Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 38: Monkeys Behind the Forest

The world stopped perfectly at the same time that Crowe popped up.

Kraw, who jumped out of the grass shade, is at a distance where he can be caught immediately if he reaches out.

Stops for basic functions.

It's the first time I've actually used it on the battlefield, but it's still convenient.

"... Well"

Let's begin our observation of a gray-stained world.

Let's start with the power of both sides.

The total number of Battlemonkeys led by Vanquish Kong is approximately 50. The level band ranges from 10 to a maximum of 18, with volume zones around 13.

The opposing hordes of giant bees have levels 15 to 20 nighthornets, about 80.

Many of the herds of monkeys have fallen to the ground powerless, and some moving monkeys are desperately throwing stones at the flying bees.

The higher level Vanquish Kong has marks like a large spear on his right shoulder and has not moved his right arm satisfactorily.

Among other things, unlike me, he used the power of sound attraction to focus his bee attacks on himself.

At first glance, it looks like a bunch of monkeys have been attacked by bee dwellings and repelled.

I don't know what kind of intentions are involved, but Kraw seems to have entered the rescue of the monkeys.

This would be the stage where the boss is located, and I'm sure the boss is more of a bee.

In the unlikely event that it was different, you should destroy both.

That's all there is to it.

Ordering the stop to be lifted, the colour returned to the world and the battlefield began to move.

As Klau stuck his hands out, a gigantic web of magic knitted like a spider's nest ejected, capturing several bees who were in the air.

Apparently adhesive, its nets tangle the feathers of the busy moving bees, wrapping them up and shooting them down to the ground.

There is not one net to be ejected.

It would be a precise magic manipulation technique that has been forged over the years.

Klau, who knits a spider's nest with one hand and cleverly imitates it in saying it imparts adhesion to its magical thread, continues to net one after the other, shooting down a swarm of bees.

That was followed by Cyril and Ronica.

Cyril spins his magic through his gains, cutting the gap between his chest and abdomen, the weakness of the crashed bee, and stabbing him around the todome.

Ronica puts up a big shield in her hand and continues to prevent the countless magic needles that fly in the crow with one magic shield after another.

Leanne, the only one left lurking in the bush, had auxiliary magic hanging on three of her allies.

"What are you gonna do?

"Fight, huh?


I turn my gaze only slightly to the white ghost who looks this way while I'm upset and to the red ghost who doesn't move because the white ghost doesn't move.

Based on my difference in power, there will be no need to put 2 ghosts into my camp in case.

But there can be monkeys who are falling.

If you hadn't jumped out on your own and followed my instructions, you could have helped them more efficiently.

... Well the place is a lack of trust, my neglect.

Don't you dare let 2 ghosts crush the boss bee flying in the sky?

"Then you two are in the sky. Shall we crush the big one?"

"Leave it to me."

"... (Ugh, why the most dangerous role) What's Yuki gonna do?

"I guess I'm a cure and a parade."

Level's up.

The flock of bees was shot down by countless fire arrows emitted by the white ghosts and stabbed to death by the dole of ground troops and the hand of Cyril.

The boss bee also followed the same end as the bee under his command, and was finally crushed gushing by the hands of the Red Ghost.

There are no dead monkeys, and those who were falling all depend on the paralysis attribute.

Those who received some toxic attributes were also treated lightly, and by the time the boss bee died, he had finished treating all monkeys.

The damage on this side was that Doyle, who participated in the attack, suffered multiple poison needles and that the boss bee's giant needle pierced Leanne's chest armor, which sheltered the white ghost.

The needle magic of the Boss Bee class on the boulder seemed almost impossible to prevent with the Magic Shield, but Leanne had reinforced her protection with auxiliary magic, so it did not lead to fatal injuries.

Drop items include giant needles, crusts and demon stones.

Mother Hornet's Giant Poison Needle Quality B Rarity 4 Endurance B

Notes: A giant needle that houses the power of Mother Hornet.

Mother Hornet's Crust Quality B Rarity 3 Endurance C

Notes: Tough crust from Mother Hornet.

Mother Hornet's Demon Stone Quality B Rarity 4 Endurance B

Notes: Mother Hornet's Demon Stone.

Collect countless other bee materials and once again the monkey's parent balls. Opposite Vanquish Kong.

The giant monkey was a gorilla-like demon approaching 3 meters tall, with a muscular flesh just like Divaroa.

The way to fight it is a flesh-bomb battle dressed in low-level immortality.

Immortality is not as good as magic, but with it you will be able to fight equally with the Red Ghost, who beats you in character.

The monkeys seem to be very intelligent, and Vanquish Kong is looking down at me.

He knows the Crows, and if they're not enemies, they should be on their side.

"... I have some manpower for a reason. I need your help."

"... Guo"

The giant monkey nodded in my words and Tame succeeded safely.

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