Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 37 Yuki, Absorbing

There's nothing wrong with letting him go here and making his heart certificate worse, so I decided to let him like it.

White ghosts are pretty weird guys in the first place.

Red and white ghosts are probably former goblins. Or a hobgoblin closer to people.

But it's almost impossible to evolve from that to a ghost man.

In this labyrinth, the strongest of the goblins is goblin king.

So that's the only symbol of power for many goblins that know is goblinking, and the path of evolution comes squeezed into the goblin system from time to time.

White ghosts and red ghosts evolved into ghost people-systems in that way.

There are three things I can think of from this.

Both knew ghosts, or people. Or did it happen by miraculous chance?

In addition, the nature of the Red Ghost's search for power appeared prominent and he evolved into a demonic ghost, but the White Ghost's search for magical power was strong and he evolved into a spiritual ghost.

Perhaps the white ghost had a strong desire or complex for magic.

White ghosts have many puzzling things to say and do.

Words have a strange twist on them occasionally, and they hold several complexes in the raw surrounded by goblins that won't be that long.

She's too smart in the first place.

I had already calculated to escape at the first point, and I fully understand Kraw's difficult words and rhetoric that the Red Ghost did not understand.

Extremity is the word of the true earth.

White ghosts are “ convinced ” of their earthly existence.

What they mean is, white ghosts...

"Ha, ah, eh?


The white ghost who was dyeing his cheeks and horseback riding and rubbing my chest suddenly returned to sanity.

The reaction is a little weird...... Could the Sacubas Queen's racial traits have been activated on their own?

If you think about it, you can also understand that my temperature is rising and that my magic is only slightly recovering.

I guess my absorption skills are activated.

"... eh, eh?

The white ghost overflows the voices of doubt like he was badly confused by the reaction of his own body, dyeing the white cheeks originally given by Zhu even brighter red.

The hand that remained attached to my chest was gradually stretched out.

It usually hurts because there's no waste of meat, and it just hurts because they put up ghost sharp nails, not to mention over the inner.


"Oh, oh, my goodness."

"Er... I did, but they're attacking me. Blame me."

"Huh! Chi, no... Us..."

The white ghost looked down at me who had assembled and gobbled down the words that had become butt blushes.

The properties of the Sacubas Queen are probably attraction, charm, and horny.

The activation conditions are unclear, but it seems unpleasant to show the skin, to make it touch the skin, and to gaze at it as it is now.

More importantly, when it comes to attraction and charm, it could even act by just showing up.

One problem.

Spiritual ghosts with high magic resistance and aptitude are also attracted and attracted easily.

Weak people are even endangered to expose their skin. It would be better not to gaze at it either.

It was a shame I found that out before I made contact with people.

Even if the white ghost, an innocent people, had woken up to the lily for that reason, it was a small matter before it mattered. It is a noble sacrifice.

In other words, the white ghost seems to have been willing to do so from the beginning, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was just aware of it.

- I mean, I'm not bad.

The white ghost dyed his skin red, which was originally white as pathetic as it was, and he kept still not retreating from me, repeatedly stopping trying to say something and flailing his mouth.

Well, um...

"The Dolls have discovered their goal. I want you to do it with the Red Ghost."

"Huh!? Oh, no! I'm not going to go on!

"Of course it's not stingy to deal with someone if I'm good, but I don't have the experience to say that either. Fortunately, whoever's spitting on me is letting me go around there, but I don't know what happens when things go wrong, okay?

"Yes, I don't know what that means! You said you wouldn't!!

... don't know what happens when things go wrong? Mm-hmm. That's a hopeful observational view. Let's forget about it for the peace of mind.

Tame's small connections and the perceptive abilities of the human fox determined the general position of the Dolls who discovered something and checked the situation.

The place is southwest of the labyrinth.

Apparently, a herd led by some strong demon is fighting a herd led by a strong demon.

That's just a territorial feud to ask, but the battlefield is a blank zone in the open forest.

The demons you're fighting...

Mother Hornet LV65

Nighthornet LV20

Vanquish Kong LV68

Battlemonkey LV18

- With giant bees.


Check the battlefield. No, Crowe jumped out.

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