

Instantly —— Hina's hands were overflowing with light attributes.

In one hand, it was uncoordinated. The conflicting attributes collided, and the inferior light attributes mixed with the darkness of both Hina and Lum disappeared. Instead, the amount decreased, but the quality slightly increased. The darkness canceled the unbalanced light of Lum.

It seemed like the power of jealousy was at work. Ability is a copy of power when you feel like you've seen it.



Rum was a bit outnumbered when he took the instant kick with the kick and played the magic bullet with the magic bullet. Probably because of his physique.

The next moment, a darkness spurted out from Hina through the combined hands and feet, and attacked Rum.


"Oh, my God, Zako!"

The rum that defeated quickly was kicked.

It was like the power of arrogance.

The entangled darkness was interfering with Rum's magic while boosting Hina's abilities.

There are still two samples, but what we have learned so far is that the power of various major crimes is preset according to the characteristics of major crimes.

The main thing was that I was using the magic power of my heavy sin attribute to activate qualified magic.

To put it more simply, the parts that can be replaced with simple magic power are also well converted into attributes.

As a result, the procedural strength is high, and a corresponding quality is required to inhibit it and the like.

By limiting the effect, a structure exclusively for this purpose has been built in the soul, so the wear and tear of the Hina is extremely small.

Continuing, Hina used her greed and bulimic powers to gather the magical power in the atmosphere, as well as magically decomposing the hearts and star cushions.

Disassemble the doll from the other side. I noticed when I noticed the doll, even though I kept my kids and stuffed animals away from it.

If you are greedy, you must collect energy. Bulimus is seen as its decomposition and preservation.

As far as greed was concerned, judging by its strength and movement, it was possible to steal skills from souls like Sido.

Overeaters are extremely capable of decomposition, so it is believed that energy conversion is possible instantaneously for most things.

Using the power of such a great sin to replenish her energy —— Hina looked up at me.

”... ahhh, I knew it!”

"... that's right."

The power of silver, imitated by jealousy, was close to that, but it was something similar and unrelated.

It seems that the quality of the core part of the particulate factor that constitutes silver fleshed with various attributes is not enough.

Well, if you were to be imitated easily, silver and gold would never be so important to the gods.

... although it is possible to multiply by factor cultures.

Hina manipulated the generated silver, activated her lust, and... did something to the dolls around her.

No, I know what it is. I just fused it together and made it into a golem. It's just a fusion of red threaded dolls.

What happened was a person with low-black hair and pink hair. There are so many genders. You can do whatever you want.

The golems all rushed towards Lum.

With that, Hina's hand would be all right.

There were a lot of things that Rum couldn't help when they found out about the cards.

Countless, less powerful golems danced to the lumes in the air.

Instantly, Rum unleashed the magic of the wave system of light and stopped the movement of the golem.

Shoots arrow magic rounds in pursuit.

For Rum, the rate of fire is slow, but the arrowhead per shot is an advanced substitute that connects the direct light and dark attribute magic power, and it takes a lot of effort to generate a high-powered reverse.

And the golems were strong enough to have to do it. It is said to be about 400 for the level.

108 shoot it out sometimes, cut it out sometimes, and deal with the magic shells flying in between.

Apparently, Hina didn't make a fool of herself to get close to danger, so she went with a solid maneuver to cut off her magic power.

There is something else.

If the Golem were to be wiped out, it would be a close-quarter battle with nature, and we would be left alone.

I shifted my gaze to the battlefield of the stuffed animals.

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